Tronstad Development Public Comment from Stacey Neary Aimee Brunckhorst From: stacey neary <k9krzy2004@yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, November 3, 2024 11:46 AM To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject: EXTERNAL Tronstad Development Dear Kalispell City Council, I am writing today to voice my strong opposition to the proposed "Tronstad Development" plan off of Whitefish Stage. I live at 1384 Rose Crossing and have so for 16 years. I purchased my home when Rose Crossing was a sleepy little country road, stopping at the intersection of Whitefish Stage. Since the extension of Rose Crossing, connecting with Hwy 93, (another Kalispell City Council decision), the quality of life, noise level, driving safety, have all been dramatically impacted in a negative way. I foresaw such, and vehemently voiced my opposition at that time. Sadly, to no avail. The unfortunate truth is that the those of us who live east of Whitefish Stage, were never considered in the city council plans. All alleged traffic impact studies were conducted only as far west (from Hwy 93) as Whitefish Stage. Since those of us beyond that are technically not part of Kalispell, but rather Evergreen, it was neither the jurisdiction, nor the concern of Kalispell City Council to ever consider the impact on our residences or quality of life. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that people would quickly discover this `shortcut' and use it to avoid the mess that is referred to as Reserve Street! Furthermore, also connected with this jurisdictional issue, zero improvements have been made along Rose Crossing to accommodate the unbelievable increase in traffic! Monday through Friday, starting at approximately 6:30 a.m., cars and commercial vehicles begin clogging this narrow, unimproved, unlighted, roadway; a roadway that has zero shoulder, zero guard rails (save for the actual corner at Whitefish Stage), zero passing ability, almost zero enforcement of the speed limit, steep drop offs, blind curves, icy in winter due to little to no sun exposure. This traffic now continues all day long until past 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday this is our reality. There are many times I have to wait for 6-8 cars to go by before I can even pull out of my driveway! It's no secret that car accidents on Rose Crossing between Whitefish Stage and Hwy 2 has increased dramatically. To date, to my knowledge, there has not been an actual fatality accident. But I believe that will only be a matter of time, especially if more cars keep being forced onto these roads that were never intended for this level of traffic! And now the Kalispell City Council is considering doing a repeat performance along Tronstad? No improvements planned for that narrow little roadway, either? No traffic light at 93? No improvement at Whitefish Stage? 355 homes?? How does the city council think all these people will access their residences? Allow me to clarify for a moment my position on growth and expansion. I lived for over 20 years in the Puget Sound area, at a time of incredible growth. I am not opposed to "growth" of an area per se. What I am opposed to is the manner in which it is done. Running roughshod over the few and caving in to big money. Altering long-standing zoning restrictions was common in my old neighborhood to allow for more and more and more houses (many multi- family residences) to be built. Each of these buildings came with people and their cars—at least 2 per household. And where did all these cars wind up for the morning commute?? I guess those issues were none of the concern for those making the decisions. I love Montana. In a real sense, I grew up here as a child—my father was a seasonal ranger for 20 years in Glacier. I've been coming here since I was 11 years old. Now I live here on a permanent basis. If Kalispell City Council does not start to think on a broader, more long term scale, much of what is rare and special about this area will be lost. There is room for growth, if it is done prudently and conscientiously—considering all who will be impacted by such expansions. Not simply those that are narrowly within the Kalispell City Council's jurisdiction. I sincerely submit this for consideration by the Kalispell City Council. I hope my voice is heard. 1 Stacey Neary 1384 Rose Crossing 2