Budget issuesHI Jane- I had the 2007, 2008, and 2009 budgets reviewed by an accountant on my task force and put into a format that is short and decipherable for my non-numbers mind. I will provide you with the spreadsheets today. A few things that were noted are: 1) only 10% of total debt is reserved for debt service and this amount barely covers the interest payments so the principal isn't being brought down; 2) from 2007-2009 the city doubled its debt load but there was not cocomitent increase in the budget for debt service; 3) the city increased its assets by $20million in two years that it now has to maintain (I assume that was for the sewage treatment plant) 4) we saw a public safety increase of over $1 million in 3 years; 5) 12% of our total revenues goes to pay for employees 6) interest revenue in 2009 is 50% of what it was in 2007; 7) over the three year period we added over 21 miles of water main paid by developers that we have maintenance responsibility for, and 9.3 miles of sewer line; 8) in the sewer budget, we spent $80k in contracted services to earn $40k in revenue; 9) the City has consistently lost approximately $100k per year by operation of the Airport; 10) the City's expenditures have largely been the same, but income has decreased; 11) the only propriety fund department that has been able to maintain a balanced budget without a loss is Garbage. I wish I had this information prior to going into our work sessions, and I regret I was not able to get it to you sooner. Obviously, with our debt service for multiple obligations looming large (including OSS), I am quite concerned about moving forward and our ability to eliminate debt- not simply service the interest payments. I am not panicked, but I am deeply concerned, and I know that you are too (a fact which has been reflected in your budget proposals). I would like to see some benchmarks for the budget come to fruition, until we can get the debt service under better control. I would like your review and opinion on the following benchmarks: i. Public Safety not to exceed 30% of total budget ii. Debt Service (including lease payments) < 6% of revenue iii. No increase in personnel expenses I believe your budget proposal has implemented (iii). My concern is that a further reduction in personnel is necesary, and if there is a department that can be minimized, the time to do it is now. I would also like each department to look at a 10% reduction in expenses - not that it would be implemented, but to have each department head provide a break down of how they would, if forced, cut their budgets by 10%. Again, this is not to say that I would promote an across the board 10% cut, as I recognize there are departments that are doing well, are already very lean on money, and they all cannot be lumped together. I will get the spreadsheets to you in short order. If we could have the proposed 2010 numbers plugged into this format, that would help me review the same and make a better informed decision. Thanks! Tammi