RE: Monthly Discharge Monitoring Report - D.E.Q.Just bring it by. If I'm not here you can leave it with either Theresa
or Judi and I will get it signed.
From: Curt Konecky
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 10:47 AM
To: Jane Howington
Cc: Jim Hansz; Joni Emrick
Subject: Monthly Discharge Monitoring Report - D.E.Q.
I have finished the WWTP monthly Discharge Monitoring Report for MT.
D.E.Q. and I need your signature on them.
When would be a good time to catch you for a quick signature?
Curtis Konecky
City of Kalispell, WWTP Manager
2001 Airport Road/P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT. 59903
406-758-7816 (fax)