RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site (4)Erika: I can see that cost is not going to be the problem since we will have several thousand dollars to do our part of the website upgrade. In our meeting yesterday with Stelling Engineers we agreed that our IT department or the County IT department will invoice Stelling Engineers for the upgrade to the Airport Website. Stelling will be using FAA grant funds to pay for the work on the airport website upgrade. All we need to do is make sure the upgrade meets the upgrade in the Scope of Work in the grant. We will know exactly what that is by the end of this week or the first part of next week when Stelling brings over the final SOW approved by the FAA. If the time line becomes a problem the airport may have to front the funds to move on the website and get paid back from grant funds when the grant is approved. I know that you want more specifics for the contract with the County IT, but I can't give that to you yet. All I can say is Stelling says they will fund any changes to our website for the next two years. The top limit is $4,000 for now. I can set up a preliminary meeting with Jeff Walla (Stelling Engineer Project Mgr.) any time you are available. Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 10:05 AM To: Fred Leistiko; Theresa White; Jane Howington; Charlie Harball Cc: Amy Robertson Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site The 4-5 hours of development time would be a onetime charge and the charges for the hosting would not be charged entirely to the airport. The airport pays a data transfer fee and that covers the website costs. Due to this I was asking how I could charge the airport directly. The City's website will be adequate to host the airport planning information. However since we are in the requirement gathering phase I don't have more exact costs than what I have already provided. The biggest factor on my part is getting the information from Stelling Engineers to determine that I have all of their requirements when the airport design is completed. The website contract goes to Council on Monday June 21st, then the contract still has to go to the Flathead County Commissioners for approval. I am gathering the requirements now so I can proceed with the county developer on the design portion after the contract is signed by both parties. Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:58 AM To: Erika Billiet; Theresa White; Jane Howington; Charlie Harball Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika: The cost to design the site the way we want it is fine if the cost is going to be >$500. I cannot afford ongoing charges of $400 a year right now. So my question would be whether the hosting and google charges are a one-time charge or an annual charge? We have a proposal, in a grant, for $4,000 to set up and operate a website for the next two years dealing with airport planning. If we can put all of the information into our current website and have it paid for with FAA grant funds we can kill two birds with one stone. There should be plenty of money available to design the website for future needs. Stelling Engineers would have some input into what we want on the site. We could leave the entire $4,000 in the grant proposal and use whatever we need. Does this make sense to you? Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 1:36 PM To: Theresa White; Jane Howington; Charlie Harball Cc: Fred Leistiko Subject: FW: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Fred talked to me on Friday about the FAA funding he has for the airport project and that it included funding for the airport website. I was asked to calculate the amount the airport would pay for the pages in the website and get it to him by this week since he has a meeting. The airport project includes funding for the airport website but the funding is good only for the airport's portion of the website. The bids & proposals would be used for the airport during anytime the airport had one, as well as the resolutions or ordinances ,etc. At this time, the airport has already been charged a transfer into the data processing budget ($900) of the original $20,000 website redesign & hosting project from the 2010 fiscal year. I did increase the budget in the Fiscal 2011 budget because I have anticipated I didn't have every level of detail in the original website requirements which has indeed been true after receiving the department requirements. I have received an answer from Vicki that Fred's airport pages could take an estimated 5-10 hours to complete at $45/hour. I would also like to add part of the hosting $25/month ($300/year), and $100/year Google Analytics fees to the cost for the airport portion of the website. If the airport also benefits from the home page of our website I see it suitable to add a block of hours to the airport fees for the home page. Do you agree with this? Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 9:49 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Thanks, let me know when it comes in or if they can give us an estimate. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 12:49 PM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site I have sent the requirements to the IT Director at the County and requested an estimate. Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 11:54 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika: Here is what needs to be done to the current Airport web site: . Make a couple grammatical changes to the verbiage on the front page . Develop a link to a Master Plan Update file that can be updated monthly . Develop a link to a Documents file where we can list all the studies done to date on the airport. . Develop a link to a Meetings file where we can show pending meetings and meetings that have already taken place with minutes attached. If you can get me a price on this development and also the loading of the documents I can give you an OK. I have a source to fund these changes. Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065