FW: Federal Healthcare Reform Bill - Summary
Fred A. Leistiko
Airport Manager
City of Kalispell
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
From: Terry Mitton
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:58 AM
To: Directors; Barb Sullivan; Chad Fincher; Chrissy Frerich; Thelma
Keys-Nicol; Denise Michel; Frank Castles; Joni Emrick; Jennifer Young;
Judi Funk; Jim Brenden; Jolene Shima; Leonard Hogan; Leonard Hogan; Lisa
Simmer; Michelle Anderson; Rich Hickel; Roger Krauss; Rick Wills; Susie
Turner; Teresa Parker; Terri Loudermilk; Terri Loudermilk;
tregoli@kalispell.com; Wade Rademacher
Subject: Federal Healthcare Reform Bill - Summary
Attached is a brief summary on the Federal Healthcare Reform Bill put
together by Jim Nys. Some of you may be familiar with him as he has
done HR training for some of us.
Terry Mitton SPHR
Director of Human Resources
The City of Kalispell
301 1st Ave East
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59901
(406) 758-7757 Fax 758 - 7847
tmitton@kalispell.com <mailto:7758tmitton@kalispell.com>