RE: Kalispell City Airport Web SiteErika: I will have to talk to Theresa about whether the Master Plan Update meetings and minutes will be a part of the City's official files. Also, Theresa will have to let me know if she wants to publish the meeting times on the official city calendar. My guess is that she will want it all on her records. However, the idea is to have it all listed under the airport website for people to look at. I don't know if we want to do both. Let's talk to the Clerk about this. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 11:57 AM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site 1) Airport a) Change - make a few grammatical changes on current airport pages b) Add link to Airport Master Plan Update file that will need to be updated the monthly. c) Add Airport Studies file that can be updated with all studies done to date on the airport. d) Add Meetings Information - displays pending meetings and meetings that have taken place with the minutes attached. [EB1] Fred, This is the information I have for the Airport department requirements for the website. Can you please let me know will the meeting information, with the minutes be on our website? If the information is on the City's website, will you want access to update the meeting data or have myself or someone else on the City staff do the updates? Do you want the airport meetings listed on the City's Event calendar? Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Erika Billiet Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 2:09 PM To: Theresa White; Jane Howington Subject: FW: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 1:41 PM To: Erika Billiet Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika: I can see that cost is not going to be the problem since we will have several thousand dollars to do our part of the website upgrade. In our meeting yesterday with Stelling Engineers we agreed that our IT department or the County IT department will invoice Stelling Engineers for the upgrade to the Airport Website. Stelling will be using FAA grant funds to pay for the work on the airport website upgrade. All we need to do is make sure the upgrade meets the upgrade in the Scope of Work in the grant. We will know exactly what that is by the end of this week or the first part of next week when Stelling brings over the final SOW approved by the FAA. If the time line becomes a problem the airport may have to front the funds to move on the website and get paid back from grant funds when the grant is approved. I know that you want more specifics for the contract with the County IT, but I can't give that to you yet. All I can say is Stelling says they will fund any changes to our website for the next two years. The top limit is $4,000 for now. I can set up a preliminary meeting with Jeff Walla (Stelling Engineer Project Mgr.) any time you are available. Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 10:05 AM To: Fred Leistiko; Theresa White; Jane Howington; Charlie Harball Cc: Amy Robertson Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site The 4-5 hours of development time would be a onetime charge and the charges for the hosting would not be charged entirely to the airport. The airport pays a data transfer fee and that covers the website costs. Due to this I was asking how I could charge the airport directly. The City's website will be adequate to host the airport planning information. However since we are in the requirement gathering phase I don't have more exact costs than what I have already provided. The biggest factor on my part is getting the information from Stelling Engineers to determine that I have all of their requirements when the airport design is completed. The website contract goes to Council on Monday June 21st, then the contract still has to go to the Flathead County Commissioners for approval. I am gathering the requirements now so I can proceed with the county developer on the design portion after the contract is signed by both parties. Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:58 AM To: Erika Billiet; Theresa White; Jane Howington; Charlie Harball Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika: The cost to design the site the way we want it is fine if the cost is going to be >$500. I cannot afford ongoing charges of $400 a year right now. So my question would be whether the hosting and Google charges are a one-time charge or an annual charge? We have a proposal, in a grant, for $4,000 to set up and operate a website for the next two years dealing with airport planning. If we can put all of the information into our current website and have it paid for with FAA grant funds we can kill two birds with one stone. There should be plenty of money available to design the website for future needs. Stelling Engineers would have some input into what we want on the site. We could leave the entire $4,000 in the grant proposal and use whatever we need. Does this make sense to you? Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 1:36 PM To: Theresa White; Jane Howington; Charlie Harball Cc: Fred Leistiko Subject: FW: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Fred talked to me on Friday about the FAA funding he has for the airport project and that it included funding for the airport website. I was asked to calculate the amount the airport would pay for the pages in the website and get it to him by this week since he has a meeting. The airport project includes funding for the airport website but the funding is good only for the airport's portion of the website. The bids & proposals would be used for the airport during anytime the airport had one, as well as the resolutions or ordinances ,etc. At this time, the airport has already been charged a transfer into the data processing budget ($900) of the original $20,000 website redesign & hosting project from the 2010 fiscal year. I did increase the budget in the Fiscal 2011 budget because I have anticipated I didn't have every level of detail in the original website requirements which has indeed been true after receiving the department requirements. I have received an answer from Vicki that Fred's airport pages could take an estimated 5-10 hours to complete at $45/hour. I would also like to add part of the hosting $25/month ($300/year), and $100/year Google Analytics fees to the cost for the airport portion of the website. If the airport also benefits from the home page of our website I see it suitable to add a block of hours to the airport fees for the home page. Do you agree with this? Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 9:49 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Thanks, let me know when it comes in or if they can give us an estimate. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Erika Billiet Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 12:49 PM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Web Site I have sent the requirements to the IT Director at the County and requested an estimate. Erika Billiet (406)758-7751 office (406)249-2280 cell it@kalispell.com <mailto:it@kalispell.com> From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 11:54 AM To: Erika Billiet Subject: Kalispell City Airport Web Site Erika: Here is what needs to be done to the current Airport web site: . Make a couple grammatical changes to the verbiage on the front page . Develop a link to a Master Plan Update file that can be updated monthly . Develop a link to a Documents file where we can list all the studies done to date on the airport. . Develop a link to a Meetings file where we can show pending meetings and meetings that have already taken place with minutes attached. If you can get me a price on this development and also the loading of the documents I can give you an OK. I have a source to fund these changes. Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 ________________________________ Fred - Are these actually links to another site or simply need to be updated on the City's website? 午퉮曻⑀瘱値쁧釿꽚寿岿巏廟忯懿椏掏O轥ᆬ彦潧罨ᾤ齪꽫꫿ꮯ鲿趟蹟꽯鶿鿿/ᾠ⾡㾢侣⾴澥쾧徽ꣿꦟ꺯믏걿귟싯訏₷獫뀬넟딯똟O㾷侸徹澺込࿒뿿삿엏탯쌯엿혏낿/꿈⾲㾳侴࿊Ή⿌㿍칿콏큟텯퍿㘇搰큸迚㿧鿮鿔햧퟿㳏招褏�ᣪ㍐ⶀ敺㨀㈱〮瑰섻ꗙ䘴ㄸ�Ⅿ鼶-け�྘褏敌쀹䣥歐籹ㄱ凬逿ꧺ峾ꉈ쿦컼뿡쿢䤄Պ�碑᥺䷆տ᠐0Ɵʯ綿䏮ꂋ쁴㦰⿀ᾰ�.༐ἑ范⹐O‮潂⁸㤱�ፀᒏᖟᚯ綿u䶐⁔ᠵばᠳޯ뼙켚 �㑽㘰턭áⴰ∳㖀鼆⃿▿௯_ᅴ濡¢輣鼤缭弇뿣㋟㪟㭟ṯ﫠⸰⾱賬켲Ἴ鿰㾿⥟�䒏䖟⺯゚쿝�꽉O༱漾뼵켶㟿㣟㧯䇿垿喯꼿齜뽙㙇豢撀㩖䁮炖总ⶄㆋܺD肓ー䈣䌵�䙄倘㌫灞婤隐㌺㈫〠낓٤轈寿廏是䊯䎟斯䔏⛏㟯G但Ἢ⬰⨳晳šꂓ祬∺慔≨橯⋀∬₀獮⫣ະ椀≦콤꛻㫾콏�潮潷཯퉶棿灳煯牿玏殟隚缠﫰鍫䈰ꁾ肓톒⼞㼟₟⅏䭟浟葟司⩥ސ꽵罹垏畔獥摤祡耝畊炖倘ᤵ耝〲퀽倘㨰侮ﰵ䵀龂꾃뾄쾅�蟿웯侙襰諯賿ﰆ #鸆윻ม谀膠埰ቨ辀⁡䂍潈捷핱끡饮䌐䃇色驁ﵠ肒橢Ꮠ轿避醏銟环뾓姾捃龕꾖ꉁቭ加扯橴ﹰ鱮鴟鸯鼿ꁏꅟ衯扵敪襣꓏謿磨䕒ሺ鯨ሐං圶旺䁮饓䧑䯿丏痿￿ཷ⽒㽓佔義潖Ὠ澽㷿㸟묯븿싯뾿삿쇏￟㿄࿈콨�翇뾳뽋䳿췏떏렜릿뫏믟볯￿Ὴ�ᅨ࿍⽻὇⽈�馊‱ⴴゎၿ汵獲눒끠፶慐淀褿ꦡﶿ�ᅰ⃐扬꘰⁀šꏦ掮㆛烧扮琰懢⨐�習0挱タ炂䂦ῤ⿥헝ⓨ承褰ඡፀቐ憠懃඿ﱄ크턿⁥烚禾უ삌ლ郦署๦斀珨快濬㛦鮿舰 矒邲緯饠�玠�ﳱ䓎邌–䤠ნ獰罒眐懽რ꺑㼀끾뿹쿺￱ꎱ伃㠣㋸㜱鬄삶꣝უ髏놐恒熰ﰐ忒￾ༀ헝ዪ�渀滾勪삨釩냜킘耪㼃ҿՏ驜籱ꢁ揀싸顰ཐ飃੐믟伌餐灒゛翻﷐摡鶦輇鼈炂゛₀赀敀慸껯豈�瞀烽댜�飀捐ـᚬ袟烩灵百⁢悘弐漑弅䃧﹩艑繰깰⪡ᲀ�탮燚炂䇽僩ᅭꤏ胩煵鼟꼠⚉ㆂ䕡聣솨揸ï끠�ꢠỔ놷닑0ਕꄉ䂙댔缩輪헝㜂賟■�ﶀ洐ဏ焭≿⎟⒯觊 ᵠ极濶懩Ꮰ绰Q헝慍谀跁ᨄ類俞畳駓臝ᄿ뇴उᗿ뚼㿄렫贉ᓑ㢴뿧솘膱ę瀹�＀퇨䁣鼺꼻ꚢĺ톱派遾⃜ℐ拸鋩灡⋿�㗀㘯㜿﵌繰ᢀi�უ惾惜὇⽈헝�≱ᐡ頀驡䓐e썉旣뇴턦틨㊲懼ⵦめ冯ï㣚ﷶסּሴ憘懐呀➡舲p꿹뽌㴷ᅪ࿏⾵㾶侷룿푟핿�휏�樏�￟࿡佨῟⿠�뽟콠巿广튏戯振搿敏晟ッ罧轨齩ォ辁콬�イ漯燿⵰ჹ敺㨀㈱〮瑰輻怦뀭샮∺녃ܡ釩倏ⅱ䉆Ⱒ’ꀘ≦茻焳藏헯灼ᡅ殠邙ੂ魑ー박辧龨꾩侃齺㾇裻襏げ 꾉뾊쾋�ⶆ⠀〴⤶㔷簸㜭삞]罶護ャ빦ᑩ輀邯醿鋏緟玞瓁㧐㈭㠲쇭熱ꋿꎏ꒟ꖯ鎿铯雿霏?⾘龉侚徛澜ᾆắ棢ꃮ㵦蔢㪀♀窐吺䂐炠ℬ崮鄴딢ꉫⱀ搠抂ݦ⃧ª偱䡻偙쁅䱒义⁋侸嚹紼멽砀峠ㅦ⬐뙙냏頟￙徵咿�侬徭サྮ엽意뽹翉ເ影뗿촯璿碏퍿첿졏簏﾿콽�侂ྫྷ翝Ꮦ˽皰㿑࿛뿞濢軟훏岽爀郐Ⴊ牄☭炐蔺ꤰ寰⎰䈀䌵䐴⁆謱鎱ヤ뭤村㌺銱⃼ᐰ퇕뽯쾃�쿪⿎믰뽢켏῀⿁㾙邲慔胰덻횒珀Ⴑ펳迪擴﵆䄩픺횏אָﴪマ꿎 룏鿶꿷뿸쿹⃻寭䲡倯ⅅ䙫꜀꧿/ᾪ⾫潵ῳ椫慐濻㿿┽甘4儽錽㔱䎉㋠̰⁰㨹킞⃸䵁弈漉缊輋鼌෻ᚯ咈フ꼏뼐㙎�㮎鈥ぐ䀅圠㡨쀞ﱊ㶰䣀쁐㇩逦滪쀞䕃犀憏ဠ〘拾섮⼔㼕伖弗漘缙⯡畩橢㥥ᭀᱏ셟❎䕒›륋䨆達㍁垅瀸뀨ꄸ틿펟풯﮿ﲿퟏ��式輤⿜�缸�⼰⼁\㤟㷟㪯㮯㲿㿏Ob濮翯述潂꼮羟辠䣿み㌎㓏㗟㛯㣿䔏OeཇὈ⽱쿐ᾎ⧿䤼䷟㇏㈏㌟伯偏⦅�罒�꽕뽖콗ས姿嫯泿涟庯䪏䯟燯ᆵ⦆རὣ⽤㽥ὶ彧槿羿橏殏炟綿湯濏꿟テ툞熴炆밠₠ ョ쇵某傆襴성ῐ誐켤劁ᤨቷ趐←켰ꂍ⁳䂢닏諠襃蹣枑褱庢Ⅲ猰ⁿ瑰㻉碄㰤〵ヂ쾐轴驵䤠艷禰環ᾋ⾌ꖄ彡ア処Ⴂ怠᎐⁣柡ሟꉠ錑Ꙁ駠₁敹膫Ց枰ₕ瞰龓钫閯厼〈Ɑ燰儒ࡷ넀跰澐醐キ冊텼㾗侘쎄劊퀄܏郱礱䟰潯罧ꂆ螚傁〡킷쇦惧빩ꕭ驦耀蘐陁痁邃ꗽ㽵꾜뾝齵�灺ⷓ랐懠ꙶ瀢・䀭֝汀뀒킷牧↎ዷ늰鯱ⰱ炓〈逅疰ꂂ튤胧䃧詡ᄆ킷삩ꊊ솙辫龬ꦣ⏽磠醉肠ꎛꂎョƹ郟‱詀饐ⶐ瀥킂킖鰱ꦟ閯ꪽ趀雡꺱ﺠ↰鮑눁듿ꌏ⎩翐솙 肃㎠퀣놉邠ႀ」냀ဟㆎ䚲튤䎮憎䂁냡뜒䘳䅁钯쾼뵫ꯟ昕蹤뮠段ỻ뙡戃‭틆䊷쇦憆룁릏閟Ẽ蛣Ѡꃐ뾥¸意꾼࿅傮肷킂ꕢ襑늼�釆쁴떰ޢ玐俉忊黿᾽Ẑⁱ쵠컟峯⃶⦆턣䃧鎠䎮ゃ솦퀣볿쀢ꅓ널跠ꃗ詑퍖ᅬ�법ᆮꆠ俗忘ᖫ蛿꺠詒དྷⵡ℠뀰濡劊ꎯꞮ쎤յ�攓껿썠팑��閿犼猏?ཷὸ⽹㽺佻彼侫罾胿腿芯螿薟蛯￿⿺࿫Ῥ쿨�㽶翭迮౏翟Ὸ⿹俾俻忼濽谑�ꕯ諑蹐႑毐熊僤郡祡邠鲨⼀ἄ⼅ۿܿࡏय़ᅯ௯ඏ⋯⦅뼎켏�缠2 ༔༧Ἠ᣿ǿȯⰿ᨟᭟ᱯᵿ羏鼞꼟輰켡⼤뼹嬲V쀱屁켫Ἳ켾켤�㻫⤿戅歃굢䑩⧏୺삙ゎ設稀㩥〱⸲瀰㔪䘴㣘䈱JՇ셆ꐐ컰귿䱩蹥Ꚑ⒠潫쬰ㄱ牢䯽尹ǗƋ�籍伲弳勿呿䗙囚䝿⧟䫛䓏見띁䶕ꁕꁀ涡q厛吏䌓悎鋍䬠톶⼿혐廡徿惏懟緯P伮‮潂⁸ㅼ⨹擐攟是朿絏捃꾇䴰⁔椵 ㍞㽩佪彫潬魽㙐ⶢ週ⴰ猳㔐⽗嗿煿䔟䘿癏䡯䥯孿﾿콃輬Q輱ὴ⽵ཾ㓿㕏㙟药㡯䂏訯误灯缰⽁᰽徃꾌羐䇿䈯䌿轏积⫟锟阯_⽿弮漯㾚辀龁ホ來蟿衟襯詿銏ꝏ㳟㴯�쾥義⾭侪욗 顢뙰喰肘졮㮱ᒱ줭瀀㨎邔×䈣䌵㒸䙄썻¯ꭤ줠㌺쉻〠㇥ꖴ駿갟깟랿錿鐯딿隟潟罷轸�꽺笰篃昃愄큭称∺慔쳣뮰≐∬僦耗䁻챱楠≦徵㙌ホZ徠澡ᄒ羄ᅦ龿拇ι쁿싿쌏쐟밯�타殀懮ꁨハ×�溰澿��裕왑謿࿊០녍撐祡ၮ䨜녵梠⃐〲軏桠든ꨰ僰퍍퐯�俕忖濗翘䣡ꁔ�獿进雪桔烐逖胒㵗퀖녴�잀�䣀陯둷눁湀胩桃틷拰悻ཤ¢丯䏩?럑鍌齏⿬㿭修忯濰�甐橢捥忚埉挺掐崒敗킾驑鮏龟マ迆鿇뾢쾣�￸ᆭ꾸೿路躯 િ຿ቯ༿ဿo弑뼓輗徹澺羻6㼃鳿鵏ᵟЏ࢜ि੏ୟッ缌鼙弨漚缛輜뿋꾗頧䮿⧟沐ㅫ濲︠�뇀䲐늁�縷丿픟唭녡痐肴䳀낀䅁映ꃝ㘠嶁냪㙳⿠㛀慣핝�Æ拽6ポ愶둡掀픐⭮異²㍤㒏唭ɷ촐䱠뼟츠䤠ꀾ넷逫唲捲䀬畣耫惩ᐸュ〶탎戶꼺뼻꘵䘾〶泾삲っ聞쀷듿㚱㹲㦵幓㦀㋓础换㘰捰㺰斡毾齄꽅唭〺脷萷틿㊀틀듰㼁䀯䄿ᄆ弸┺섷䰽kཌྷ빆ꕉ抎䔶腋潧뉯࿀邱䃏긽o㠣ㄲ㞾䭑䀆퀸섁㉩￱偣꽕뽖唭奉pདྷ䮿눠㞰拀쿿搐☺駑㢷ǡ킰 氐酋덇�绀큵뉠寀式惏⷟摳痮胐䄷뀆㋰㣁שׁ냪鉚�㝰抱Ű㜁ᄆ父ꀯ䀶䅟쀷↱땷ذ亰现齫꽬唭䴬晣嵿㌁搰㡋㗾⼭�ἅ⼆㼇弣⓿╯♿⢏⧯菿⩿⯏￟M༯ἰ⾈ཹ뽵ཤ⇿稏筯籿綏纟羯邿゚�㾄쾙�ᾆ⾇侉諷譟齯䆅制腋쉮烝濟爜珟㗯邗攀킳䁋橿�鴰䢱닠틀璀狺⇐큦㩰䈑㛡�뽀삛툸녲腎倷す䩤쁒␨〹⤰煟潕ꙧ�ꅹ槰牧ű␐�Ⱐ邬傕陉燵ꇿ踰束톏쾷满㡡왦㘁�昣쀀ᅃ㾭껫齏禅邨扲迯䅟n쀕郵℺膨惐挶╉䛶莶ዞꬱ櫦䌠樐筑ᅂ냪굶뜯㗟캗槐 掼鱩벐溣뾹嵏帏漛삲₠쁥犠䯿ꅀ삀Ơ감哑魰쿀缰ᙉ잯畢쿀�薟烵况ŵ斐쀲탎酋䃩ォ㞿낓吀ꢁꧣ痐œ曾惩烵끎퀕㈷뎪旾↜傍㇚꿊뿋쿌탍맿몯䆿豌路釿鋯铿/ᾕ⾖㾗뾟徙뾛俢辜鷿ꊟꁯꇏ퟿�￯鿕꿖ᾑ俚忛濜翝连�蘭?Ῠ⿩㿪峾擀א芩瀀꥿拱並따톒튟ﺯ囅쏹殀㥩㆔얟序=朸퍈쉇ûꁂ㈄肱滳쏁㗃똭둁源瀰ﻱկد︿Dž대