08-09-10 Impact Fee MinutesIMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date: August 9, 2010 Attending: Chad Graham, Karlene Osorio-Khor, Sharon DeMeester, Rick Wills, Merna Terry Charlie Harball, Jim Hansz, Terri Loudermilk Absent: Dewey Swank Public Comment: Terry Kramer present - No comment from Public. Discussion: Discussed the July 2010 Water & Wastewater Systems Updated Impact Fee Report. Terri Loudermilk let the IFAC know three scribner changes had been made to the report since the last review by the committee. The committee reviewed the scribner changes. Motions/Recommendations/Votes: Karlene Osorio-Khor made a motion to vote to recommend the July 2010 Impact Fee Report for the Water & Wastewater Systems. Sharon DeMeester seconded motion. The vote to recommend the July 2010 Impact Fee Report passed with the following results: (3) yes - Rick Wills, Karlene Osorio-Khor, Sharon DeMeester (1) no - Chad Graham (1) abstain - Merna Terry The IFAC meeting adjourned and was followed by a joint work session with the City Council. Date of Next Meeting: September 16, 2010 Next Steps: General Election of Officer's and Review Stormwater Impact Fees.