SP Agenda March 27, 2006 #1CITY OF KALI5PELL CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL, MEETING AGENDA MARCH 27, 2006 — 7; 00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS -CITY HALL CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE A. AGENDAAPPROVAL . . PUBLIC COMMENT Persons wishing to address the Council on any issue, including Agenda items, are asked to do so at this time. Those addressing the Council are requested to give their name and address for the record. (Comments shall be limited to three minutes) C. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUBSEQUENT COUNCIL ACTION .. Resolution 5103 — Interim Poke ---' Evergreen Serer Service This resolution establishes an interim poti setting the terms for using the Evergreen sever system by properties located outside the RSID 1.32. . Resolution 5104 — Evergreen Sewer and Water Connection — Cottonwood Estates Resolution 5104 authorizes Cottonwood Estates to connect to the Evergreen Sewer District pending several conditions. . Resolution 1_0— Evergreen Sever and 'Water Connection ---- e. .r's Park. Subdivision Resolution 5105 authorizes Lots 3 and portions of Lot 4, 5, and 6 of Bernard's Park Subdivision to connect to the Evergreen Sever District pending several conditions. D. ADJOURNMENT Reasonable accoinmodations will e made to enable individuals with disabilities to attend this meetina. Please notify Theresa White, City Clerk a - . city ot Kalispell .................. Post Office, Box 1997 - Kal 1spell, Montana - 1. 997 - Telephone (406)75-1700 Fax - MEMORANDUM March 23, 200 To: Mayor and City Council From: City Council Member Bob Herron Evergreen Sewer and Water District provides water to a good portion of ward 2 in the City of Kalispell. How is that any different than us having an i ter o al agreement to provide sewer treatment for then` The fact is our blolocrical treatmentplant would never have been built and have the capacity that it has if it had not been for a cooperative effort between the city and the county. And that cooperation was mandated by the EPA. in order for the money to be granted to both the city and the county..i he 201 Facilitles Study, and the amendment to the study that were done in. the 80#s, identified the need to upgrade Kalis ell#s plant and actually build a new one and also Identified the need to protect the Evergreen aquifer. Because of the cooperation between the city and the county our plant was si e . to accommodate the needs identified in the 201 facilities plan, and that plan identified the area known as Evergreen in the facilities plan. The EPA. gave a grant to Evergreen for a collection system and told them they didn't get a plant, the EPA gave a grant to Kalispell for our plant and told us to service the area identified in the 201 Study (which includes Evergreen). Everyone living in the Flathead 'Valley is responsible for the grater quality of this valley and Flathead Lake. We have the treatment plant and we need to do the right thing. Bob Herron Ward 2 III i o. r wokCity of Kalispell Post Office Box 1 - Kalispell. Montana -1 - Telephone (406) 7- 000 Fax - 406) 758-775 REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: James H. Patrick, City Manager SUBJECT: Cottonwood Estates Request for Sewage e Treatment Meeting Date; March 27, 200 Background: At the December 5, 2oo5 Council Work Session, Council asked Staff to work with the Cottonwood Estates Developers to investigate the extension of City services to their development. At the time the developer thought that there was a County Water and Sever District #1 sewer line available to them across Helena Flats Road from the entrance to their subdivision. However, this has been reported to be a 4 inch gray water line that is at or near capacity. The developers have therefore expressed a willingness to form an annexation district, design to City standards and contribute a significant amount to a Kalispell City sewer main. t the March 20, 2006 Council meeting, approved awarding a contract to Morrison and Maierle/HDR to update the City of Kalispell facilities plan. The emphasis will be placed on evaluating the Cottonwood/Kelsey area northeast of the City since there seems to be interest in City services, This part of the study will take several months and it will determine the most cost effective way of providing services to areas such as Cottonwood. This will also determine potential adjacent areas that may need services in the near future and projects the size of the line and upgrades to existing systems. In other words, the consultant will provide costs, recommended sizing and location of infrastructure, and potential customers — a plan. Counci's desire to try and assist the developers must consider the following: (1) Currently there is no good idea of how to physically do it right and insure that resources are being committed prudently. (2) The TMDL issue is in a state of flux and has the potential of creating a significant impact on the City. We can't give away TMDL to unincorporated areas and limit. the City' s ability to grow in the future. (3) n the view of the Flathead County Water and Sewer District Attorney, Kelsey does not set precedence since it is part in and out of the RSID. Cottonwood does set precedence and in fact I have received two calls since last. Monday night asking for "me too. (4) Why is this a crisis? While it is important for the City to help protect the aquifer that provides us water, we can not react to lack of planning by the County or developers. The lack of planning at their level should not constitute a crisis on ours. City Staff and I .have discussed with you the cost of service issues for developments inside and outside the City limits. At the Council retreat Council was given further information shoving the financial impact on the City by having urban development at our borders. We discussed the need to require annexation as a prerequisite to extending sever and/or water services to a development. We also discussed that in some cases it may be more Feasible,, in the near tern., t require an annexation district so that we could start capturing some tax dollars to help defray the cost of future service delivery and thereby have new development pay For itself. Another unknown Factor is the T MDL issue. We should not allow our waste water utility to be extended to areas outside the City unless there is a tax base to benefit the City. .At the March 6, 2006 work session, Council was given a memo with the following Staff recommendations: I) To proceed with the facilities plan update and Should Council decide on extending services to Cottonwood; direct Staff to continue to work with Cottonwood developers and other interested parties to finalize an extension agreement, and begin work on an A. annexation district. our recommendation has not changed. Council may elect to give Cottonwood -a clear message that it is the City's intent to provide services. The facilities update will address water and sewer services to this area and is necessary to complete before a decision is made as to how to provide services in the most cost effective manner. The consultant will provide options., costs and recommendations to Council in about. six months. t the Council retreat the conscience was to plan growth based on best available inFornation. Should Council decide to provide services to Cottonwood and other developers in the northeast area of the City it should be done in a systematic planned method using engineering studies developed by our consultants. Respectfully submitted,, James H. Patrick City Manager R SoLUTIO No. 5103 . RESOLUTION STA LISHING AN INTERIM 2006 POLICY SETTING FORTH HE FERNS OF USAGE of THE EVERGREEN SEWER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM BY PROPERTIES OUTLYING THE FLATHEAD COUNTY SEWER DISTRICT NO, I RSID No. 13. WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Flathead County, the City of Kalispell and their citizens and all others living in the Upper Flathead River Basin, that water quality of the shared aquifer be protected by the utilization of municipal sever whenever reasonably Feasible; and WHEREAS, the City of Kalispell and Flathead County entered into an interlocal agreement o July 25, 1990 in which the parties agreed to certain terms allowing the Evergreen sever conveyance system of Flathead County Sewer District No. I [Evergreen] to convey its sewage to the Kalispell City Wastewater {Treatme t :Plant [WWTP] for treatment; and. WHEREAS, the terms of the above -described interlocal agreement established the upper limits of sewage flow that Evergreen is allowed to convey to the Kalispell WWTP from within its RSID and Further provides that any properties outside of the Evergreen RSID boundaries .daries wishing to utilize the Evergreen conveyance system must first obtain permi.ssl on to do so from the City of Kalispell; and WHEREAS, various property owners outlying the Evergreen RSID boundaries but within 500 feet of the Evergreen sewage conveyance system are requesting municipal sever services for urban density development. 'These property owners are restricted by the Mate of Montana from -such urban density development without municipal sever service, unless such service is denied to there; and. WHEREAS, the City of Kalispell is currently conducting a facility plan study in this geographical area for the purpose of determining the best design for providing utilities to the area and will have such study available for planning before the end of the calendar year; and WHEREAS., the City of Kalispell wishes to reasonably provide a policy and plan for providing municipal sever service for the above -described demand for the interim period until such future facility and extension of services plan is completed. NOW, WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS SECTION I. It shall be the policy of the City of Kalispell that It approve the usage of up to a total of 150,000 gallons of sewage per day conveyed. through the Evergreen sewage conveyance system from properties located outside o the Evergreen RSID with such sever service provided to those properties in which the owner agrees to construct the sewer infrastructure In Compliance with City and Evergreen standards and with necessary stub - out facilities to meet future connection r uirei e t ; and 2 execute waivers of right to protest annexation for all parcels; and 3 eater into a developer's agreement with the City of Kalispell in which the pies agree that the subdivision shall be developed to City of Kalispell Urban Construction and Design Standards, and to farther agree, if required by the City Council, to enter into an annexation d.istri. t agreement. This sewer service 1s further conditioned upon the City of Kalispell and Evergreen enterIng into an agreement ent stipulating that in the evert that the City of Kalispell ever serves the subdivision with a separate sewer conveyance system, thereby seven'ng from the Evergreen sever conveyance system, the ownership of .fires within the subdivision shall be conveyed to the city. PASSED AND APPROVED D Y THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY of KALISPELL, THIS 27 1h DAY of MARCH, ,boo . Pamela B. Kennedy Mayor ATTEST: Theresa White City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 5104 RESOLUTION REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT of COTTONWOOD ESTATES AND PROVISION of MUNICIPAL SEWER SERVICES THERETO. WHEREAS, Cottonwood Estates, LLC owner of that certain real property located outside municipal boundaries and. in Flathead County, Montana and more particularly described. in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference, and hereafter referred to as "Cottonwood Estates", seeks to develop said property to an urban density and therefore desires the services of a municipal sever; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the interlocal agreement between the City of Kalispell and the Flathead County Sewer District No. 1, Cottonwood Estates has made its request to the City of Kalispell for permission to connect to the Evergreen sewer conveyance system; and. WHEREAS, Cottonwood Estates is located wholly outside the city limits of Kalispell and wholly outside the Evergreen Sewer RSID boundaries but within such proximity to the Evergreen sewer conveyance lines that it may be feasibly served by the .evergreen sewer conveyance systems.; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 5103 the City established an interim policy approving the usage of the Evergreen sewer conveyance lines for properties outlying the Evergreen RSII , such as Cottonwood Estates, so long as such usage does not increase the total daily flow used by all such properties to more than 150,000 gallons. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY of KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS SECTION . The Kalispell City Manager is authorized to give the City's permission to Cottonwood Estates to connect to the Evergreen Sewer District so long as the following conditions are met: I = The sewer gallon flow requirements of the subdivision must not increase the total daily flow through the Evergreen sewer conveyance system used by all properties outlying the Evergreen R SID to more that 15000gallons per day; and 2. The landowner must agree to construct the sewer infrastructure in compliance with City and Evergreen standards and with necessary stub - out facilities to meet future connection requirements; and . The landowner must execute waivers of right to protest annexation for all parcels; and . The landowner must eater into a developer's eloper' m with. the City of Kalispell in which the parties agree that the subdivision shall be developed to City of Kalispell Urban Construction ction and Design Standards, and to further agree, if required by the City Council, to enter into a annexation district agreement; . City of Kalispell and Evergreen must enter into an agreement stipulating that in the event that the City of Kalispell ever serves the subdivision with a separate sewer conveyance system, thereby severing from the Evergreen sever conveyance systems., the ownership of lines within the subdivision shall be conveyed to the City of Kalispell. PASSED ND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND S GNT Y THE MAYOR O THE CITY of KAL ISPE .L1, THIS " DAY OF MARCH,) , 2006. Pamela B. Kennedy Mayor ATTEST: Theresa White City Clerk COTTONWOOD ESTATES LLC 250 SECOND s # EAST WHITEFISH, MT, 59937 March 15, 20 ,apes Patrick City Manager- Cfty of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, 1T 59903 ICE: Request for Sewage Treatment for Cottonwood Estates Dear Honorable Mayor and City council members; Cottonwood Estates LLC would life to formally request consideration of a Resolution at the next available City Council meeting to allow Cottonwood Estates to utilize the Kai is ell Waste Water Treatment t Plant for sewage treatment purposes as per the I nterlocal a reer ent between the City of Kalispell and Flathead County Water and Sewer District No. I — Evergreen. This Interlocal Agreement, dated ,duly 25, 1990, allows the Evergreen Serer District to ask the City of Kalispell for additional capacity above and beyond the allocation designated for the F S1 ("he subject propel is adjacent to the boundary of the RSI , but not whin the District). Transmission of the sewage W11 be utilizing the Evergreen lines, Frith treatment by the Kalispell Wastewater plant. Cottonwood Estates LLC proposes to install a new sewer main along Helena Flats Road (beginning ire front of Cottonwood Estates) and continuing to the intersection of Highway 35, here they carp connect to mains capable of delivering the necessary volume of sewage down to the treatment facility. Cot on ood Estates subdivision will remain within Flathead County jurisdiction. It will be built to a County Urban Standard, complete with curb, , gutter and sidewalks. Residents of this subdivision will expect to receive County services, which include Evergreen Volunteer Fire Department and the Flathead County Sheriffs Department. Upon construction, upgrade and extension of Evergreen's Sewer transmission lines, said lines will become the propel of the Evergreen Sewer District and maintenance of these lines will become their responsibility. Construction of extensions, sior s, upgrades and possible lift stations will all he coordinated with the Sewer District's engineer and the Kalispell Public Forks Department. New construction will be built to specifications desirable by both the Cfty and the Sewer District. Please see attached Resolution number 005-3 from the Flathead County VVater and Serer District No. Evergreen to clarify ownership of said sewer lines should the City of Kalispell ever extend their sewer line to the -proposed Cottonwood Estates Subdivision. . Please feel free to call should you have any additional cocems or questions regarding this request. We appreciate your consideration of this request and the lengths to which the Cfty Council has taken to resolve this complex issue. IS V Member Cc-. Evergreen Sever and Water District, Roberta Struck Honorable Mayor Pam Kennedy City of Kalispell City Council Members ,,,gater & Sewer Dis,11IL Ct . . G° `i 3� Nichoison )rive 'aKafispefl, MT 59J01 Phone: (406) 257-5861 •Fax: (406) 756-9 588, RES LUT N 2 5- 3 BE IT RESOLVED by the Flathead County Water & Sewer District No. f -- Evergreen o Flathead County, Montana on this 28th day of September, 2005 as follows: The District will transfer ownership of sewer lines that are within a subdivision located outside the boundary of the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Kalispell, to the City of Kalispell, upon a wr*tten request from the City of Kalispell, provided that, at the time of the request, the City of Kalispell has extended, to said subdivision, division, sewer conveyance lines which are connected to the Kalispell Wastewater Treatment Plant. Flathead County Water & Sewer District # 1 — Evergreen Board of Directors 1 f ohn T. Fallon Acting Beard President .r Attest. -._..-......... �.- ........ ....... 'r.:..........:......... .... Roberta Struck District Manager A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE PROVISION of MUNICIPAL SEWER SERVICES TO o S 3 AND PORTIONS of LOTS 4,5 AND 6 of BERNARWS PARK WHEREAS, Gerard Gilbert owner of that certain real property located outside municipal boundaries and in Flathead County, Montana and more particularly described as Lots 3 and portions s of Lots 4, 5 and 6 of Bernard's Park subdivision, according to the map or plat thereof of record in the Office of the Clergy. and Recorder, Flathead County, Montana, and hereafter referred to as "'Bernard's Park", seeks to develop said property to an urban density and therefore desires the services of a municipal sewer; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the i terlocal agreement between the City of Kalispell and the Flathead County Sewer District No. 1, Gerard Gilbert has rude his request to the City of Kalispell for permission to connect Bernard's Park to the Evergreen sewer conveyance system; and WHEREAS", emard's Park is located wholly outside the city limits of Kalispell and wholly outside the Evergreen Sever RSID boundariesbut within such proximity to the Evergreen sewer conveyance lines that it may be feasibly served by the Evergreen sever conveyance system; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 5103 the City established an interim policy approving the usage of the Evergreen sever conveyance lines for properties outlying the Evergreen RSID, such as Bernard's, so long as such usage does not increase the total daily flow used by all such properties to more than. 1.50,000 gallons. NOW, THEREFORE,, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS SECTION I. The Kalispell City Manager is authorized to give the City's permission to Bernard's Park to connect to the Evergreen Sever District so long as the o lowing conditions are met: . The sever gallon flow requirements of the subdivision must not increase the total daily flow through. the Evergreen sever conveyance system used by all properties outlying the Evergreen RSID to more that 150,000 gallons per day; and . The landowner must agree to construct the sever infrastructure i compliance with City and Evergreen standards and with necessary stub -- out facilities to meet future connection requirements-, ents-, and The landowner must execute waivers of right to protest annexation for all parcels; and . The landowner must enter into a developer's agreement with the City of Kalispell in which the parties agree that the subdivision shall be developed to City of Kalispell Urban Construction and Design Standards, and to Further agree, if required by the City Council, to enter into an annexation district agreement; . City of Kalispell and. Evergreen must enter into an agreement stipulating that in the evert that the City of Kalispell ever serves the subdivision with a separate sever conveyance system, thereby severing from the Evergreen sewer conveyance system, the ownership of lines within the subdivision shall be conveyed to the City of Kalispell. PASSED AND APPROVED Y THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR of THE CITY of KALISPELL,, THIS 2 ' AY of MARCH 2006. Pamela B. Kennedy Mayor ATTEST: Theresa White City Clerk .dater &Sewer 1)istrlct 130 Nicholson Drive a Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: -5861 arc: 5 - April 7, 2005 James H. Patrick, City Manager City of Kalispell P.O. -fox 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903-1997 Re: Lot 3 and a portion of Lots 4, 5, and. 6 of Bernard's Park Subdivision Dear Mr. Patrick: This letter acknowledges receipt of a copy of your letter, dated March. 2 , 2005, to .fir. Steve Middleswortb. (copy attached.). The subject property i.s located outside the boundaries of the Interlocal Agreement, which coincides with the boundary of Flathead County RSID #132. Flathead County water & Sewer District 41 �. ver ree .strict is prohibited, under the Iteriocai Agreement with the C11y o Kalispell, from using its reserved treatment capacity, for property outside of the RSID boundary. Historically, by agreement with the City of Kalispell, the properties erties located o .ts1 e the boundaries of the Into local Agreement that are presently served by the Distriet's sewer service are not considered part o the treatment capacity reserved to the I istr'ct, but rather under the general reserve capacity of the City o Kal.is eii. The District is aware of the concerns of the City and its Council that it is not acceptable to continue allowing the District to serve properties outslde the boundaries of the Interiocai Agreement customers of the District, but using the City of Kalis ell's reserved ca ac.1ty. In the interest of general health co.nsIderations, the District is prepared to serve properties outside the nterlocal Agreement/RSID boundary, by express agreement with the City of Kalispell that the property served would be under a ditto .ai treatment capacity granted to the I istrIct by the City of Kalispell. trust if you .have any questions, you vi.li not hesitate to give .tee a call. Sincerely', .- j Robes Struck t str . t Mara & RSt s cc: Steve 1i.dleswort. - ": �� ,� r,-,,.✓ ate• +e":.:< C1,0ty of Kalispell x.<...=>m:.,v... - Fax - $ ���t ffi� March 24, 2005 Mr. Steve Middesworth NoDoubt LandCompany/Gerald Gilt o Box 10962 1075 N. Median R Kalispell, MT 59904 RE: Lot 3 and a portion of Lots 4, 5, and 6 marXs Park Subdivision Dear Mr. Middlesworth, We have reviewed your request to allow Evergreen Water and Sewer District to serve these lots using Evergreen sewer capacity and hereby approve your request. If I can be of farther assistance, please donot hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, amen H. Patrick City Manager cc.: Evergreen Sewer and Water District 2/25/05 o; Jim ��._ ��� M�', City KA pe l.. .from: Stove Milvor — Noat Lana Company/Gerald Gilbert RE: Lot 3 an a.portion of Lots 4, 5 .and. 6.Bemard's Park.subdivision Gerald Gilberts a client of mine and is an absentee over of the above mentioned property. This property is an island in the Evergreen Water and Sewer District. (See attached map). In a recent conversation with Evergreen. Sewer and Water, Mr. Gilbert was told they would be willing t extend service to these lots, using their capacity. However; they say they needed authorization from the City of Kajivefl- to. do so.. Therefore, consider this a fonnal request for such a tho zati . -needs to be -an -agenda. item for the. city cauucil,.:please.. tet me. know..and... i. appear on -Mr. Gilbert"Gilbert"s behalf You. c= rind to us zs Mows: Steve Middlesworth, Broker NoDoubt Land Company -PD. - Box 10962 Kalispell, MT 59904 Cell phone-f4-06) 253-8886 Graff Gilbert 29505 Dream Way uso.. MT 59846. Phone Sincerely, 3 t f Steve Miieswort. `N'��` DDT � '�� Edian Road 904 4 0' :-56 Toll f r--6 1 -3 ma'H x nod nwj b,�.Prnont. skvuS - 'II J le TH IS MAP is PREPARED ONLY FOR I HE ADMINISTRATNE USE CF FLAThEAD C AND &- I t A OUN, RMRESENTATION OF LOB OR EXISTENCE OF T-P 'CTS OF RECO'�D, TH-LIR BOUN iL BL 7 Aw La J3 LA - LOT 12 10 1 0 LOT 4 7 T, 3 co WDS PARK 1A a.- 5E 6F FM 3 A 3CS 13 s "Mo OF Lar 16 13 c p 6IL N DED 20 THIS SKETCH IS FURNISHED FOR 5 '2 INFORMATION PLJRPrJSES ONLY TO PROPE13Ty ASS N t�fj T[J [3 IS IN STREETS A EFERENCE T ER PARCELS NO IWO REPRESENTATI() J&MAD&AS 7 AND STERLING Iva, ASSUMES, FOR ANY LOSS ()Cf�URRING ty REASON W 011 OF RELIAII j 3H, 4HA awl IDS MIX 94, 7 6 3 D si 3m Val 0I lfp WI + 2A+ Awl Oro, low PAR NX PARK 2A + LOT 10 2A+