FW: CorelThought the beginning of this response email from Fred was a little odd. Theresa White City Clerk 201 First Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 phone: (406) 758-7756 fax: (406) 758-7754 www.kalispell.com Messages and attachments sent to or from this e-mail account pertaining to City business may be considered public or private records depending on the message content. The City is often required by law to provide public records to individuals requesting them. The City is also required by law to protect private, confidential information. This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately, do not forward the message to anyone, and delete all copies. Thank you. ________________________________ From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 12:23 PM To: Erika Billiet; Theresa White Subject: RE: Corel Erika: I know you had all this stuff on a verbal request, but Jane said I should be going through Theresa, why, I don't know. So everyone has the requests and I know it will be done when it fits in everyone's schedule. Thanks, Also Erika I have made arrangements with Gene Thomas of E. Thomas Electric to come by and look at what it will take to set up the emergency generator and make all the connections. He will work with Theresa and myself to access the necessary rooms and look at the necessary drawings to give us the estimates. He will know by looking at the breaker boxes in the IT Center what size generator we will need to run the equipment therein. I will let you know if we need assistance from you. I am thinking that if you want more "power" than what is going into that location now for future equipment, we can adjust that later when we size the generator for the project. So we won't bother you with those details until later. I am aware that you want to move some equipment from the Safety Building to this building when dispatch changes. Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 8:03 AM To: Theresa White; Fred Leistiko Subject: RE: Corel Fred has not notified me of the telephone request other than he may want it. The line Kellie used has been disconnected for some time. I will have to order a new telephone line for Fred so I need to know what is needed on the line. These options are not always setup so please let me know what is needed. The charges for the line would be coded however Fred decides, but I need to know what account to set it up on to place the order. Caller ID VoiceMail In the future Fred, please send your IT requests to me, email is preferred but not required for any emergency. I did have the docking station request, wireless keyboard/mouse request, and printer request verbally requested. OfficeWorks is Corel. Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> ________________________________ From: Theresa White Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 7:57 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: RE: Corel Thursday would be fine if Laird can help. I also have some stuff Fred needs done in his office if Laird has the time. What he wants is listed below. I don't use Corel every day, is that the same as Office Works? Fred's requests: 1) Connect my laptop (wireless) to the printer (wireless) in my office. 2) Install and set up the wireless keyboard on my laptop. 3) Connect up the phone in my office so I don't have to use my cell phone all the time. 4) Erika has the docking station ready for my laptop and will install it sometime in the near future. I can probably take care of the phone if you want me to. Theresa White City Clerk 201 First Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 phone: (406) 758-7756 fax: (406) 758-7754 www.kalispell.com Messages and attachments sent to or from this e-mail account pertaining to City business may be considered public or private records depending on the message content. The City is often required by law to provide public records to individuals requesting them. The City is also required by law to protect private, confidential information. This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately, do not forward the message to anyone, and delete all copies. Thank you. ________________________________ From: Erika Billiet Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:56 PM To: Theresa White Subject: RE: Corel I might be able to get Laird over on Thursday to setup your new computer. Would that work? Thursday morning? I don't have the Office Works yet but might get it before then. I don't know if you use it daily so you want me to hold back on your computer setup or just load it when I get it. It was ordered on Friday. Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> ________________________________ From: Theresa White Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:56 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: RE: Corel If you need something before the new fiscal year let me know and we can hit Amy up then. Thanks! Theresa White City Clerk 201 First Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 phone: (406) 758-7756 fax: (406) 758-7754 www.kalispell.com Messages and attachments sent to or from this e-mail account pertaining to City business may be considered public or private records depending on the message content. The City is often required by law to provide public records to individuals requesting them. The City is also required by law to protect private, confidential information. This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately, do not forward the message to anyone, and delete all copies. Thank you. ________________________________ From: Erika Billiet Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:48 AM To: Theresa White Cc: Amy Robertson Subject: RE: Corel I can purchase it from SHI for $190.95. Since the mayor computer wasn't purchased this year I can probably just take it out of the data processing fund. It's for your new computer so it seems like the data processing fund for the clerk is the right fund to purchase it with. I don't need an accounting code, I'll take it out of the DP fund for you. Erika ________________________________ From: Theresa White Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:25 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: RE: Corel That's fine. Amy is at a meeting right now anyway and I have to wait until she gets back. Theresa White City Clerk 201 First Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 phone: (406) 758-7756 fax: (406) 758-7754 www.kalispell.com Messages and attachments sent to or from this e-mail account pertaining to City business may be considered public or private records depending on the message content. The City is often required by law to provide public records to individuals requesting them. The City is also required by law to protect private, confidential information. This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately, do not forward the message to anyone, and delete all copies. Thank you. ________________________________ From: Erika Billiet Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:17 AM To: Theresa White Subject: RE: Corel Hold on let me run it through SHI and see if they resell it. Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> ________________________________ From: Theresa White Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:13 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: RE: Corel Super! I will go ahead and order it. Is it okay if I order it on Amazon. I can get a better deal then Microsoft. Theresa White City Clerk 201 First Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 phone: (406) 758-7756 fax: (406) 758-7754 www.kalispell.com Messages and attachments sent to or from this e-mail account pertaining to City business may be considered public or private records depending on the message content. The City is often required by law to provide public records to individuals requesting them. The City is also required by law to protect private, confidential information. This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately, do not forward the message to anyone, and delete all copies. Thank you. ________________________________ From: Erika Billiet Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:11 AM To: Theresa White Subject: RE: Corel Don't worry about the cart; I still am rebuilding Steve's workstation which is why I have it in my office. If you want to purchase the Office x5 go ahead, I'm working on your computer now too. BTW, it's wonderful!!!! Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> ________________________________ From: Theresa White Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:08 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: RE: Corel WordPerfect Standard Office x5 is fine. Amy already said she could pay for it out of the office supply budget so I don't have to wait. Thanks! P.S. I will get your cart back to you as soon as possible. Theresa White City Clerk 201 First Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 phone: (406) 758-7756 fax: (406) 758-7754 www.kalispell.com Messages and attachments sent to or from this e-mail account pertaining to City business may be considered public or private records depending on the message content. The City is often required by law to provide public records to individuals requesting them. The City is also required by law to protect private, confidential information. This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately, do not forward the message to anyone, and delete all copies. Thank you. ________________________________ From: Erika Billiet Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 7:56 AM To: Theresa White Subject: Corel What is the Corel product you need to have? Did you have the funding for this or is this something I need to cover? I did get validation it will load on Windows 7 from Corel. Is it Word Perfect Office X5? Did you need the professional version? I know we talked that the product version you have isn't eligible to be used for the "upgrade" so it's the full license cost. The cost is $249.99 for Office X5. http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite/us/en/Product/1207676528492#tabvi ew=tab0 Erika grams including loan funds and grants for rural economic development. Finance Authority Assists Pizzuti With Infrastructure for Whirlpool <http://www.cdfa.net/cdfa/cdfaweb.nsf/fbaad5956b2928b086256efa005c5f78/d cd4df9b72fc481d8625777c0046c5bf/$FILE/Pizzuti.pdf> Access to Capital <http://www.cdfa.net/cdfa/cdfaweb.nsf/ord.html?open&tag=Access to Capital> | Infrastructure <http://www.cdfa.net/cdfa/cdfaweb.nsf/ord.html?open&tag=Infrastructure> | TIF <http://www.cdfa.net/cdfa/cdfaweb.nsf/ord.html?open&tag=TIF> The Columbus-Franklin County Finance Authority has closed on a $6.7 million financing with the State of Ohio and Pizzuti to finance $10.9 million in public infrastructure improvements at Rickenbacker Airport. The project takes advantage of a unique financing opportunity available through the State of Ohio's Logistics and Distribution Stimulus Loan program. California Debt Limit Allocation Committee: Recovery Zone Bond and Qualified Energy Conservation Bond Projects <http://www.cdfa.net/cdfa/cdfaweb.nsf/fbaad5956b2928b086256efa005c5f78/7 e8009ea2dca33d38625777600503eab/$FILE/summary.pdf> Bonds <http://www.cdfa.net/cdfa/cdfaweb.nsf/ord.html?open&tag=Bonds> | Energy Finance <http://www.cdfa.net/cdfa/cdfaweb.nsf/ord.html?open&tag=Energy Finance> This document summarizes the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee's use of waived Recovery Zone Bond and Qualified Energy Conservation Bond authority. >>> SEARCH ONLINE RESOURCE DATABASE <http://www.cdfa.net/cdfa/cdfaweb.nsf/ord.html> Upcoming Events Intro Energy Finance Course <http://www.cdfa.net/cdfa/cdfaweb.nsf/0/95EF12CF076D7CED86257729005C1E70 > The Council of Development Finance Agencies <http://www.cdfa.net> is a national association dedicated to the advancement of development finance concerns and interests. CDFA is comprised of the nation's leading and most knowledgeable members of the development finance community representing public, private and non-profit entities alike. For more information about CDFA, visit www.cdfa.net or e-mail info@cdfa.net. Council of Development Finance Agencies 815 Superior Avenue, Suite 1301 Cleveland, OH 44114 (216) 920-3073 info@cdfa.net This email was delivered to jhowington@kalispell.com. 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