FW: sign ordinance From: Merna Terry [mailto:merna@ronterryconstruction.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 11:02 AM To: citycouncil@kalispell.com; Jim Patrick Cc: Paul Jacobs; Merna Terry Subject: FW: sign ordinance Dear Mayor and City Council Members and City Manager, I am sending this email to let you know that the current sign ordinance does not appear to have a provision for builders or realtors to use temporary directional signs (not on the site being directed to) to direct people to homes for sale or model homes that are open. Using signs that say there is a model home open on a couple of street corners with arrows is a tool that builders can use to direct potential customers to their homes and help to increase sales. These signs are usually only put up during hours the homes are open and are not large enough to cause a traffic disturbance. I am wondering if this was the intent of the sign ordinance or something that was inadvertently missed. I believe the signs are not a danger or negative for our community and should be allowed. If the intent of the City was not to disallow these signs, I'd be happy to work with anyone at the city to come up with suggested wording for a change to the ordinance to make these signs legal. I'm just not sure who to work with. If the intent was to disallow these signs, I'd like to ask the City Council to reconsider as not allowing these signs can hurt the business of realtors and builders. When we needed to move signs within the city that direct customers to our model home, we experienced a significant decrease in traffic to our model home. Thank you for taking the time to look at my request. Sincerely, Merna Terry _____ From: Paul Jacobs [mailto:pjacobs@kalispell.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 10:26 AM To: 'Merna Terry' Subject: RE: sign ordinance Hi Merna, ` June 11, 2008 I’m not surprised that you’re confused nor do I discount your frustration. As it is written, your right; you can’t advertise for “anything” off the property that is for sale or where the product is being made! I noticed the “A” frame on the county side and so will other passersby. Please believe that I have explored every option and can’t find a way to “legally” advertise off site. I’m sorry. I appreciate the support at the end of your letter more than you know!! Now, the green belt at Merganzer and Airport Rd is still in the county (I just learned that my map is current) so I wont be enforcing that area. However you must realize the county has nearly the identical sign regulations that we do and may very well ask you to remove the signs also! Good luck. Paul PS: the apartments we’ve been working on in the east side are getting better but there is shrubbery growing in the middle of the lot and you’re tenant, who owns all the Jeeps, changed his number long ago.