Tronstad Meadows/Rose Crossing Public Comment from Brenda Oberlitner October 7, 2024
Dear Kalispell Mayor and City Council,
My name is Brenda Oberlitner and I reside at 36 Wintercrest Ridge, Kalispell Montana.
This letter is in response to the informational meeting held September 10, 2024 regarding the
application by CAE Properties & Frank Garner and Seven Properties for a 355 -lot subdivision on
Tronstad Road.The applicant represented by Eric Mulcahy from Sands Surveying stated he was "hopeful"
that the MDOT would install a traffic light at Hwy 93 and Tronstad Road upon completion of Phase 1 of
the subdivision and that the MDOT has become more proactive. Discussion centered on MDOT's
measurements/requirements for a traffic light including crash data and an increase of rear-end collisions
to warrant this traffic light.
This prompted me to contact MDOT via e-mail September 11, 2024 and ask this question:
Does the MDOT have any intentions of improving the intersection of U.S Highway 93 and Tronstad Road
north of Kalispell with a traffic light in conjunction with CAE Properties and their application to Kalispell
City Planning for a 355 unit subdivision?Their application states MDOT will install this traffic light after
approval of this development.
I received a response September 25, 2024 via e-mail from the Office of Public Information Requests as
Dear Brenda,
"Currently, MDT does not have any documents responsive to this request. This project is in the planning
stage and there is not a definite location decision."
Jeremiah Lute 1 Legal Assistant Office of Public Information Request.
This correspondence reveals that MDOT is not prepared to deliver the promises that the applicant is
hopeful for.
City Council member Graham has expressed concerns about the importance of this traffic light before
approval. Council member Carlson thought she was going to die as she drove Hwy 93 and Tronstad.
Council member Fischer stated that there are too many safety issues,the subdivision is too big for this
section of land, and that Tronstad Road sucks.
Given the safety concerns from City Council and the Citizens of Kalispell as well as the uncertainty of
MDOT's commitment and timeline I ask that you please vote no to this application in its entirety put
before you by CAE Properties & Frank Garner and MT Seven Properties.
Brenda Oberlitner