Tronstad Meadows Whitetail Crossing Public Comment from Travis Taylor Aimee Brunckhorst From: Travis Taylor <twtaylor51 @yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, November 4, 2024 9:20 AM To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject: EXTERNAL Tronstad Meadows Whitetail Crossing Members of the Council, I am vehemently against this proposed subdivision. The density of this proposal is highly inconsistent with the surrounding area. Tronstad road is a rural country road. It's sufficient at the current traffic volume, but it's grossly under built for the volume of traffic that would be created by this subdivision. Simply improving the frontage in front of the subdivision will do nothing to address the actual safety issues of the road. Our community doesn't need this level of density here and shoving this subdivision into this location while ignoring the very real safety concerns is simply reckless. Please vote No on this proposal.We must plan for the future and grow responsibly.We must have infrastructure first. Respectfully, Travis Taylor 1210 Birch Grove Rd Kalispell, MT i