FW: INFO SHARE MEETING - SEPTEMBER 14Cindi must have heard us talking about this.
I'll get in touch to find out how and if she wants us to help get the
information out on the invite list.
From: Cindi Martin [mailto:cindi@glacierairport.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 2:54 PM
To: Brian Averill; Chris Schustrom; cpike@centurytel.net; Dori Muehlhof;
Edna White; Fabienne Averill; Jane Howington; Jennifer Fisher; Jim Ness;
Kellie Danielson; Kevin Gartland; Lisa Brown; Marti Kurth; Nick
Polumbus; Racene Friede; Rachel VandeVoort; Scott Ringer; Sheila
Chapman; Sherri Gerek; Tammi Fisher
Importance: High
Hello Info Share Friends-
I hope that all is well and that you are enjoying the summer!
Per the discussion at our last meeting I have arranged for Mike Mooney
of Sixel Consulting ( the airport's air service consultants) to join us
at our next meeting which is set for:
10am - Noon
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Glacier Bank - basement training room
Mike will be presenting a report on air service in Kalispell - the nuts
& bolts of our market; national air service trends - specifically small
community markets like ours; and what other small communities have done
to attract and retain air service.
I have asked Mike to stay in town an extra day so that we can do the
same presentation, by invitation only, to a larger audience of community
930am - 1130
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Glacier Bank - basement training room
Please let me know if you will be attending the Info Share meeting on
Attached is the airport passenger activity report thru July 2010 and the
MT state airport report thru June 2010 (the state runs a month behind).
Looking forward to seeing you all soon and hearing how things are going
with your business!
Cindi Martin, C.M.
Airport Director
Glacier Park International Airport
4170 US Highway 2 East, Box 1
Kalispell, Montana 59901
Phone - 406-257-5994 ext 222
Fax - 406-257-5960