FW: Airport (3)Please add to the airport pile. Jane From: tom read [mailto:trnyr@hotmail.com] Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 4:27 PM To: Jane Howington Subject: Airport I am one of the more non-vocal critics of the City Airport. It has been a few years now since I met at my home with the FAA rep. from Helena and the former FAA safety officer from the airport to complain about low flying planes and the noise. I have since contacted the FAA, the airport manager, and all of the owners in succession of Red Eagle Aviation. It all boils down to extremely poor manners on the part of a FEW pilots. There actually has been improvement, but you forget that when the shingles go flying off your roof, or you can't carry on a conversation for all of the noise over and over again. Many pilots respect the request to fly around the radio towers when they do practice landings, and it is appreciated. Some don't, and some refuse to, while others, the minute they leave the ground, head straight east over my home and neighborhood at any altitude they feel like contrary to Mr. Leistiko's claim of 1000 feet minimum over homes. Helicopters seem to enjoy special rights, as they do whatever they please-yet not all of them. FAA told us to get a tail number, and our reply was, "at 160 mph, looking straight up, how do we do that?" My wife told the last pair of FAA guys she would get a paint ball gun and then ID them. This created big eyeballs on their part, but no solution. If they acted responsibly I have no complaints, but if they continue to abuse my rights in order to practice their little hobby, I say shut the place down. There is no reason that all operations there can't be done as well at the county airport. Nearly every city in this state operates this way, what makes Kalispell so special? I have lived in my home for about 16 years and the noise has only gotten horrible in the last few-thus it was NOT noisy when I moved in-the old excuse, "so why did he move in there?"-doesn't wash. Thanks, Tom Read 29 Lower Valley RD., Kalispell ________________________________ Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up now. <http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/201469229/direct/01/>