Scott Davis (4) I was asked why I thought the Economic Impact Study of the city airport was incorrect. Because they made statements of fact. Please everyone call and get conformation on all this data in the study, and ask who gave them there information. And copies of this documentation. I have, and I haven't received anything from my questioning. I think is bogus and full of lies, they just tried to make it sound so good to sell it to the public. Remember the old saying, if it sounds to good to be true, IT'S NOT! 1. The study says that our airport is 134 acres. We are a little more than just half that. 70 plus 2. It states we have 43,000 aircraft operations annually. That's 118 operations a day, that's 5 operations an hour 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 3. It states the City Airport is scheduled to be a new airport with a 4,700' runway 75' wide with locations for more hangers. Faults information, who told them this? Where did they get such information? It has not been scheduled! 4. And it's all going to start in 2013. They haven't even purchased the property, nor has this plan been agreed to by the City and F.A.A. funding. 5. They say there are 8 aviation related tenants on the airport including airport management. I have asked for this information from the city, I only know of (2). And they have only given me information about (1). And there lease agreements are not valied,and asigned through the proper channels. They were never voted on by the Counsil, M.C.A. 7-8-4201. 6. They say there are 96 employees out there earning a total of 3.4 million annual income. And they have paid 3.4 million in payroll. I think that's more in payroll than the city pays out. I.R.S. should know about this. 7. They say 19,980 visitors used the airport. That's 5 people landing every hour, 24 hours a day, That's 55 people a day, 7 days a week, 365 day a year, non-stop, coming and going from that airport. And they are spending 7.5 million a year. 8. They are saying 144 people have full time jobs outside the airport in Kalispell are solely supported and earning a total of 2.8 million annually by Visitors to this airport. 9. And it says 359 full time persons all total are employed because of this airport. ah? 96 at the airport, plus 144 outside the airport, That's 240 people, where are the other 119 employed at? 10. And they are saying 34.3 million dollars annually are stemming from all this into our community. 11. Show me the record that Kalispell Regional Medical Center sent a patient to our City airport for Transfer via air ambulance 36 or more times a year. And how many times has Kalispell Regional Medical Center used the City airport to fly in a Doctor? They use G.P.I. A planning board member asked the Airport manager at one of there meetings if the airport was expanded, how would these figures look? Our Airport manager agreed that it would raise up about 1/3 more. I find this so laughable, but what really brings a chuckle is they accused Quiet Skies people of miss information. We have asked for proof of this study, we have asked for the data collected to prove this study. There is none! This is about as bogus of a study that I have ever seen. Someone must have given them doctored documents or lied to them. But wait, I think they have been doing that to us for sometime also. Don't be to hard on MDT, but they should have checked out the truthfulness of there sources better. Scott Davis 752-1523 ________________________________ Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. <http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/196390707/direct/01/>