Tronstad Meadows/ Whitetail Crossing Public Comment from Sharon DeMeester Aimee Brunckhorst From: Sharon Demeester <girlwithbluedog@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, November 4, 2024 4:40 PM To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject: EXTERNAL Tronstad Meadows/Whitetail Crossing The current proposal has not addressed any of the major issues from the last hearing before the city council. Just reducing the number of lots by 25 does not address the roads issue. Tronstad will still be narrow with deep drop offs, blind hills, high traffic for a country designed road and no traffic light onto HWY 93. Good planning has the infrastructure in before the building of subdivisions occurs. We moved to the Ponderosa subdivision in 1984 and all roads were in and paved, all utilities were in and to each lot, HMO with covenants in place before any homes were built. It is a very desirable subdivision because the planning was done first. It is not like the city does not have lots for homes to be built on. Eagle Valley Ranch is currently being developed with many lots available. Also, Glacier Town Center has in its PUD a very large section set aside for housing. And I read in the City Manager's report each month of more approved and working through the process subdivisions. We do not need to rush a project that clearly has many issues that have not been addressed. Please reject this project until all the issues have been addresses. Sharon DeMeester 415 Chestnut Dr. Ka I ispel I,MT. 59901 Sent from my iPad i