FW: Eckels greeting/comment (2)
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Eckels [mailto:eckels@guitarmusicman.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2010 8:59 AM
To: Theresa White
Cc: Scott Scott
Subject: Eckels greeting/comment
Hi folks!
It's been a while. I've been meaning to write regarding the death of
those kids in the recent airplane crash.
In a parallel universe - there would have been an official at the
airport overseeing flights (like the rangers at Glacier Park). This
might have warned the kids that:
1. The weather was hot and to use caution on quick changes of elevation
2. The plane was 43 years old and under a full load - what
precautions to take.
Would you let your kids take a 43 year old car into the wilderness?
I still don't understand why there is no oversight (that I know of)
at the airport - not the manger, not the FBO....
As a shareholder, I am not comfortable letting our aviator guests
travel without some friendly oversight/guidance.
Could we pass a law to commemorate the death of these kids? The law
would put restrictions on the age of planes flying over our town.
43 years old? Where were you 43 years ago when the plane was built?
The other crash involved an old junker.
Also, we pay to play golf, to use the pool, heck, aren't there
regulations for the skateboard park? In my new neighborhood we have
an association
that chips in to pay to have the grass mowed and for oversight of
...why are aviators given a free pass? A fee might pay the salary
for a sky ranger to be on duty and prevent tragedies like the crash
we recently had.
Thanks and good luck.
Steve Eckels