RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site (3)1) Airport a) Change - make a few grammatical changes on current airport pages b) Add link to Airport Master Plan Update file that will need to be updated the monthly. c) Add Airport Studies file that can be updated with all studies done to date on the airport. d) Add Meetings Information - displays pending meetings and meetings that have taken place with the minutes attached. [EB1] Fred, This is the information I have for the Airport department requirements for the website. Can you please let me know will the meeting information, with the minutes be on our website? If the information is on the City's website, will you want access to update the meeting data or have myself or someone else on the City staff do the updates? Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Erika Billiet Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 2:09 PM To: Theresa White; Jane Howington Subject: FW: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 1:41 PM To: Erika Billiet Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika: I can see that cost is not going to be the problem since we will have several thousand dollars to do our part of the website upgrade. In our meeting yesterday with Stelling Engineers we agreed that our IT department or the County IT department will invoice Stelling Engineers for the upgrade to the Airport Website. Stelling will be using FAA grant funds to pay for the work on the airport website upgrade. All we need to do is make sure the upgrade meets the upgrade in the Scope of Work in the grant. We will know exactly what that is by the end of this week or the first part of next week when Stelling brings over the final SOW approved by the FAA. If the time line becomes a problem the airport may have to front the funds to move on the website and get paid back from grant funds when the grant is approved. I know that you want more specifics for the contract with the County IT, but I can't give that to you yet. All I can say is Stelling says they will fund any changes to our website for the next two years. The top limit is $4,000 for now. I can set up a preliminary meeting with Jeff Walla (Stelling Engineer Project Mgr.) any time you are available. Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 10:05 AM To: Fred Leistiko; Theresa White; Jane Howington; Charlie Harball Cc: Amy Robertson Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site The 4-5 hours of development time would be a onetime charge and the charges for the hosting would not be charged entirely to the airport. The airport pays a data transfer fee and that covers the website costs. Due to this I was asking how I could charge the airport directly. The City's website will be adequate to host the airport planning information. However since we are in the requirement gathering phase I don't have more exact costs than what I have already provided. The biggest factor on my part is getting the information from Stelling Engineers to determine that I have all of their requirements when the airport design is completed. The website contract goes to Council on Monday June 21st, then the contract still has to go to the Flathead County Commissioners for approval. I am gathering the requirements now so I can proceed with the county developer on the design portion after the contract is signed by both parties. Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:58 AM To: Erika Billiet; Theresa White; Jane Howington; Charlie Harball Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika: The cost to design the site the way we want it is fine if the cost is going to be >$500. I cannot afford ongoing charges of $400 a year right now. So my question would be whether the hosting and google charges are a one-time charge or an annual charge? We have a proposal, in a grant, for $4,000 to set up and operate a website for the next two years dealing with airport planning. If we can put all of the information into our current website and have it paid for with FAA grant funds we can kill two birds with one stone. There should be plenty of money available to design the website for future needs. Stelling Engineers would have some input into what we want on the site. We could leave the entire $4,000 in the grant proposal and use whatever we need. Does this make sense to you? Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 1:36 PM To: Theresa White; Jane Howington; Charlie Harball Cc: Fred Leistiko Subject: FW: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Fred talked to me on Friday about the FAA funding he has for the airport project and that it included funding for the airport website. I was asked to calculate the amount the airport would pay for the pages in the website and get it to him by this week since he has a meeting. The airport project includes funding for the airport website but the funding is good only for the airport's portion of the website. The bids & proposals would be used for the airport during anytime the airport had one, as well as the resolutions or ordinances ,etc. At this time, the airport has already been charged a transfer into the data processing budget ($900) of the original $20,000 website redesign & hosting project from the 2010 fiscal year. I did increase the budget in the Fiscal 2011 budget because I have anticipated I didn't have every level of detail in the original website requirements which has indeed been true after receiving the department requirements. I have received an answer from Vicki that Fred's airport pages could take an estimated 5-10 hours to complete at $45/hour. I would also like to add part of the hosting $25/month ($300/year), and $100/year Google Analytics fees to the cost for the airport portion of the website. If the airport also benefits from the home page of our website I see it suitable to add a block of hours to the airport fees for the home page. Do you agree with this? Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 9:49 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Thanks, let me know when it comes in or if they can give us an estimate. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 12:49 PM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site I have sent the requirements to the IT Director at the County and requested an estimate. Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 11:54 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika: Here is what needs to be done to the current Airport web site: . Make a couple grammatical changes to the verbiage on the front page . Develop a link to a Master Plan Update file that can be updated monthly . Develop a link to a Documents file where we can list all the studies done to date on the airport. . Develop a link to a Meetings file where we can show pending meetings and meetings that have already taken place with minutes attached. If you can get me a price on this development and also the loading of the documents I can give you an OK. I have a source to fund these changes. Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 ________________________________ [EB1]Fred - Are these actually links to another site or simply need to be updated on the City's website? マ迭鿮꿯࿲�⾣㾤侥咏唿ﭏ﾿쿨�࿸켆�뗿▯藯ஏﱿ﴿﹏⦅ッ缀뿣쿤�!༃ἄ⼅߿ޏṏय੯ཿಟඟᆵ뼎��2�ἕ⼖៿ᠿ᥏᩟⭯ᱏẏ㓯ソ뼟켠�鼲C罥车齧棿▯䊟䏟헯혿㩏�ッ뼭켮强漻쾷輽鼾꼿䃿势叏⧟喿埿䌏䓟￯e佛彜齖꽗뽘g䧿䨏䬟㰯䶟乏佟偯ソὢ佬潱潮罯轰⽬꽲珿抿掿盏矯秿怏意?罽꽺署潿轸齹⽽⾶⓿棏膟✯⯿蟯缯箿ソ⼰㼱齝弳뼵缵꾔藿鄏酿阿餿鯿鰏鴟O㾞辄侗쾟⼷㼸⾞臿�狯獯瑿䲏릟멟ッ㾯ネྊ龧꿜龰㾨꾶ꩿ꬟갯 괿�殃魠䱐旪ミ䉴潐྽彜潝廿�ꛟ썯녯늯욿잟㨱ㄴ�龼꾽뾾뿿샏쿟쌿쐟씯䈵윿￯￈࿊Ή⿌㿍俛࿏ῐ엹剓��蛿蠏袟O⾯ᅳ律澌羍辎龏価ッ翭�꿳ᄀྣ澹ῳ忟叿吏蘭/﾿�鿴꼄뿶쿷�辨徃蓿䅯�謁﹟ᆵ쿿�弉"弅漘⼆㼇ࣿᙏએ୯ᵿḟ༯﬏⦅濼⼢漐缑輒鼓꼔뼕⛿ស᫟⼿ᯏᰏ℟ⴿ柯伟张缴䤠[助胆桴鵡㜐㙠矰챀⁳ႚႝ潧醜俕㇏◒쉧瀉 㩢옢깰抐‷땭鶰孀鰐眠鄿䁫癡胆뢛䃰牐ဴㄺ畯ꆸ鯽摐瀷倳끱∾遁灕痾쁧ƃႝ聕꼻 뼼옽㸏㾡▰�⁡灵ﭧ쁀邚⌮◿☏㤚鶐鵐牂㩭묐鱠₠앹¢烞삙჆턿䀺ꃂ烞䫽䖡ꂜ凔ꂚ뀿⽃䑿㔿ㄥ歰멠㫱䉃䥲哺聁䉥䪲畐唀杰ﷀ鈾䅃甠�偰㾬鷣﹀㭶㽠䮁䷆丟യ䱶ァ兦茾畆∾鈾駝≆䟿䧿䬌㿇㻣䅡吰啯륿䅁䀻쁀兑왦幠䅤菳�坰矆ォ灑傝鈾큯득e佚彛䧽䄪轞齟┵넿酌俯䋱㨣濡毀慀聂琾墿䩆䅒壱鴙㹁厒怷烿䊰엱掐树楯癿揦뽤卡㽥佦౉ꃅ퐿驫⁷硥�랐㿐刺䌺�㹰슒鯀兯䀺뀿潥炿㗏봖蕑�㪠䊱段砑≤祿瞀쉑䯀편鱠㪑濰䂋粡湕텀体佗㹰䃑摐 꽹뽺┵㕸憿猑琟䤯砍㫲椡偊⃾䋔儾怷偊냑혾揿沊�䁰騳臐舯㔿�㹦几籑慣淆煿䙣撻䅆杒⃒ꅂ䆛睢＀っ膍〿婡≾ハྌ䥅懿㩔胡蒦蕟䥯∌⎏゚輧鼨꼩뼪켫�張Nㇿꍟ㊯㌯㠿ꅟ㛏㝯徨鄹鍶䌺䅹㼠憠뽲낎灬澒羓֩륣@큓ꡗ䂫傶쁀郙摋뭑옹戰�㧰隣⍟ㄲ霷鶫䔀㬙¢┺�ྰ䊮큊ཱི侗柿�㤠䮥㩁䯡뿇涑�剋ᇝ뉡烝㩣坐P놈ㄾ煂ᄌྺ蝪摤䚲緽璃c셊텁ᄏ྽౉呮銇ၯƈ�㩐ⓒ㓸〬ꃋ덗ꅶ濇翈䧿숍쓿ꤏ㤅듄撰裀矓Ý₀�䩰䭖䩳斜潦ꝡ꟰‰䬨糏倠狙濏翐 ֩淚⤮쏁쎇䊮낥ꅣ盾쁣ェĿ峌ᾚ⾛㾜鷿鹏齟ꁯ꡿ꋿ꒟ッ쾥�迣ྪᾫῪ⿫�찏췏���゚꿡뿢鿳�㿧쿼࿨Ῡ憎ş쩿㥑毐珼﾿쿸�异忾缑⿿㼀׿ཟΟѯᙿࡿ゚꿲뿳缉輊鼋꼌뼍켎ཟჟᏯ⡏⇟㙷ꀠ、䂸9꼦弪༮༔ἕ漬៩㰿㉢手漏꼳娘눋牀ⷰ倿敺ㄺ㉀〮瑰᤻㐕䛰ㄸ᥂惟沦遰枠䶄翗漏敌べ삇륫ㄱ섫᤺衜2㼦㸼⼡㼢彁륃먴彅㛟ᢿ㦻㊯姪䴶Ò耯垟㺀䃿䄏䈟累쭃﬐ゴ兯㉋礠漰栠乍ݯ罏轐⹐⹏쀠潂⁸㤱뀙r吷唏嘟累杒炴呍⃤圵 ム堳够娯䄿佛㑽㘰‭ばⷴ愳㗰ཆ彄⦅ἴ㗿支㝏㡏䩟㊟ᮯ￟漠「ཤ콆⼣㼤伥犿❏⽯礏竏廟ぐı⿾ﰫ㽲轻彿༰ἱ⼲绿棏ᢿ蓿蔏渟ᴏḿoᾉ潯罰�⽵㽶佷彸秿腯阯⮿Ⰿ鐟颯鱟꬏⾙Ꚇ荢撠灍괺햰鼻ⷴꇊ茺쩰Ǡꀻ䈣䌵䐴㝆쁗ꍪ驤픀㩰盧ꉪ〠⃓皣ヌ㾛龝꛿舟茏ꐟ蕿昿束蕯䶿轩樰낣晃퍡氐禀∺慔潨オ⋈∬邿獮灍榸≦㾤ᘻ傲輺_侐�彳�羮䊶�낿뇯돿꬏픊뾐歠ꃒ䋾Ⴞ䇒齝꽞뽟콠諧곏쓏卨橥딀렟ǯ쟎畔獥慤她畊쁗尵㋰ゆ䁽쁗㨰㔰뀻䷾࿂ῃ⿄㿅俆忇आ 躿짠쩟쭯㭶㹳㭶鄆䷧챰섐坠全ꃰ첐捰肆냌潈ꉷꇡ渠�䎀뀆셲�퇐拰꫿剀컯쿯퇿툏팟㴯鳉捃࿕ῖ柋流ၒ动扯灍ꥴ滠进����죟畩㡢敪쥣쮯剘鹅刺�冀䳲垦굥ﺰ�襁詯蹿땯뙯酿゚꾒뾓�辧�轼齽﫿ﺯɟO/Ŀ͏ޯソ㾨侩循⿳⾋㾌,勞憎ﭏﱟ९ᢏo弊漋缌龺辆龇靖ꇘ‘ⴴꃍ肾牵�≒₠剶ꇀ洰ᇉ⿩㱏᷿㹅⎰⁀≷汐ꆻ₰惁熠ጦ�恍ꅮ璠턡鐧耢볿뮀⣰빂㺀ꊡ⛰ꁕ⦆M냥輣鼤䔝鐧ꂡᇉ䳟劰勀ꄐ⠠愳둌�ྯႯ↾⺳⃕≹꾀惁ヌ耙&뽲昁灍⣽旰 켪�꘥ꃚM`⊀⋰⡱睂ò킼僙㞻ᾑ猐伯弰氱채猀吮遒䤠倦耛⥫뻂瞀턼耟脦켴㗿ⳟ⻫⊊⻀빰㤠༯㼺漱Ᏹ뽂㠣ㄲ㟾ୄヶ᠝耢嘸Ú⛳ꃂ焠㍵㲀㹂㽯靿䔝舩孁᭰湰⥮ᅡヨĩ“䃘꽂뽃채�⋡믡挰㈸샗俿⠁䨲䯯᷿흅䫀⹠뤁䈣朠耳뇘숩�ﮠ䂿턼䘍䣿�ᦠ洠냌硥꽡热쐸䈷㝷䥢罔啿䶏将ᰲ휰ꋀ⺰灀듽盠邡탗콏�콄뀦槼⡧뷐⥰椑뿰恜煡탱넼쀨⥴ᄈ佔Ὗ᠝᥏僙쇻⦡䗑㇨팷瀮₠�᱐㜱㱄惠∀ᄀ䄨胱�齖兝큝჉䆿챜攐Ṡ㳰ᾱ涀聎 泿拡挏搟㠯줺㌠杰ョ཰䔝潧턨愮倢恓Ⴞ㉦ꁍ챰찱䁚뼝畳ओ腾ℴ䣿硹縴챹⣰牁ト噸熟쉉煘뽊뽹쩺嘮䙾瀛䄨낢퍻䇱齭¾逛酏툷ȩ灡鉡᳿琰疟皯㲼뷠埰枹ᆵ㾆悠퀽퀛懿厑흰�⠀荀覵∳ᅰℴ䅦䈨摳侏徐䔝ꋱ櫹懢汦菱㲼玱힂ﻑ⹢ꁀ钰昑솢㧀谟O굶漍缎鿴꿵뿶쿷ᓿ᷿᝿᤟꥿᪟᭏ ソ뾧輞鼟侮⾟㾠ンᇿꆟꊟꎯ꒿ꗏꛟ꟯￿ྩ澫￀㾬侭澲澯窰訋ⵠⷠ耸敺ㄺ㋀〮瑰젻敓〮∺誑乡쇀醰䉆Ⱒ堢墐砐≦숻놣씿뭟䗠壵欐Ù䥂�磠￿࿨Ῡ뿂ྺ弆 꿆뿇싈〾Έ⿊㿋俌鷅㐨 ⤶㔷ⴸ鼷マ潽﮶ꀢ楦灓콯퀟턯툿絏䂴㈭㠲ㄭ£࿣팯푟핯홿힏즟뼏뿙쿚�迅軮倳⹨렐㵦쐢糰昰㨀”䁞烎惩탬酫琮∁殰撐銳♦Ű산䡻偙剅が义⁋뿷웸絽羅⛱⊐롰屐晣︱♜䂀�櫏缅䷸뿫쿬澻弆翭缄。⾹弅绿叫쾰鿴⼍돿럿Ꮿଯ޿뱿봯븿罏徿뿁翫茕凨⁂罶꼐缚⼞�︞䘏炛꽲–怪胩┻ⶴf瀜쐺衠⏰㕂䏀䐴⁆⌃⊠賓柁㌺˱〠哿⤑၅₟⏿⭟쏟쐿㼪鼍懨⬰﹢ソ꿘ò慔灍˳邰獞胰䏳I퐳歆㨱ᓿ᛿㌏㮟 ㉙㲚໿༟缨༶ἷ⼸㼹摒逺ᆛבֿ쁮醄蝫�輲⡊鉓㩑㻟撯麈陵簐菁結㄃茵䑐〲㤠�⁀䇼䝍䣏䧟䫯䳿䴏紟ᑔ侠借贯캦㭋旇鈂䐠₰桗ᅸぞ䩶邰ぽ鉈⢰暡渀幵䌰칲忑垀抠滿匱咟喯嚿埏壟仯扵敪끸뽚콛鞍勠㩅䬠相炉”觵䅠睗棠砠ሑ/ἓ⼔⼻㼼弗漘缙」ᮯ⶟睏懯かἯᅩ輿佹ώὺ⽻㽼齾澂ⷿ⻟⿯臿滟��蟿￯繯㽳佴彵潶罷龄従藿虯蝿䂏끟႟촿梏ᆲ侉㾍罰轱齲뾎쾏侘釿铯ꝏ镟队霯ꔿ饿⦅澚ྫྷᾭン侊律ᾱ徟ꃿꅯꉿꎏ꒟떯ꚏꧏO뾾ᄅྫ⾰�㾮侯濃廗 엡⃠ჼ☠Ơ懲앧瓀ꇈ䀁_닉㽤샷듂㍗瞉RÍꁠჍ͑͠獐徰材돉폈ǎ潧ꄨዉ⽢ꁠ㦴쌾ⓨ鸵İ킠댿뗿 쉉묠냅…쩴쮏쒟愕ꃡ▯往쿐掃兠內运臡냒僦礠쁥헁⁅푧ₐ…퍷퐏픟ⳕ䝓涠恬共䟁ﭰ惱Í﹯䝐퀐혀힏゚ꛌ恞쇉肿싉䁄慇ꇏ엧䞰켐潰왧�샷쿀ꁠ䃷ㄦ퀦浩훤烙뿷얀횱由Ã翠迡ᗄ�㼄῜⿝㯕m僷멡炒ꀺ끬끄剬儩䃷牧重⁒懲ꇚⲾ⇉E 쉵䋤뀦浡�쵪�냫ዊ苯싉偣쥸�￰Ꮫ჎ꀦ燸ꇏ끟색Ù泽炕䃂䃖ꄨ࿜鿫ⷕ됿췀홑쒟瀕オ š狚싉䁣㇙ꏟ揯쥀뼀掀 聞ꇍ춳샑➰迻鿼☺䅁ӯ⃎偒摦჎⓻欠텝珵「遬䈆닶ㄦ퇅ㄦ￷࿹핿帬앓䓐乡科˯ϯ쓿�涁ㄦ恬샭싰所쇤ⳉ㫴ဆ ድGࡳি�弭＀큟Ἅ⼎暜큟䅣뀦ۿ슳挱﹀2ᅢã僱䟍쇟웉㼓伔꿬웿ᘑឿ쓏옕짂ᅡ텎遬ꁠ엯儩싉됅⛮申E茛ːኁᅣἝ⼞ⳕ羱農羶辷龸맿몯뮿쓏뵏샯㑏쇯?⿂俇༳必濆鼹缪輫⣿⤿땏ⲯⷯ⿿』ㄟO㼲伳弴뼶佌輷鼸뼽㫏㮿㳏僟䓼쥁節ǎ䁐쥫⏡⛀콑科㾌䎟䒏䖟䚯䞿ᅬ�彑j彍콡 ⽎㽏佐忿勯卯晿板墏䁯䆟ᆵ轫콙�|ཞὟッ懯挿禟焯㛋ぱ첀㽫穿纏搿政晏絟梯扵艽招餘㾄ベꃍĭ烉敺ㄺ⸲ذ텰楐㒥㡆䈱樏կ䄰‮♌칥欐灯ㄻ兼牢ꦊᙜ虱oడ뽱콲澏즑䪅澓侇槗詋茿䅺׷靍胐鼐ヱྍᾎ⾏㾐䍽탍჻�䮁䇶炒儖꾛뾜鵃黏緟⹐豏䉠濠⁸㤱䁪ྡᾢꌛꐯ紿瞠ꃮ呍ꔵヰ꘳ꜯ꠿ꥏ቟�㛀焭 ㌭냽㔀ᾔ澒ྮ꾄뾅徳蟿裟飯莯欿燿灯뇿/ᾲᄎ�뽳콴�忀キ羯잟죟곯だ醁簯フ俀鿉濍龀꾁뾂�쾶槿튏팟밯洟滏ퟟ봯ソ达㿃俄必濆翇㿏篏粟 퐿꺶핢ᅠ픀湰℈爄࠭灰턺 ౰⍠䋀䌵䐴ꕆ룐䶳ᤐ㩐렳₲ヾꄤ闱࿖俩꿫⿴ῐ텿펏둏땯퍿럏ゟ렣랳曳浡怐㩹∘慔‌䃸Ⱒ輢쀥ジ퀋晩ﭏꚋꀚ��ﭟ쇯ѯ￯迼刄￾ༀἁ᫹ᥳര歰ꕡಐᘠ数᯿ꬠ겯궿껏�﫟ዟ幸⍓ρد῿䶇胮祡«畊郮킥䀤⁸〲僋킥⃱﹐၍ᄟሯጿᑏᕟṯ鸸�៰ᡯ⩿吆൨V瀏噗瑀ꃮ瀚郔᪱䢰睯ワ♮뱰桃섏퀦罐ᅠ�>༠ἡ椖﹃≣⓿ฏ貧调⦏⨟Ἧ㼫伬弭漮扵鱪捥众꼰뤱㩗梠➧ꂀ騂垶ﭥ叀䄦퟿𯲏Ϳѿ�ᅬ 鿵�鿊꿋꽇彋俿䰯䴯丿偏咯⦅濸⽀㿙俚y豁⽅䛿䜿䡏䥟噯斏坏塟㽯罙꼈鿔꿕例聦歬滱濢洠뀚胮ꃯ᩟㙀是已ᙇ慩샮൵ႛ╴记䇰⁁�通猠❱玠큳끬珵慓얚ɰ㫰牒᫰崠关魡ꀐ瘀滐恨絵灤煿檏獅瓦矞㽷਀⛠⹐�艹帠等璐梡澀捅ど桵♰畐洄⁳쀋剳矟碟犯箖猶氠냯ꃿ琠曖鯠瑰玡筢ᾥ䍶炛썶腯〦콢₠恳ꂠ酻步辁龂櫿੅矠琠瑱ུ潰ྰ¢ὼ⽽㱾ꄥ併ᕷ녴竟蠼觯菿蚮投㕳裱東潯냯胮「鹺賁⏯㈸㜱㮎ぃ諷痙㻀榱䂠龒꾓櫿虅豉跟軯裿璠 ⪡ฦ疉㻑ච혀衬蒁抣뀚൵쾰ラ뾜쾝捪畤瀍ㅴ歽秠녯᩵ꀧ芗・怚ꅴ悟ꅴ扳턥遬珿鰰琱環欠诠꺠ꡳꦏ檟ⱅꍣ쥯〳㮡㔸Ὢ�廿䋏䌏䐟怯慏扟捯ソ�激뽧콨�ォ淿씏딟닿ꂯ巿럿롟ッ羹辺龻꾼迍쾾⿁뿖퟿쏏쐏퐟웟윿졏�﹵獁衂ꭱ᪲걠꼌냏ﯟ蝲裀ꜰᜐ�侀ꄧ킅냯瀏牴ᄍヲ怍ŷ텿扳〚냘쉵ꆯ謗瑱陀搠䊇␨〰鰩鉡᚟�고杩憯>ᬤⰐ胩틿虀㊆╡�쬠ꑏ�꜎逌턲冫홵ɦ珱絓ጛ㵦肰�祵犀�俌㹾끒耲ᅷ൱獐蛥䘕珳țㅾ훨Ⴇ€䆧ſꀧ 轶Ὺ쿴蝲쀋捩�倦耲鏹馯鯿갋都攠都衲�ﵰミ>쇩悑냘‌چ러斟﵏ﺿ�㉵煠㹵斀濿ர裀⚁琠釰흠焲폥샦轵曱倦㋟譠加瓀斣ᇙヸ៿ܡ࢟যિ纯\��￐࿒ΐ⿔�횯�ᾯ�򯾏ᶯ⦅뿝쿞켔�輒鼓࿎៿ᠿ᥏᩟᭯᱿ᶏẟᆵ༡鼶�༨༥ἦ⼧㯿﵌౔㵲鿡㝠⼠苲輎鼏딻V歰ゥ葶쉮輪缂ඛ坵쎅葿㞲翰䆐ꭰ±㖳ⷞㇳ胱₫䉯䌟㼯딻뀽튆ぶ㐤㗼䬯ᅒ⯟纏萿ꚣ辰楬Ŋ텿郥튄醬䭶䳟㯯佀聀俰倀》僩⼰勶鬩ㆭ慶堰⃔靇�㵧 ꬁ採녴낈䯿玒㵓㷰銀唟铿甿オޜᾟoདࣹ鑔噵⍓ꟿ괐੠岆巟㯯ᄉ胱녯늅닩態瞆郹傧盰珡倊婢厁䂌遫僨䮲晖束ッ뽞懲扛홴❩佡形챑䓚腹欀柰䃮憆毷ଐ蠰㽒㽲佳༔弩᛿ⸯ⽟はㅿ㊏㎟㒯﾿켵⼸⾄X༺⼿⼼㼽㻿衏租⪿睟Ɀ筿踟￯㽽佾彿澀羁辂ナ鯿蚏蟏賟觿诿将`ɐ愭稀㩥㈱퀮瀰㭴ꎢנ僰㩹䌢傟屩湡概䉆ⰢꜢ샬≦鰻诳龏隯毀შՂ台䬠ᮒー錶成ꝲ尹叿군預溯錎钟ꮯꇏ絏庢ꌰꑯꕿꚏ龟⣭㐀㘰㜩㠵鶴렷ㆀ㾏侐媑者想ꥠꩯꭿ겏綟㎸ 邎㧠㈭㠲䅎倅볳뷿븟뼯괿깯꽿낏놟ᆵᾣ쾳�ᄊ鿈㆞შ棢䃮㵦鼢Հ淰穐欺䀐삨灓⃇臁崮慎켢ՠ摐ݦႋ䡻偙쁅䱒义⁋࿒ᛓ紼푽剁䯰銀岠ㅦ剜濠킙즏닟ル῏ᓙ黖࿆ῇ뾕꿠쿇�懏羓꿟㿣컙ꏅᾋ컿蹿鉏雏ソ辗龘꾙ྜ쿅㿷폯ꇂǽ瘠↑쿴翸⿼仹雩戮䃪뀋僪쭮新Ѐ洭灐鸺台印