06-16-23 City Manager Reort1 City of Kalispell OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Information Memorandum 6/16/2023 1. Parks and Recreation The garden and entry flower beds at Woodland Park have been planted with 4,300 flowers. The Parkline Trail has twenty-nine new flower baskets hanging and crews have been weeding and preforming irrigation repairs. The Forestry staff are approaching completion of the pruning of all City trees along 5th Street West. Once completed, they will move to 6th Street West. A contractor is nearing the completion of a 38-tree removal contract to remove dead and dying trees throughout Kalispell. Camp Woodland opened for the season on June12. During the first week, campers enjoyed crafts, games, and hikes throughout the park. Flathead STEM also helped lead activities throughout the week. The week of June 19, Montana State University students will be leading activities with our campers. Woodland Water Park opened for the season on June 14, with lessons starting on June 13. We are continuing to recruit lifeguards for the season. We provide all the materials and training for those without experience. Our Picnic in the Park Summer Concert series starts June 27. The Voice Alum, Tommy Edwards and his band, will start the season. 2. Police Department Attached is the latest law enforcement case report. Officer Tyler Daniels completed his field training program and is now on patrol. Officer Michael Frame will be completing his field training this week and is expected to be on patrol next week. The department is completing its annual qualifications for firearms and less lethal equipment options. 2 Canine Officer Vukonich is in his first week of a month-long canine training. Currently Officer Vukonich is working with 3 dogs and will select which dog is most compatible with him at the end of the training. School Resource Officers completed the 22/23 school year. SRO Smith and SRO Allen will assist the detective’s division during the summer break. SRO Brinton completed his final year as the FHS SRO and is rotating to patrol. Year to date calls for service for patrol stands at 17,222 compared to 16,272 in 2022 and 15,203 in 2021. Year to date for detective felony cases stands at 273 compared to 308 in 2022 and 249 in 2021. 3. Fire Department From May 31 to June 13, the Fire Department had 154 responses. Of these, there were107 medical incidents, 10 motor vehicle accident with injuries, 6 fire alarm activations, 9 public assists, 1 Haz-Mat incident, 4 unauthorized burning complaints, and 16 dispatched and canceled enroute calls. The Fire Chief has been finishing the final “punch list” of information needed to complete the agency’s CPSM organizational analysis report. The department had a quarterly meeting with our Medical Director, for patient care reviews, protocol updates, etc. Crews have been hosting school visits during the final week of school for the year. The department hosted a retiree’s breakfast for retired Kalispell Fire Department members and surviving spouses. Crews have been doing walk throughs with maintenance staff for facility familiarity at Buffalo Hill Terrace. The department received 40 applications for the Firefighter EMT/Paramedic opening. Kalispell Fire is assisting with Bigfork Fire in the planning of an upcoming Mass Casualty drill. 4. Planning Department The Planning Board held a public hearing on June 13 and heard two application requests. The application requests consisted of the following: 1. File #KPUD-23-01 and KPP-23-04 – 430 Stillwater Road LLC has submitted a 3 Planned Unit Development (“PUD”) application for an amendment to the existing Stillwater Crossing Residential Mixed-Use PUD and a new preliminary plat on approximately 17.89 acres of land within an existing R-3/PUD Zone. The subject property is located at 430 Stillwater Road at the intersection of Stillwater Road and Four Mile Drive. The original plan included 83 single family lots and 192 multi-family units on approximately 28.2 acres. This proposal would replace the 83 single family lots with 24 townhomes and 120 multi-family units on the 17.89 acres while maintaining the 192 multi-family units and neighborhood commercial area that were part of the original plan. 2. File #KPP-23-05 - A request from Stillwater Corporation for major subdivision approval of Kalispell North Town Center Phase 4. The subdivision is located within Kalispell North Town Center (previously known as The Glacier Town Center PUD) and is generally located south/east of Cascade Loop, west of Jefferson Boulevard and north of Lincoln Street. Overall, Kalispell North Town Center is 485.5 acres and includes four zoning designations of R-3 (single-family residential), R-4 (two-family residential), B-1 (neighborhood business), and B-2 (general business). The subdivision request encompasses a portion of the commercial component of the PUD. Phase 4 is approximately 11.73 acres and includes 10 commercial lots, common area, and a new city street. The Board recommended approval of agenda item number 1. The Board was unable to make a recommendation on agenda item number 2, as a Board member recusal resulted in not having a quorum. The two agenda items will be forwarded onto the Council for the consideration at the July 3rd meeting. 5. Building Department In the last 2 weeks, we have issued permits for 2 single-family homes. This brings the total of new single-family/duplex and townhouse units for the year to 33, compared to 97 at this time last year. There have been 131 multi-family housing units issued so far this year. Last year, at this time, we had issued 409 multi-family housing units. There were a total of 175 combined building and/or fire inspections completed in the last 2 weeks. Residential – 35 Plumbing – 8 Commercial – 27 Mechanical - 7 Electrical – 5 Fire – 93 6. Public Works Traffic Reviews and Improvements The Public Works Engineering Staff have recently completed an engineering review for 4 traffic calming on Denver Avenue. As a result, two speed humps were installed on Denver Avenue between Sunnyside Drive and Blue Stone Drive. Speed humps are an approved method of traffic calming and support speed reductions in areas when warranted upon completion of an engineering study. A follow up speed study will be performed to assess the success of the traffic calming treatment. AWWTP Annual Final Clarifier Cleaning The AWWTP Staff are performing the Annual Clarifier Inspection/Maintenance this month. This is done to check the chains, gears, and flights for replacement of worn- out equipment. All nuts and bolts are tightened and adjusted to ensure high performance of the equipment. The rotating suction arm is run to (4) measuring points to make sure that the supports and bridgework have not moved out of adjustment. Also included in this year’s annual maintenance is the installation of a 3-way valve. The 3-way valve will allow each clarifier to be isolated independently and make future clarifier projects safer and more efficient. Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Crimes Against Persons Homicide/Justifiable Homicide 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SIWOC/Sexual Assault 5 0 3 0 1 0 7 1 4 0 1 Robbery 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 0 6 Aggravated Assault 4 3 5 2 11 5 5 5 10 4 19 Assault on a Peace Officer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Simple Assault 7 5 10 4 14 5 4 1 22 10 25 PFMA 12 8 5 5 4 3 11 5 13 6 27 Resisting Arrest 4 4 2 1 2 2 1 0 5 6 13 Crimes Against Property Burglary 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 4 1 4 Theft 48 15 29 7 46 20 49 28 62 39 109 Vehicle Theft/Unauth Use 9 5 3 2 5 4 1 0 4 2 13 Arson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Forgery/Counterfeit 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 2 1 0 2 Fraud 2 0 4 1 2 0 3 0 5 0 1 Theft of Identity 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 Embezzlement 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stolen Property offenses 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 2 1 5 Criminal Mischief 12 5 13 4 17 1 16 0 30 7 17 Crimes Against Society Weapon Law Violations 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 Prostitution Offenses 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Child Pornography 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Drug Offenses 6 5 15 7 8 7 6 5 11 8 32 Family Offenses (non-violent)1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 DUI 15 15 5 4 9 9 11 11 10 10 49 Possession of Alcohol 0 0 3 1 7 13 13 11 2 3 28 Provide Alcohol to Minor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Alcohol Offenses 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 6 Kidnapping/Custodial Int.0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Disorderly Conduct 6 6 7 6 3 3 10 7 14 11 33 Criminal Trespass 28 19 26 9 27 16 17 9 30 25 78 Violation of Protective Order 8 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 7 6 8 Obstructing a peace officer 7 5 5 2 6 6 4 4 7 7 24 Juvenile Offenses (except MIP)5 2 4 6 3 1 7 7 15 5 21 Other Offenses 11 8 13 11 11 5 14 7 18 20 51 Total 198 114 162 79 188 104 188 104 282 175 350 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 576 Traffic Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites 491 247 481 181 453 226 490 220 347 250 2262 1124 Total Calls for Service 1561131022670304432523543 Kalispell Police Department Case and Arrest Reports - 2022 January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals