RE: Helicopters procedures for S27 Good morning Fred, Thanks for the input....I'll add those items into the document....I'll give you a call sometime early next week and maybe we can meet over a cup of java and talk about a few more things...havea good weekend! Brian Ruffing Aviation Officer Flathead NF 406-758-5330 (office) 406-270-0989 (cell phone) bruffing@fs.fed.us "Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity." -- General George S. Patton Fred Leistiko <fleistiko@kalispell.com> 06/23/2010 02:41 PM To Brian C Ruffing <bruffing@fs.fed.us>, Carol Bienhold <cbienhold@fs.fed.us>, Kara Stringer <kstringer@fs.fed.us> cc Richard L Connell <rconnell@fs.fed.us>, Dwayne Mortenson <dmortenson@fs.fed.us> Subject RE: Helicopters procedures for S27 Brian: The only thing that you might want to add would be administrative information: 1. No restrooms immediately available, use FBO 2. No potable water immediately available, use FBO 3. Vehicles must have rotating beacon or flags on vehicles to drive on Airport Operational Areas (AOA), taxiways and runways. 4. Electricity not immediately available at the site. 5. Kalispell Fire Department and Kalispell Police Department have jurisdiction at the site. Both available thru 911 That should cover it for immediate use. Any long term use would need more coordination. Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Brian C Ruffing [mailto:bruffing@fs.fed.us] Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:20 PM To: Carol Bienhold; Kara Stringer; Fred Leistiko Cc: Richard L Connell; Dwayne Mortenson Subject: Helicopters procedures for S27 After meeting with Fred Leistiko, the airport manager for Kalispell City Airport, I thought that I'd come up with a minor procedural change for when we order helicopters to report to that airport. Fred, is there any other information that you would us to communicate to you or Red Eagle prior to the arrival of the helicopter(s)? Please let me know if y'all think we need to add to it....THANKS! Brian Ruffing Aviation Officer Flathead NF 406-758-5330 (office) 406-270-0989 (cell phone) bruffing@fs.fed.us "Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity." -- General George S. Patton