Tronstad Meadows-Whitetail Proposal Public Comment from Gary Moses Aimee Brunckhorst From: G Mose <mobilt13@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, November 3, 2024 10:00 AM To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject: EXTERNAL Tronstad Meadows-Whitetail Proposal My name is Gary Moses and I live at 684 Jackson View Trail which is about 1/4 mile south of the Whitefish Stage/Tronstad intersection. As I stated in comments to prior meetings, the density of this project is vastly excessive to the existing road infrastructure, hence safety of the area. To have the second proposal only reduce the number of lot/dwellings by about 6.5% does not actually reflect the neighborhood concerns that led to the first proposal being stalled. It is just too big. Having lived at my residence for over 26 years, I understand the neighborhood would change. I had no objections to the numerous homes developed on Mannington (between my residence and Tronstad WF Stage intersection). That was incremental and reasonable expansion whereas Whitetail is far excessive for the Tronstad/WF Stage intersection. That intersection seems an after thought in the developer and planners reviews. Focus is almost exclusively on Tronstad/93 junction. As Keith Haskins stated in a prior meeting, 'the longest delays on Tronstad will be in the westbound direction because that's the predominant way of traffic heading into town'.While that is correct, it does not capture that human nature of the residents of this proposal who will be frustrated with the delay, then switch to alternately use Tronstad/WF Stage which is ill prepared to handle that increase of traffic. Narrow road with deep ditches define WF Stage, and at that intersection a rise in WF Stage to the north block the view of drivers turning either way off Tronstad. I have nearly been hit there several times as traffic coming south on WF Stage, even at the 50 MPH speed limit(or over) are upon a vehicle accelerating from that stop sign very quickly. That intersection is not ready for the influx of traffic this proposal brings. IF road infrastructure of WF Stage north of Rose Crossing had been upgraded the way the WF Stage/ Birch Grove intersection was widened and upgraded, I would not be opposed to the project. Until that happens, infrastructure and safety must take priority and this proposal should either be postponed or brought back with SIGNIFICANT size reduction, not a paltry 25 unit decrease. Based on some statistics about Montana residence, it appears about 26% of homes have children, so at build out this project would be adding about 100 children to the area who would be put as serious risk of injuries or death from traffic collisions if this project moved forward prior to road infrastructure upgrading. That is not acceptable, and is not the Montana way of caring for the next generation. Thank you for hearing my concerns which are echoes of some other citizens who attended the work session. Sincerely, Gary Moses i 2