preliminary budget issues for council discussionThe following information is a record of outstanding issues for discussion with Council Monday night. Please distribute his information with the work session packets. Items of fiscal impact for Council discussion: 1. Council pay/stipend levels Proposed budget holds these line items at current levels. NLC membership 2. Purchase of a fire tender Proposed budget provides funding for this expenditure through impact fees if Council authorizes this purchase. 3. Records positions in police budget Proposed budget includes two new records positions. Since this proposal was submitted, the city has received verbal award of a DUI grant which would fund a current police position. This opportunity permits sufficient personnel funds to be allocated to cover the cost for the other two requested positions (for a total count of records personnel to be four). Therefore, I would recommend maintaining the current police budget request of $3,836,333 within which the DUI grant would be included along with the four records positions. This request acknowledges the police station will have times where staff coverage will not permit the facility to remain open but these times will be minimized as much as possible. This will also provide the ability for staff to evaluate repercussions when the facility is closed as well as the work level when records personnel are on duty. 4. Conrad Mansion request of $2,500. Letter of request in your packet. 5. Eagle transit request of $15,000. Letter of request in your packet. 6. Laker's field request of $30,000. Letter of request in your packet. 7. Purchase of water meters of $65,000. Proposed budget carries forward current level of funding. 8. Public Works travel lines Individual travel lines are as follows: 9. 5% increase in the wastewater fee for new revenue of $165,000 Included in your packet is a spreadsheet outlining the revenues and expenditures for this enterprise fund. Staff has reduced operating and maintenance costs by ____ and has reduced/deferred capital expenditures to ___________. These initiatives were done in an attempt to negate any recommendation to raise rates this year however due to the cost of the plant expansion, coupled with the slowing of growth, we are left with the simple choice of raising rates or defaulting on the reserve requirements stipulated in the financing requirements. 10. Maci grant for a street sweeper The proposed budget incorporates the award of this grant with a proposed 13.4% cash match and budget authority to secure additional sweeper brooms and vehicle maintenance supplies. The sweeper to be replaced is a ___ sweeper with ___miles on it. The expected award date for this grant is ____. 11. Airport TIF and the appropriation of 1.2 million in the capital line Historically the city appropriates the fund balance in this line to enable all TIF funds to be documented and for council's ability to appropriate should a project develop for which council determined funds should be authorized. A revised budget sheet for this fund is in your packet breaking out the $130,00 questioned in our recent work session. 12. Media Specialist and the televising of the legislative sessions: expenditure request of $2,000. This request is not in the proposed budget. Council discussion requested this be considered. Supplemental Budgets 1. Health Department Budget 2. BID Budget 3. Parking Commission Budget 4. Debt/misc Budgets Please let staff know if you do not have these documents so additional copies can be provided. Supplemental Information 1. Revenue and expenditure breakdowns (in pie chart format) 2. Latecomer/upsizing legal review 3. Personnel allocations 4. Courtyard budget 5. Fund balance sheet 6. General fund budget summary