Tronstad and 93 north of Kalispell Public Comment from Douglas Bennett Aimee Brunckhorst
From: Douglas Bennett <>
Sent: Friday, November 8, 2024 4:22 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Tronstad and 93 north of Kalispell.
This is a letter to inform the members of the city council that the lack of the traffic light that is needed at
the intersection of 93 and Tronstad just saw a death occur today. The investigation and clearing of the
scene is ongoing as I write this. I am reminding everyone that this intersection has seen an exponential
increase in traffic for several reasons. These being the increase in the population of flathead county, the
construction on Reserve and the changes of traffic flow down Tronstad/Birch Grove, and Rose Crossing.
And another factor that affects our local intersection is that we have had a small subdivision built near
this intersection, but more concerning is the much larger subdivision that the City just approved Tuesday
night. I'm am amazed that a government entity accepts as gospel a traffic study paid for by an investor
whose livelihood depends on approval for the new construction and makes decisions based on one
study. But more worrisome is that when another traffic engineer finds fault in that study, that the course
of action isn't changed. Meaning shouldn't another study be undertaken, or that more stringent
requirements be put into effect like realignment of the intersection and traffic lights before more
construction is begun. I hope no more accidents or deaths occur.We can all pray for those touched by
today's incident.
Douglas. Bennett
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