FW: From: Scott Scott [mailto:maxwellsnortsnort@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 12:36 PM To: bidcaller65@hotmail.com; bertlenon@hotmail.com; wayne_mcmichael@amat.com; zatmike@centurytel.net; m.paulson@bresnan.net; maryiverson@bresnan.net; flinch_05@hotmail.com; hammerquist12@yahoo.com; fredh@bresnan.net; robertt@montana.com; kyv59903@centurytel.net; wisebunch@bresnan.net; kenyon@cyberport.net; peggylee@marketyourart.com; mjdardis@yahoo.com; crystal lynn seiler; paulinem@cyberport.net; mojocat@aboutmontana.net; admason@centurytel.net; isabelle@montanasky.com; jpress@centurytel.net; douise@gmail.com; susanneoconnor@centurytel.net; roxiebrothers@centurytel.net; w. m.; Scott Scott; phil.cjpllc@yahoo.com; jo-blake@bresnan.net; tom_smithlin@hotmail.com; mtrockz@yahoo.com; linda397@centurytel.net; Marye Flowers; joblake@bresnan.net; eckels@guitarmusicman.com; joann_vitovec2003@yahoo.com; marilynmm@bresnan.net; djeep@bresnan.net; wmcmichael@semitool.com; rgmikelson@gmail.com; csoptelean@dailyinterlake.com; phil_jerrig@yahoo.com; kuhlpan@cyberport.net; stokes@z600.com; Theresa White; Fred Leistiko; fmiele@dailyinterlake.com; barb@guitarmusicman.com; Theresa White; Jane Howington; charene@kdbr.com; citizens@flatheadcitizens.org; dtesta@flatheadbeacon.com; denise@flatheadbusiness.com; kals@kals.com; kofi@kofiradio.com; leahfmdjchick@hotmail.com; gundrum@fuse.net; bias_ricky@yahoo.com; oneil@centurytel.net; angelinmontana@hotmail.com; tjdascoli@netscape.net; jimjac7@yahoo.com; bilz_mom@yahoo.com; e33roberts@hotmail.com; lmret14@yahoo.com; shan-dor@chibardun.net; tractor_grandpa@hotmail.com; klrusch56@yahoo.com Subject: Teresa, Please make sure every member of the council receives a copy of this public letter Dear Mayor and City Council Members; I requested the Council to review and consider the merits of the F.A.A. grant study. It's to my understanding that the council members that voted for the F.A.A. grant study will not consider reevaluating or reconsider such a vote. Being a resident and tax payer of this city I'm deeply sadden by such behavior and waist of our money. It also disturbs me that acknowledgement of this request was not even addressed. Many resident of this city are not pleased with your actions. And hopefully at election time these actions of yours will be noted. Now many of the residents of Kalispell want you our council to address the noise issue of Red Eagle Aviation out at OUR city owned and operated public airport. The Kalispell Police department refuses to act on any and all noise complaints coming from the City airport, the F.A.A. states that it is a City Issue and that we must remove the irritant. The residents of kalispell are not upset with the local pilots and out of town visitors (if any) that use our publicly owned airport. But the main problem is the lack of foresight of the past council to allow a aviation training facility to operate out of and over our city and residents. The continual landings and taking offs are a public nuisance and noise irritant of residents and local business operators. And we the residents want you the Council to put a stop to it. As we are aware that the lease agreement is not valid and is not legal. Please set this up for Council and Public discussion, you do not need a F.A.A. grant study to do this. I feel if the City of Kalispell wants to have an airport within it's city limits, any repetitious landing and take offs as Red Eagle Aviation does should be denied if the airport wants to remain at it's present location. F.A.A. has advised Red Eagle to fly neighborly and showed them a exit corridor to fly, but they do not comply, and our airport manager has not been successful in getting them to comply. So we feel that they have been given enough opportunity to cooperate and are unwilling to do so. We would like the city council to make arrangement to start removing them for our city property. This issue with Red Eagle Aviation has been going on for a few years now. The residents of Kalispell have had enough. Public acknowledgement and response of this letter is expected. <http://gfx2.hotmail.com/mail/w2/pr02/emoticons/smile_wink.gif> SCOTT