NASAO Convention Presents Media Outreach Forums for Airports <http://custom.cvent.com/D949CF8615BC4D49BD958573FDC1A5FB/pix/e11baf3d97 2c4165bf5ffa652db44aa6.jpg> The National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) Board of Directors and the Kansas Department of Transportation, Division of Aviation invite you to the 2010 NASAO Annual Convention and Tradeshow, September 11-14 in Wichita, Kansas. This year's convention theme, "Aviation 2020 & Beyond: A Clear Vision for the Future" reflects our focus on aviation growth and sustainabilty for the next generation. Registration is open and we hope that you will join state aviation directors along with federal agency and industry leaders to discuss issues affecting the aviation industry in the next decade. Why is NASAO's Annual Convention and Tradeshow so important to your organization? As an attendee, you will: • Connect with leading decision makers from state aviation agencies; • Hear from key executives and officials from federal agencies, including FAA, TSA and NTSB; • Stay abreast of current legislation affecting aviation WHO SHOULD ATTEND: State aviation officials, senior staff and anyone responsible for communicating the aviation message to communities or the media, aviation consultants, state legislators, airport leaders including managers and airport commissioners and board members, aircraft and component manufacturers, students, press, and other members of the general aviation industry will not want to miss this opportunity to understand what is in store for aviation during the next decade. NEW THIS YEAR - SPECIALIZED EDUCATIONAL TRACKS! NASAO is offering tracks for manufacturers, airports and community relations. In addition to general sessions these specialized tracks offer a closer look at how future changes will affect how airports and manufacturers operate. Airport Community and Media Outreach: Building a Foundation for Effective Relationships This track is designed for anyone at the local or state level involved with communicating the value of aviation or their airport to the community or media. Forums are tailored to provide simple and effective checklists and outreach tools participants can take home and use immediately. Additional forums focus on how to answer the tough questions and translate aviation jargon and current issues into simple understandable messages. Manufacturing: Unprecedented Challenges and New Standards The industry is facing the most challenging decade for manufacturers since 1903. Collectively NextGen, alternate fuels, global sustainability, and customer demand, present an unprecedented challenge. This track is designed for anyone involved in aviation manufacturing – airframe or component – manned or unmanned with forums addressing new fuel for our planes and building a 21st century air management system for the changing dynamics of how aircraft are controlled and where they fly. REGISTRATION FEES: In recognition of continuing budgetary pressures, NASAO is NOT increasing 2009's rates for attendees of this year's NASAO Annual Convention and Tradeshow! DISCOUNTED RATES AVAILABLE UNTIL AUGUST 6, 2010 Visit Event Website <http://guest.cvent.com/d/mgWTwrMlx0ysMJyVZ4bk9w/qngc/P1?> Register today! Click the YES button below to register If you are unable to attend this year, please click the NO button. Your response is greatly appreciated. <http://guest.cvent.com/d/mgWTwrMlx0ysMJyVZ4bk9w/qngc/P1/4W?> I plan to attend the 2010 NASAO Convention and Tradeshow <http://guest.cvent.com/d/mgWTwrMlx0ysMJyVZ4bk9w/qngc/P1/3Z?> I am unable to attend this year Registration Questions and Sponsorship Opportunities: Contact convention planner Michelle Lewis at mlewis@nasao.org or call 703-417-1883. <http://custom.cvent.com/D949CF8615BC4D49BD958573FDC1A5FB/pix/770feb1f5e 32433b9f12f136bdac32ff.JPG> If you do not wish to receive future emails from Michelle Lewis please Opt-Out <http://guest.cvent.com/events/mproc.aspx?m=b251b3e3-e525-41a8-9618-625e 1a397438&t=http%3a%2f%2fguest.cvent.com%2fd%2f47NRsiXlqEGWGGJeGjl0OA%2fq ngc%2fE1%2f8D&s=Opt-Out> . ________________________________ Cvent - Web-based Software Solutions <http://guest.cvent.com/events/mproc.aspx?m=b251b3e3-e525-41a8-9618-625e 1a397438&t=HTTP%3a%2f%2fwww.cvent.com&s=%3cIMG+SRC%3d%22http%3a%2f%2fgue st.cvent.com%2fg%2fimages%2fpowered_by_cvent.gif%22+BORDER%3d%220%22+ALT %3d%22Cvent+-+Web-based+Software+Solutions%22%3e%3c%2fIMG%3e> <http://guest.cvent.com/Events/images/qngc/b251b3e3-e525-41a8-9618-625e1 a397438.gifx>