09-10-03 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD Minutes —September 10, 2003 The meeting began at 3:00 p.m. Present were: Airport Advisory Board Members City of Kalispell Staff Guests Scott Richardson Dan Snyder Pati Heath Art Thompson Bob Alm Keith Robinson Shannon Nalty Chris Kukulski Chris Young Phil Porrini Tom Webber P. J. Sorensen John Talmage John Gesselbrecht Kevin Kasperson 1. Pati called the meeting to order. 2. Address the Board: a. Kevin Kasperson discussed plans for the Civil Air Patrols Space Day 2004. It will be May I or 8 and will mostly be held at the armory, with helecoptors, parachutist, free flights, and possibly hot air balloons. Traffic patrol will be provided by the CAP. More to come. b. Bob Alm discussed his planned flight from Seaside,Oregon to Kitty Hawk in December to celebrate 100 years of flight and to raise money for cancer research. Bob has been contacted by several national media groups for coverage. 3. P. J. filled the group in on the meeting with Phil Porrini regarding establishing a zone of influence. Phil will be providing maps and P. J. will involve the county to help with the project. 4. On September 6, the Airport Advisory Board sponsored a clean-up day at the airport. Approximately 30 volunteers, comprised of board members, pilots, Civil Air Patrol members, and other volunteers spent the day doing much needed work to improve the safety and overall looks of the airport property. Chris Kukulski did a great job on the weed wacker! Crib Bissell, at Aero Inn, provided a rest station, including donuts and coffee. Tom co-ordinated Super 1, Albertson's, Smith's, and Tidyman's, who provided bottled water and the fixin's for a BBQ cooked up by the folks at Red Eagle Aviation. Pati Heath baked a huge batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. A big thank you goes out to all who participated. Pati will send out thank you notes. 5. September 181" was set as a final date for fencing at Diamond Aire. Arrangements need to be made at the Southwest end of the airport. It appears we will need some temporary easements near Big R and those businesses along the ditch. 6. Pati advised the Board that she had a letter from Doc Dahlquist indicating that his use of the airport is for personal transportation and not operating commercially from the business. The Board agreed there should not be a commercial fee. A letter has been sent to the Soaring Club and they have verbally responded that they are a non-profit organization. They have agreed to validate that information in writing. 7. The hangar committee has met and is gathering information. Shannon provided material from the Livermore CA airport that may be of value. Shannon also indicated he would call a meeting with Tom Seabase from the Polson airport. 8. There has been little progress on the business case, however, Shannon, Scott & Pati felt they will be able to work on it more this month. More to come. 9. The City Council workshop date has been set for October 27. More details will be worked out at the next meeting. 10. Dan provided an update of his discussions with John Stokes regarding the value of KGEZ-AM. Phil indicated that we should have the appraisal back by mid -September and then the final review should be complete by month end. 11. The meeting adjourned at 5 PM. Next meeting is scheduled on October 8, 2003, from 3-5 PM.