RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site (2)1) Airport a) Change - make a few grammatical changes on current airport pages b) Add link to Airport Master Plan Update file that will need to be updated the monthly. c) Add Airport Studies file that can be updated with all studies done to date on the airport. d) Add Meetings Information - displays pending meetings and meetings that have taken place with the minutes attached. [EB1] Fred, This is the information I have for the Airport department requirements for the website. Can you please let me know will the meeting information, with the minutes be on our website? If the information is on the City's website, will you want access to update the meeting data or have myself or someone else on the City staff do the updates? Do you want the airport meetings listed on the City's Event calendar? Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Erika Billiet Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 2:09 PM To: Theresa White; Jane Howington Subject: FW: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 1:41 PM To: Erika Billiet Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika: I can see that cost is not going to be the problem since we will have several thousand dollars to do our part of the website upgrade. In our meeting yesterday with Stelling Engineers we agreed that our IT department or the County IT department will invoice Stelling Engineers for the upgrade to the Airport Website. Stelling will be using FAA grant funds to pay for the work on the airport website upgrade. All we need to do is make sure the upgrade meets the upgrade in the Scope of Work in the grant. We will know exactly what that is by the end of this week or the first part of next week when Stelling brings over the final SOW approved by the FAA. If the time line becomes a problem the airport may have to front the funds to move on the website and get paid back from grant funds when the grant is approved. I know that you want more specifics for the contract with the County IT, but I can't give that to you yet. All I can say is Stelling says they will fund any changes to our website for the next two years. The top limit is $4,000 for now. I can set up a preliminary meeting with Jeff Walla (Stelling Engineer Project Mgr.) any time you are available. Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 10:05 AM To: Fred Leistiko; Theresa White; Jane Howington; Charlie Harball Cc: Amy Robertson Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site The 4-5 hours of development time would be a onetime charge and the charges for the hosting would not be charged entirely to the airport. The airport pays a data transfer fee and that covers the website costs. Due to this I was asking how I could charge the airport directly. The City's website will be adequate to host the airport planning information. However since we are in the requirement gathering phase I don't have more exact costs than what I have already provided. The biggest factor on my part is getting the information from Stelling Engineers to determine that I have all of their requirements when the airport design is completed. The website contract goes to Council on Monday June 21st, then the contract still has to go to the Flathead County Commissioners for approval. I am gathering the requirements now so I can proceed with the county developer on the design portion after the contract is signed by both parties. Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:58 AM To: Erika Billiet; Theresa White; Jane Howington; Charlie Harball Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika: The cost to design the site the way we want it is fine if the cost is going to be >$500. I cannot afford ongoing charges of $400 a year right now. So my question would be whether the hosting and Google charges are a one-time charge or an annual charge? We have a proposal, in a grant, for $4,000 to set up and operate a website for the next two years dealing with airport planning. If we can put all of the information into our current website and have it paid for with FAA grant funds we can kill two birds with one stone. There should be plenty of money available to design the website for future needs. Stelling Engineers would have some input into what we want on the site. We could leave the entire $4,000 in the grant proposal and use whatever we need. Does this make sense to you? Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 1:36 PM To: Theresa White; Jane Howington; Charlie Harball Cc: Fred Leistiko Subject: FW: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Fred talked to me on Friday about the FAA funding he has for the airport project and that it included funding for the airport website. I was asked to calculate the amount the airport would pay for the pages in the website and get it to him by this week since he has a meeting. The airport project includes funding for the airport website but the funding is good only for the airport's portion of the website. The bids & proposals would be used for the airport during anytime the airport had one, as well as the resolutions or ordinances ,etc. At this time, the airport has already been charged a transfer into the data processing budget ($900) of the original $20,000 website redesign & hosting project from the 2010 fiscal year. I did increase the budget in the Fiscal 2011 budget because I have anticipated I didn't have every level of detail in the original website requirements which has indeed been true after receiving the department requirements. I have received an answer from Vicki that Fred's airport pages could take an estimated 5-10 hours to complete at $45/hour. I would also like to add part of the hosting $25/month ($300/year), and $100/year Google Analytics fees to the cost for the airport portion of the website. If the airport also benefits from the home page of our website I see it suitable to add a block of hours to the airport fees for the home page. Do you agree with this? Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 9:49 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Thanks, let me know when it comes in or if they can give us an estimate. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 12:49 PM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site I have sent the requirements to the IT Director at the County and requested an estimate. Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 11:54 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika: Here is what needs to be done to the current Airport web site: . Make a couple grammatical changes to the verbiage on the front page . Develop a link to a Master Plan Update file that can be updated monthly . Develop a link to a Documents file where we can list all the studies done to date on the airport. . Develop a link to a Meetings file where we can show pending meetings and meetings that have already taken place with minutes attached. If you can get me a price on this development and also the loading of the documents I can give you an OK. I have a source to fund these changes. Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 ________________________________ Fred - Are these actually links to another site or simply need to be updated on the City's website? 邖龁꾂뾃쾄紆掐胋ⴹ㈲X烆炪ဧ羔辕龖꾗�蛿蟯觿訏笟貏贿蹏뽟ླྀ�喽샫⠺훠聀䟰瀡놙딮쇁O㿂䗃㾪䚫�‧ᾨ澡諿꟢녏깄黎鼿浏￯�゚ᄊ車뾷侻�寨꛿둿斿曟櫯뷟뺟溯/Ὧ⽰⿄佲꽴쿎淇톚귽癀⿃ᅩ꿐忔绑抾ဝ倝胂뀦œ�爴㤭烰眺䜠䜠⍰䈀䌵䐴⁆謱烨굤杁㌺⃼�쎶팟핿�뽟뽵콶뿜῀ꯢ끢쿿ྲᾳ⾋桡쇬˭ꖽ猰샨俭鬂퀼윺ソ迈ῦ�᫥翯鿀ꣁ迨⊿聤쓋驼鮿�㿠쿤�ṓ괯㜢䝗ﱠ獠䀺㙹鰀畊ᄽ⃻6〲Ⴔց㩠㤰倠祉o忻濼翽迾鿿䤗 ⃇鼁ʿ⊯ᝆ⦐膰圀㫝㭠퀄ゥ〟♈䛀﷑ٮܿࡏय़੯୿솏꤀扵敪ţ๿셟⠢坆›ꩋ䟶�䄠╆〄ὓ쒑マ鿅꿆꿭뿮�ᅨ鼔캯�⣏ᆏル懡툯l࿲뼭뼪켫�㼯༳㉿ṿ醿鉯㡿マḠ�E༧Ἠ㼵c㛿㜏㠟揟숟䢿㦯ッ缺輻鼼꼽A༣⼿䃿䄿䉏䑟䒿孿䙟䞟ᆵ콌콉�འཎ὏⽐擿刏协呟啯噿垏梟ソ뽙὜꽱}ཟ콯⽡ꋿꎯ꒿ꗏ拟胏脏ሟッ缓彷鼕ォ轷齸￴竿箿糏緟迯釿昏鏯O㾔ཱྀᾂ⾃羘辙쾓�闿蓯蔟蘯蜿衏祟諏ソ辋龌꾍侟義龮龫꾬귿ꦿ꽟냟鿯ꃯ듿딟O㾶㾝 侞꾺�꾯龼뾵뛿뫏慟ꗿ뻏敟椯?忄꾸彭潮쾚轰狿캯턟싟츿캯퍯흯O㿘俙忚濛뿁ῒ翔ᅵ瓿畟�빟ឿ꼟낟놯﾿쾉迶鿷濬⿆㿇쿤�᭿厳邨胘敌怜罴澀﫿餿骏鮟ᚯŸ蟟켃�㨱ㄴ༆刺𢡊ﯟﳯఏoŏ⦅锏潿ἅ⼆㼇伈弉漊ᣏ౿ിɏ劃᱅ᴟO㿃쿅必忬⼘迈鿉꿊쯿첿�♿〿ㅟ⑯✏﾿輫輨鼩꼪༭�⿟㿠ゟᱏ邏鄿㙏㹟℟﾿켢�༲켱�T㛿삿솏纟᛫㟬㮏ソ뼞켟�\༾轆⽀轂嗿䎟䑟䕯卿䞿䢟媯o彛㽌輸鼹彟齍꽎뽏僿减募揯嗏圏汯壿㼿余潞 Ὣ罜轝꽱䤠颋斂뀃桴�杀遴惖炴⁳䃗䃚繧�዁潿戂ラ괹‰扖剷뀃拀₡烚䂘眠셼ᄏ炨懜Ͷ素犀䁱慷濬�撀ꁴ聰篷繒鋀疠䃚낒硿租端篶糑拠ᭀₑ痘杰샗愮戯䩣쁶胚ꉿ睭�ﳐ礠ဃꀛ䀃Ž灷￯ᯐྠ蜡䗑탙脑탗磿簠胠腟牯湕ꢠ팡獷ꉿ呉끾罥蟢ゲꂒ쉻繃뉐ᨰ�፽烚硶粐袱諶o律Ꙋ鞉膣덻ꖃ剻쉻᫿菉葒蔟蘯蠼緷笓쾑恾龑꾒᧫䅁灸軵暁逃罤渣᫰钠﫶煷欐ꂎ胚쉻­華霯顿蚏䅚䀚뾛쾜牿籕觡跁缡硓갑毰緿羑箰閤蝶羂锡�ﵱ쉻瑓궐 胠ȡꃀꕁ゚꾦ᚴ钠莞澢羣㲆퀂紅欄䃗⁷硥뽡쀖õ큼艷獷ᅸᩢ羠쉻胘膬灷ᅸᆳ䙲떎ᩦ矐翡﷥䆨ꅸ뙒뒰チ裰შ宐쇙⁸絯맑溅ž둓坏삌籰紁撀�럿狯땕鹥끁녏號똽具蝩₀爑腻遴肇磿ภ糠ꀆꦺᨰ綠�徾澿啲籦踐릁麓�뱭ꂡꅶ繶枂倏텿�扱ゴ悠뇊恼語劻죿줯舿鹹碄봑쇖슏゚㲆뽟콠뽤콥�ィ櫿爏沏港濟灟畯羏￞齳꽴迥셶쎳獷ケ偾큼ꊞꂩ鿏꿐㗦᫽挑僶‘�烨胳ᛏ裀躔ϫ拰᭵瘠쇓迓㠣ㄲ퐷�P䦂灸ု啷࿈㿭៦狫裿뀀퐿ꑿ᩿癐裕硱1쇼펪芈䄚 ᇍꀚ揾職悔慻ꅿ⿶㿷꟯ꆷ멶璳゠ſ亮隷蘿吼싄䂬㇅썭逛ɸ㐤〬퀈돿ӑ֟蚯=į瘵뿴‛φ〚℈傽ᩲ蚇ꎈ敊걦⠠ネ倠ၼꈖ鼌෋䴵Ⴂ⤮ꃠ监惤ㅼ谉퟿���󯲏�O쿟⿢鼢¬࿤ῥ뼠㿧❏⡏ᥟि௿Ⰿ᩟゚꼛뼜켝�켰༢漤㧿◿☿⭏㡯⤟⩿㺏脇w獫Ⱜ⶿㇏﾿켲�U༷輿⼹輻仿㲯㵟䉯䲏䃏䆟厯⦅꼬佅켮�꽆뽇콈䧿䫟䯯䷿丏借晿帏盛崶擐烵⽗�轧㽫兏刿楏咟㱯潢扻豟瀩嗟끰ⴠ聼z㩥㈱〮瑰㮂䕖䘴ㄸ坂㼏횝ꂩ탍緁꼔⦌ 敌뛋쑠毰ᳶㄱゼ矽屉䋅潣湹彞潟轾胿燩苪玏嗯盫烟阚﹦ཌྷ氰钰粰累縿罏�䍽惱膬潋뙐㽠催綥龋꾌뾍⎀⹐伀‮潂⁸븱嘹郠鄯鈿鍏絟鞏䶠⁔锵【༳侕徖澗羘㑽㘰ⶢꁝⴰ鼳㔠㾃臿鶏焯牏ꉟ瑿畿螏ᅬ�齘ཞ齝⾠㾡ᾪテ惿慟扯꽿摿沟똿룿肛渰⼱Ⱪ澯뾸込淿渿潏뭟ꗿ囯섯숿o㾫潚罛俆龬꾭ྻ徲돿둯땿뚏뺟퍟棯椿彏�迕㿙忖훃쁢擐読㪠ဓ�ⴤ턇㨎ꃀ‐큸䈣䌵㒸䙄펧მ흤줰ꀒ㌺튧〠倐ꛠ엿��뽏쀿슯潯辣龤뾦ꜰ晳愂䀐祬∺慔桄≠∬샼왮ꝳ詐榠 ≦濡䙸㪀濌翍࿫辰࿴꿫ሺ郼ཫ䋐䃻‐焏쾚鬿鳟鷯쟿ǿ厘ཥェ俲ῶ畔獥擈祡ₚ畊ဓ㔲ₚ〲為㨰ヴ砵䷠㿿伀弁漂Ͽѿ䎏찹ؐޏ࢟碦㶣ꙻ䌻諁ঠ﹀垐Ὠ₏생ꀉ냃潈ꭷᇠ僞ᕮ䎰ﹲﯡ‏遰టടฯ伏弐梁捃㼒伓霈䅄轭剀扯ꂊﵴყᡮᦿ᫏ᯟᳯỿ섏餅扵敪٣蠈䕒輺ឈ辰褢敗ᙓ왱잟쮯゚鿲꿳쿎�ἦ࿓뿤㫿뤏몿㟏㯟㾏㱟㵟ッ缾�꽄濥翦迧ὄ弰죿쥟䩯ㄯ㖼㙟㝯㡿マ鼹뽆罕轇齈꽉쿷뿃쓇嫏ᔪ⃑ⴴ퀊냻痘獲劏僝轶�繠٭♁穟娯 筵惠⁰矚聟�⋐⃠郾ꇝ捝捃턗邊ၤ�瓐忿搁忄聆聆攠ﭲ箰￑⃠蕣郝り뽠콡畚擿�ې襁迠述�敐繣襡秤䰌䷟廮泣 坽礐끟郾怉끖っㇼ試暠攠፥ァཀྵ承៖諐尰悰张斡睲⿟侮ᘀ璀峁獀罬轭溝䒜〉葫삏䤠聣墳撰猐晫ﯲ瞰ź峿掰熱珿樏欛徺毰缱ꀪ僻彶潷齮䌮㈸㜱㮁怳䡚끟疟ឆ⸰挡�煐灵뾰特齻꽼畚뉦譾塰ﲠ湮急ㅦ偙瀕₧罿胟臯៼怑螺┡捠痿摢ᐐ賰攱衢褟娯콵邇ㅫ牠朠끰曝烲퀗烼ź⍤落켯㾅/퀗⁠洠す數慸ꀪ牴⁜ﵷ鉴酉銯調餶奢ᑠ火瘐 샞フ軧脏揿槠敧⿱ff0ꀪ䅦₧邙ꆞ⁗/旽瓰羑侜䡚䦌⁦ؑᘠﺀ柑䔁⃠愥痿欃�ᙐ妀╀瑡穴0〮텟煥뀮ྥᾦ쾓髿鮁؀繀ঌꉀ岐礠﷡끜譭ꪰ鼑ꀿꅏ畟㽪倆qꀪ⾬㾭畚潧晻欁䎑聟邐䃻抣齍ꃝ愉ꐉ炗畳㥐嫿묡熱蕑떩㏼뭤㓋ᄅ 煥뒯蚵ꇜꆕ뛷럯毺䚆ꁘ煥ι⻻륱洐・쁘소ɵ㉦懼鹰姂녠닏돟竬0⃻�濃ᾮ⒯郝{姿笀尒鸑郁ᖠᜁ攰ー揆ՠ共熣牥钰翌췏媏⹵꣒愒ꩦ쀡늰ĕ止�퇠ꍁᅭ佶忉�齊꽋켱�㏿㓯凿刟娯咯噏ᅬ罗轘꽝뽛콜翫応� ��丯��￿࿣ῤ⿥㿦鿨⿾濩翪잪殐ⴐ끵z㩥㈱〮瑰㬞茅£傪恫∺གྷ섭采쇭䉆Ⱒ⋆삕䂕≦[꭯輂ჹ镅歀〖虂￱ဘﲵ⼤㼥伦㿷轃Ϸӟׯヲ伆弇漈缉ȁ⣍〴⤶㔷㣸㜭怛龺ῳ⯴큟晼適ಠ൏๟཯絿ᮃ㥰㈭㠲慪⻿ἑ ℿ≏ၟᆏኟᆵ뼓켔㼆7༙뼂븫烅梀䁫㵦Ȣ뤠ィ턺䀰ꀋ逦*솨⺺ㆱ㈢ḋ꣠擀싰明쁣ꀦ䡻偙䖀䱒义⁋㕹緶㝽挡忀岀揰ㅦ捜綰㍹Ɐ﾿礕Q㖧紵I鿸轃⫻䆯憯忶轂὆긼茨ㇿ䫏借䡟䓯ᆵ忹濺翻迼꼨὚덒◻羁癐�꽗彛ཟ ⹜䱻�犠ビき遧뀦ꌭ瀰ĺ⛐욐 䈣䌵䐴⁆ㄖ㌮큠㝤柱㌺⻹′鄰晁䵵廏怯羏ཀྵ漀缁潧콊鄥孭齢꼻뼼켽�〯慔ꂊ混〠珀뀭猰⽧ѱ䛺憨刺匯瀿磏澉ᅧ⽺佋塌㽳佴彵潶钏矛�䱁쇁앫␠뾟꼥뼦켧࿲뽯墇콓ླྀ�뢡퍵륀샱몀␳㔱胀〲ႀ㤠㫢瀛䄠葍蛿蜏⾈㾉侊⢓兔賐赏㭟훊笋ꈻ켲腐⃠뙗땨魁䩠샭悺콈ꯠ텥ィ魮䍠⃂౲fi난킔ꭢ遡量鋟鏯蟿ྕᾖ妋扵敪震飯쫿勇㩅䬠㖯욦토옰䆐▰땗0傥䆵㽏佐彑彸潹轔啿嚟ꆯ堯櫏땿鸟ほ泽⼑ﱜ뽼羶侺侷徸맿뭯뿏殟氏洟뼯꬏o Ἔ⼝῅꺬澰羱農龳듿솯탏슏쎟쒯綿ᅬ潍뼊�翆濊꾭뾮쾯쯿쳯헿콿턟튏퍏⦅濔꿢迖鿗㿩俪⿛翇죿����￟뿲 ̄忦⿧㿨忭࿺鮟ㅲ̑‐䀹⃖큣瀾ɧ瓰턅瀾鲿ذꇢﵯ炇瞹わਿ鴰ૐⵀ䂐䂁玀㼠醜耯̆ㄋ潧敻ۑ扂킝῰ႝ槱᠁㔤㸰ැ�䤠僿偣ݴࢿ総䔁ṡ拐ự鶰ఀ掳鵽极넞耣№갠敹傂ᅧ⃀偣瞮㼐休尒葓淐邩燞ꂄ逮《㭯蒀`」뼓켔혉邛냼脟葰಑ˑ蓠䝀潯柾䀃✗킝瀴慣d楼≭ᘆﲠʰᏡ畡ßᴰắƿᝅ㼴伙弚ኧꩫ㐰憀≶烂 큷ꤻ臠泠傏腦瀴牧૯迁⽐ទⳑတჷ儆艻昰畐䃿爡⁤。鶪鼥騕焊䈇눬ꃽ碀ㄆ”䌘䀋큣ꄵ೟鳑۠ᛰꤰ烅烿瀓旿᧑⠿ዏ૰ᎁ⹑켯䔁異偦㆞ꈗꃿᙰaᰠꃓٰᵑﰰﺰ㵣魐ર㇑Ⅶ⩲௣缁腤눬툳뼸켹噷湁ⱁ଴轐撀䀋吸魫㈁抣삩牃慣Ͽ持㕡㘯ሿ魜΃脀罰伝콀簺䀃퀊邩넗�慣邩‴烿Ⅲ۱뭜樱䁃㵴㉐葂猰䛿䨯䬟謯鳂鬰఑ﻑ鵅ꀀ捱䏠䦁⩣ ̄￐愣炠䈻〠耮眊ۿ僶兯剿厏咟⫁ᄆ考牉䀃ƌ삩킝ⲿ曵ځ䋲⯤⅖畣も壽斳+넿콉㽞뙜ቐ嫿孏቟ ᅬ�￸|Ώ翽齴俾￿џ牿ʿΏ禟橏欯_ィ�齬꽭뽮콯�燿狯瓿瘏譯矿砿絏콯潺罻轼겐潄焢୻輱毰ᄇ腣čケ恉밧使㾃侄待澆羇裿醏訏趯ꄏ赿軟迯￿龟ᾒ⾓⾦㾧ᾘ侀征꯿餿驿鮏鲟鶯麿꿏侣�箱뀶뷠꫼翯㾺ᄂྦ徽▨絢诂䅢쏹꣯ᚚ੠ⷐ؁窠㩥㈱〮瀆耎喩䘴ㄸᾪ㙂뀽遉杁攼䄿䳹敌》䀣潫툱백戁쩲屙⅖兤엿쳿놜뉯텿펟쓹헺꾟ᅥﮨ⫃㑁䴵Ú뼿⻀콠퀿텏퉟絯ףּ 덌㍋푱嚠��ϯ￟࿡偽伮‮䋀硯ㄠꤹ㜿俤忥濦⮧䷐㔠⃨㌰忨濩翪綏ⴶ낰ⴰ㏺ヲ혵푏쐿앟ッ迵过鿈�꾫ᾱ꾰﵏휯댏둯땿ʏ徏꾷便༊Ἃ郮섰⽁볿ȼ୿࿏삟셏쉟཯/￸㾩伔引俾羭辮弙￿¯຿ԟٯݿ࢏টᆵ漑F侻徼鼨伬漩ᙝ拦逗ぎꀗ䕮㭑ュⴴꁅ㩰뀓⁖遉⎀㕂㑃䙄è瀞⻣搠䀪聖㌺⃼愰㏑ᣅ⬿⵿㛟⦅伒弓뼴缕鿶꿷5쿹う⏺慦䵭禐㨰吢䥡㩐≰Ḭ戢雰猪䥠椀≦㓷쭿坖㫐缟輠Ἶ鼃䟿㸟䚿㢂䀣䄟䈯䌿䨻恖ꁏ慫샧偎⁖旾偘�￯࿱༛༽咽厨彅 ⽉ꝩき좰慤䨰ふ灡㈠ര㌀⩐ﰐ䵐佒当潔罕轖齗怽周‟齙꽚뙩桔俗閐冰垠ぴ峐掠쀖潈㍷ㄡ湠桹䎠扨儐槱戀成㫿弯怏感戯挿칏ﰉ捃⽥㽦흐돋뿎佫氿浟湯潿炏妟田㡢敪奣牿珟埩伺飢끩㋢敗s煨꼙뼚꼞꽅뽆�⏿磿☟㜟賏ఏා觟￟辍徑徎澏羐�꾖缸㧿㪏隟舟᭟ᱯ鱿茯ᄐ徇澈羉辊龋뾘羧辙驿鮟䪯ᛟ៏쫟ꣿ沰毢኱屭ム쮰御퀱灜彸㿍疬ち痰�瑀ꃋ䅁映峛㏀‒ꆵ큩뙳글莵�烵⁅艼₵停땝憁䃝モ¹ꩮ疐ㅽ搠꾲뾳疬ᚶື㽷め၍聨᳌�䤠봯뛀꫑ 놰捵悫畣꫷梠란洴債芵쾹뫯듟뷆땦汐Ⴉ僢럿꤆�뚠㏠뗑붒룕轳ꃝ놱恨邵탢솽步뿃쿄疬䷿뤐뙐뚡冤놠勠㌐A侾徿泀텧羷䖹沼쯯찟씯죞担斵ᚶꇊ柸潯뀰恎캼῏⏠㈸㜱毐悅্럻胰槡ᆲ烢쿔�疬죿콹퀏턟쨯ㅀ뛐笟ぎ嫣倦뢹老俐氰쫫욱拓併ㆀ럠簎畤ꁏ〳쿞�운빮畹널럡楊�斲遜뛿肐똡뗑梒긁뗀罠懞ᆷ䄰倴Ⴎ탍흳⿫㿬疬刬挐鿥⇜㏤㡫갵鵏ꀏ￿㾄侅徆羢辣龤꾥ྨ꧿ȟꦟꫯ곿괏긟꼯_伇⿸�⿣⾠迹鿺꿻ﳿﶿﻏ࿟¿Ͽᡟ᧯翿㼅伆༗漈缉輊ꔞ a犵ꇊ遜㳮￱࿳랴࿽攠惊䃩偙뀜텩좧㄀几璠佲晁遏맿숱딁岒᩠럠췑஡炶僘쥤⡲㤤簰⤰釞返켥饘အ황肑␰䁝⬬ᒰー뛈酴ၨ/倠缍꿦흐仯痀똁롡昆ⅅ莵䍝暾㇂弬漭ꔞ❹ﺰฏ쁿鑮瓠린❁澡聏莵ᔫ䗈㕆嶣ㄲ⮿쉀셱椱盐伬㛧甸挐᭩桀璀綰쌻㡮��㿒⃀旺쀿쩲⁠㾠胀⬰￱郓偎㛈闡`ồ璥熐聵新쫿梱⡠뙐⾳팠璐⢡퉵昡聨ယ遴탍铷뛰⥒旓䄛怺兙콉䫿䯟䳯㣰㧏샟౬ഏ?༑ἒ⼓㼔伕弖�缘᫿懟᭯Ჯ↿忟ᾏ⃯￿ὦvམ뽔콕㼐潙罚寿岏嶟 庯徿惏揟砿ᅬཤὥ㽪㽧佨彩籽萿俿⠥羢⦐禐㑐傲쮿콑䉖殠롩내￲뽬꽄㷝螷₀⁺솟菀げ䋡㗣㔭뀳탪ᇰ葯蕏絟胥༠′ˉ悸㐤⼵赿咂洏삿왯슡氐槾ㆌǂ쀧ˇ釪꘳軿輏紟⿥酰썰䈠䶀퍠耫ჶ⼰舸롡ꚑ㔤魠 �析⏷⼐揑슍莵胿缠풰顏혯띯�o⾒㾓㠻쒖蚷厕䃩䃯㗿䲐㓱龶ꀏ紟㏥놰£醍ꟈ쀻胩‵ᆹ珶职⁺鱢閱컵군ﷀ耪⭫跢ꢆꦏꂟ㓯뾑銝ڷ垫羣辤ﲓ쉄썹기朠瀰釈䂭恍쫽㾂澴羵㽖轫彘轰燿犟环璿痏盟矯竿⦅忆⽻㽼征彾潿羀࿋믿泯릏 溯붯텏뼟쁯ソ迁鿂꿃뿄ῇ⿈뿝￈쪿켏찯촯鸶䊐ⶀィ稀㩥㈱〮㑰㭴폤㉦䠐礠鐺䌢胡鹩溑쵩怑䉆Ⱒ⺀曰⊼�촣�䕠毺䀪䡂锠⮠푐㹋퉠픶所屩ꂕ䃯�냟픾훏ゎ⠝〴㚀㜩㠵㜭냺ㇾ濑習諓끇逵逪鿫総揺샐ⴹ㋸㠲熐聇俿开ǿ뿿࿷Ὸ⿹켊懠䀪と롰㵦䡰꼠㪀䂭䁞ꂕ倉넃逮⊑ᇗ㕛䞐撀ዐ镦⼠Ġ䃍䡻偙剅が义⁋㼔䘕絽ᘏ镱贠풰峐晣︱镜널ዉಿᇉ᭏罄츘㼈伉�)@。꿕�漥︛팇俍ἑ꼩탿푿⽯⢯⌿���翏�㿞'漹 ̲턄偃뽶⼭V꼺弾縻옫Ɫ䭰耬൮无䈻ⴴ꼹炀锠閠⌰聂䌵䐴⁆റ➃⁀䂮憗㌺舍〠䣿䕑ⷅ㴟㽿䣟�뽆Ἢꭌᩢ᳿ᴏ팟⿵耎慔冫ཡ莂뾑 쌏罆呐肇逕ㄺソ輲ὐ�ᩏ罙鼪꠫轒原咟喯钿蝴₂荌ﴀꆌ镫΀ӯۿ܏턟ཏꡦꝓ瓀彗⽛䞔䴢慤魹䩰䭵킧灄鬴㉰贰㥑㫶퀬킜摍敏晟杯轨齩桲ㅔ欠沟钯v쿪佰影潲罳轴齵痠橢捥罫⽸㢔删㩅䬠䌠귭祀킜薲걗歰갰ᄀ輮鼯꼰꽗뽘�U絟㡯䤟量穟セ態O䰼ཛྷ뾒辖输龔꾕྘鯿䫟䭟䱯魿蝏ﮏﱯソ御꾌뾍쾎�ྞ곿黏鿟ꃯ峿췟Ⱏ놿桔悳獫遮삳傆洊䉫瞠眠罨偫턟꽽犮잤饪脕빥έ돐둰ἰꗐ琰邷薵提憳㱧湐痠삺돟멡掰냰蚠⻐ᄁ觿訟謯谿ꡏꥯ녿꯿゚ᆳ꿇쾮�ᄡ 쿅ླᾴ쳿ꅟ뻟ꍏꗿ꘏뼟삯﾿쿁�ᅣ࿆ῇ翉࿟㯿킏魏쩟쭟羿ཿᾀ忩࿎鼌ꄍ䗏瀴㡆䈱࿐Ꝗ腣a㲽쾸饪뙣꽺뽻콼俲퟿�魟舟ﮏ칿ﮯm䎰俷忸蕽澣탔ޅ켃Їןۯ緿⹐⹏竩漠䑸㥰⼉㼊ଛ౏絟ޅ遮呍ี【ำཏၟᅯⁿ㑽㘰혭゠鶴ᠳ㔠㿼迺⼖俪快᯿퇟힟혏゚⼙㼚ἣ忙濚翛缨�⼿ㇿ餏⣏ㄯㅿ_弶࿧Ῠ뼢꼞ᅬ༻⏿폿퐯㼿┏⥟✯⭿?⼬㼭罃弯ἷ꽌¢࿢䪿亟兏俿借㰢拖耽摚遡뜺ᕀ㯠⑖瀭潴㩰ꀹ恺탱쀣㕂㑃䙄팠咅搐ぐ杮㌺툠⃼먰 姡㺵儯卯峏o㼸伹꽚漻輜鼝뼟う팠ጠ慦穭祀㨠吢桡邺≡⳨猢뀼⁳͐뮠﹀娢멆芐䘟㑯⦿ソャ齤茼፞སὧ⽨㽩懿示㿌ᒌᖟᚯ庿戯羿춀ꂷྂ཯⢄ꃱ쁗뉡፹䨠穵൐ㇰ–㉌㌰൰㋰㴺⃠僼硍礿穏筟籯絿マꦵ၅轿龀ꢁ쇱꿴龄蔿蚯螿裏觟翯甠㡢敪罣豯瘯劸驅࠺₈ገ혂敗叾 톐뼿⽅뽄뽫澗䟿䣯䫿䬏䰟崯ꗟ㉿￟侣ᆭ쾪쾧�侬냿帟徏疟꿿鮏䇏䉿マ龵⪝꾠뾡쾢�ྲ샿닏돟듯烿㳏㶿엏⁉慨艶痐⁰頰琠艨熰ɵ浥䅿쩳軰揯痹ˋፉ䑐臋ト쩡䏤良ࢰ윱뷐䋋읥 쟁텡椡ꃄ髿렌뤯딾뛟鷯鸏?⾟㾠徼澽辿迟싿쎿죏�욯죿딿ᅬ⿖�俩迗鿘꿙뿚􏳏���忨忥꽥嬠쭳ቃﺡ졐湲䚑瑂痲ﺃ﬿矠蹛辯﾿쾐濌㿯俰ᾯ�潳/ğȯ﬿⢎ᄘ㜩㗐ⴸᐷ㄰→漊晦捩؟ࣿएጓ㥀㈭㋼០矐័᧿ᨏ?⼛弉漊缋輌鼍࿿뼏ၟᇏﯟ⒏瞎梐屦∽쁷偗餺䂰矋馀⸥≭�뀗饵摠鋩てὀ節䠀偙剅䥌챎⁋뼭옮絽䀰爄屐晣就痾肙鼫꼍ȧ켪쐴㉿ⅎ⊿㱯⍟㩿慿㬯㹟烯狿⤉㣿⦅濪忮ὁ⽂迱鿲꿳꽇 刯䩏ử깑䜼卟꿏罗齔ꍕ䙅䕢擰聵㪤♮敐嬻ⶴ჌瀜墨瞠軠⌀㕂䍰䐴艆⟠夃撠ゑ柁㌺ȧ〠瀟忿䘶嚟姿慟履憎恏_齃缴輵鼶꼎罴轵替跙滐阐䬟䏿阏犏マ⽪뽄ཬὭ⽮㽯羍肎䟿ỼἿ⁏损梿鑏쯍࿁�꽴奼偝祡‬䪞僐ა遾ႈ〲킭裉㩱ᔵ䆐絍经�タྂᾃ䩔薠?⾆晼伄�ヒྍᾎ迣萯略橢懏뾐쾑粽䭗꘹⃐䀲胐쭁Ꚁ䕰쿰埐轥叐䀲៿䣬䧟鯯熿䷿丟伯缿뾖彑ལ澪纫O챕轵ྫྷ��ᆴ徱뗿振擟旯듿ꂟᓟᗯ￿꾺㺢ᆬྦྷᾨ⾩㾪德웿렟뤯̿鍟鮁벬뼏￿࿁ῂ⿃㿄俅꿇翈짿몏 챏촏봟빿춏칯ソ迏鿐濝뿒῕�ᅱ�䣲ၻ悈쀹眠桼彡阠結㈀‐抚悈層瓂表론畣籲⛰齠眷킟響�椷⚉ꂐ쬠�⦅俞忟濠翡迢꿤㿸濏経偑냹價ჼ烬䕨ꁆ砠瀦䂖蒙ⷡꈮ隀㭀뛀⸭鮁沐킥聅㥶盰︱⛠㑀潻꿵뗰舡筛‰猡灵犟ﭹ玲�瞯☯礴厥祴孭沰꿿뼀蠟㟾杉⁜뼆켇瓛禛廀澀べ⫝̸㝢뼋̳矿㪻帷竳椐艭一睥删兺滾彻濛翜缔輕鼖៿᢯ᦿ᫏ᯟᳯỿἏ?⼠㼡伢弣漤缥輦鼧響⬯ꌟ돏⻿⼟〯뼿伱弲漳킄[ͦ慍衫鍠䖠ˀ䖠�ﰠ洱შ災`リ끞儒蓫 鼫꼬ჿ牸楢價悈瀑ꏫヲꁰ䇬ꃹ:漶῱⿲㿳䞏﨟ﮯ﾿쿼�缓弶ἂ⼃༐׿ُ佟࠯ॿએ嚟౏﾿켍꽚0༒ἓ뽝弩⫿捯摏敟景板梏榟ᆵ뽪콫�ョ཰ά⽲珿琿畏癟⭯㮏禯㓯_伵スཿᾀ⾁㾂㴷䒺퉍錰隠欱싪鏏㢠匠㷰⁀塠灕㹀向Q潺罻얄耹じǫ뀸኉擨洠䅠周藰㼿￯`གὃ⽄㽅齇彇⾖䧿䩿䮏䲟䶯抿蕏倯￯q�ὔ⽕㾞佗彘潙ꗿ孟岏ꦟꆿ忿惏懟￯쾬⽸㽹徲澳羴辵龶럿뢯릿뫏믟볯뻿뼏?⿀㿁係心濄翅彺ハ죿菿萏쬟췿츏켟퀯윿俑྆ᾇ䐠냰@ 炛ê掉⃪닩犌翉쫯펏꣕㠒池ꀹ닫£疾쀷ㆰ㛫ᎉ씽ﺄ퐮蹏郿鄏鈟錯鐿o꾖澖�辘龙꾚뾛쾜뇿푟鼿ꇿ괏ꏯꐯ￯徦澧羨࿶龪꾫濺꿲껿꿟냯﷿읿젿͏Џ?⼅㼆伇弈漉缊輋鼌෿ຯ྿჏ᇟዯᓿᔏ?⼖濉￙꼙ῒ⿓꼜뼝ṿ῏⃟⇯헿혟蠯攠敾怹쿗�Ἓ朤潨、㝰㦢跰⡠再ب늉㤠�)摡�㠐㣰瓀捡넨㵩跰蝠疠跽猰鼩꼪蔤₉탧쀹跿��쿯俧࿧似⿩乯䃹瀁泾켁켹�꼗뼘⽁㼶㟿㡏㥟㩯㱿㳟䲟㺯访켿�䑉秐畯玌枎ိ燖牰ど!ꏝ탸䃝쐦苗猭탛郸�。 ㋿�漖〯눬꽯큄ዜ⃼曗剉椴섮勳信㑋䌌䓏姞㞁ꐮꃳၒひ�昡�罕轖ᇜ⥳襁￀䀭༴轂罆轇齈꽉䫿䶿䰟櫟仯僿䀏描/ཅ潤罥车齧꽨椿沿稟泟淯濿‏䅢獫焬犟环膿_侂徃澄羅辆龇꾈뾉諿诏賟路迿透鄟鈯_侓徔澕羖辗龘꾙뾚鯿鳏鷟黯ꃿꄏꈟꌯ_侤徥澦羧辨뽟콠⽰燿甿瘯眿硏祟筯篏マ�꽽뽾罯ᆴ⾩㾪侫냿녟뉯덿뒏떟뢯옏꿏�ᄎ쩢拻珉穩㩥㈱2㭒鸞㩀쀣䘴ㄸ䑂뼁꓎䙶)ꀭ扁견컟䱙攢퇸歩쁯ㅛ촶牁짒❜啑칡ッೕ㼢伣࿚槜櫍࿞濏퇄틯 죿䅐物勱⟿죠⠰ퟰ��󃳟䍽䀰倯腘⹋秐瀬汬俦忧濨翩}⹐⹏䈠硯⃠㤱㜹꿫뿬쿭緟៫✬哠㔠ゐ緿㐐㘰섭〠㌭﫽㖠뿞࿝꿸쿌��쿿퇿쭏뱟봟섯﬚⦅濼伅⿟輊�ᅢ࿅웿�᎟줿쩏џۿࠏ゚侾徿漇翁�뼜༒ᑗ⍯せ鄙Ⱟ皠೿⇏␿⣯ি☱ʡꨖ᙭ⷀ烫呥㩢ꀃ淪扔琱缄�则⨡㱐嬡᭩⇰葳灵若湁潮‪ퟳ占獰≝⪿㍿⬏﹈㍨ᙰⱔⶑ塑ᮀ校湧Ƚ晐達‽‱楷慤㷐ဢ㌳∥⬮ㅦќ捱屪汵Ā⁾㩟㫢ḳ翳켠S�唰灔じヲ⼲^콁㼫伬唭Ἦ漼ヿㄿ 䉏䍿䮏䓏㡚㡠⊠ⵟ彑∱⬶硴咗ᚐ塠畐Ǧ䨽^懸捓⁓瀃㍍灓番b呯爐ꀸ腅Ń搭桓睯✨콟ညぢ恏Ⱗ㍏❈∩�瑵�﵈卥哑䛆䟏䃟ᔮ�wཙ鸁艅嘭噡吐鈱䴺∳充殐숰榀瑥䘢岿ᅬ唙佉彊顝쁠灆ŏ㚏侔慡᡺拂浫낀䳳䊡㩍柠െ慿�둨ꅀ汩輧㨉ݡ挾ᄡ꽀漉ἧ㿹位埕ꬡᴕ㣦ᬖ╓敔灐轥딁碝刾ꀷ⃦聆散罡珯崿˯璘㡳刃潡载᫿ᯏ淟熯狏藟蚯펿澂㠣茐䒻螐歨惔ピ张旐‷繣側楁踀潀㝿搠軡피oș瓠軧ᘰ㟰淑轰푠ꆏ蹢搰摠ၥ䇔⁒蹝⁂鋪ᾋ⊌谷 ㉼鋛㠹敀肃锿莯ソ誄Ἆ缟輠鼡꼢潴⾡䣿撏敏♟蜿ꄟꇿꦿᆵyᆬྦྷᾨ羪ྰྭᾮ꽯넯떏ᕟ㔍ꀌ뱯祤㸇澷ᄍ嘝ᴷ⯱늚涠묳綅킾