Vote NO on Tronstad Meadows - let them come back with something that fits Public Comment from Connie & Lee Conrad Aimee Brunckhorst From: Connie Conrad <connieconrad@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, November 2, 2024 2:49 PM To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject: EXTERNAL Vote NO on Tronstad Meadows - let them come back with something that fits Dear City Council, We've lived on Tronstad Road for 21 years, and we're really concerned about the proposed Tronstad Meadows Whitetail Crossing development. Cramming 355 lots onto 110 acres? That's way too much for this area and the roads we've got. Tronstad Road is a narrow, unimproved county road that's already struggling with the traffic we have now. Adding nearly 1,000 more cars a day from Phase 1 alone is asking for trouble, especially when there aren't solid plans for fixing things. Sure, the developers don't have to upgrade the road—that's not their job. But that doesn't mean the city should approve every out-of-state project looking to make a quick buck. Your job, as city council, is to make sure growth is responsible and that you're following your own rules, with the right infrastructure in place before moving forward. And there's no clear answer on when a traffic light at Highway 93 will go up to handle the extra load. It's an accident waiting to haappen. Like Chad Graham said last spring, "That's someone's kid." Without the right infrastructure, a serious accident is just waiting to happen. Watching Kalispell grow lately feels like watching someone build a house of cards —it looks fine until it doesn't. Just look at the traffic messes on 4 Mile, 2 Mile, 3 Mile Drive, and Whitefish Stage. This "approve it now, deal with the problems later" approach isn't cutting it. This kind of dense development won't give us a neighborhood like Silverbrook—it's too crammed in and doesn't fit. We see what's happening, and so do a lot of other folks. You don't get this kind of public outcry for nothing. We're asking you to hit the brakes. Think about what this will mean for the community. It's not just about more houses—it's about making sure Kalispell grows in a way that's safe and makes sense. Please, make a decision that gives us faith in our city council. Vote NO. The developer will be fine. Let them come back with something that fits the land, the neighborhood, and the future of Kalispell. Sincerely, Connie & Lee Conrad 40.N ronst d IlR d Il llli 11 .11ll God Bless You - Connie Conrad i