FW: QUESTIONS (4) Theresa White City Clerk 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 758-7756 www.kalispell.com Messages and attachments sent to or from this e-mail account pertaining to City business may be considered public or private records depending on the message content. The City is often required by law to provide public records to individuals requesting them. The City is also required by law to protect private, confidential information. This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately, do not forward the message to anyone, and delete all copies. Thank you. From: Scott Scott [mailto:maxwellsnortsnort@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:52 PM To: Theresa White; bidcaller65@hotmail.com; f.thomas@centurytel.net; zatmike@centurytel.net; m.paulson@bresnan.net; maryiverson@bresnan.net; hammerquist12@yahoo.com; fredh@bresnan.net; robertt@montana.com; fschroeter@centurytel.net; kyv59903@centurytel.net; wisebunch@bresnan.net; peggylee@marketyourart.com; mjdardis@yahoo.com; crystal lynn seiler; paulinem@cyberport.net; mojocat@aboutmontana.net; admason@centurytel.net; isabelle@montanasky.com; jpress@centurytel.net; douise@gmail.com; susanneoconnor@centurytel.net; roxiebrothers@centurytel.net; Scott Davis; phil.cjpllc@yahoo.com; jo-blake@bresnan.net; tom_smithlin@hotmail.com; linda397@centurytel.net; Marye Flowers; joblake@bresnan.net; eckels@guitarmusicman.com; theprofessor52@yahoo.com; joann_vitovec2003@yahoo.com; marilynmm@bresnan.net; djeep@bresnan.net; wmcmichael@semitool.com; rgmikelson@gmail.com; phil_jerrig@yahoo.com; nkimball@dailyinterlake.com; kuhlpan@cyberport.net; bertlenon@hotmail.com; wayne_mcmichael@amat.com; kenyon@cyberport.net; tammi@fisherlaw.org Subject: QUESTIONS Hi Teresa, 04-21-2010 Couple questions. I turned in a number of questions concerning the city airport in the last six months, also four months ago , and three months, and just recently a couple weeks ago. Some I have turned into you and some I have handed to you and/or Mr. Harball at council meetings. I have not as yet received answers to these question. These are just not my questions, these are also questions that other residents of Kalispell gave me to turn in. I think we have been very patience, but this is taking way to long for a reply. Do I need to have a council member ask all the question to the city management at a meeting? And also the city manager needs to know that her city airport manager is telling people that the city is buying 72 acres of Wise property and realign the runway, and getting 14 million from F.A.A. to do the expansion projected at the city airport. He just told that TO A BUSINESS MAN HERE IN KALISPELL TODAY! (04-21-2010) I conferred with F.A.A. and a council member to the validity of the City airport Managers claims. To my relief, they are faults. I'm deeply concerned about the mental health of the city airport manager, he was at the meeting with Mr. Gary Gates. The city airport manager is still telling people that this is happening, when he him self knows this is not true. Please give this letter to our City Manager and I respectful request answers and documents to all the question I have turned in, in behalf of others and myself and also an explanation to the city airport managers behavior and what has been done or going to be done with him. If he denies such claim, let me know. To protect the privacy of this business man, there will have to be some arrangement to get his testimony. Scott Davis 752-1523 <http://gfx2.hotmail.com/mail/w2/pr02/emoticons/smile_wink.gif> SCOTT ________________________________ Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. Learn more. <http://www.windowslive.com/campaign/thenewbusy?ocid=PID28326::T:WLMTAGL :ON:WL:en-US:WM_HMP:042010_1>