Thursday, March 11, 2010
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Sean Conrad, Senior Planner
Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary
GUESTS: Steve Herzog, CTA and James Freyholtz, MDT.
OLD BUSINESS: Heil — 749 W Center — Sorensen said the process to bind the 2 lots is underway
and Heil has indicated that they reached an agreement with the neighboring property owner on a
shared access. The only other issues are still pending are the sidewalk and street profiles.
ASI (Van E Apartments) — 420 Grandview — Public Works said nothing new has been received.
Sorensen noted the construction date has been moved out to June or July.
NEW BUSINESS: Hockaday Museum Parking Lot (Phase 1 of the expansion project) — 302
2nd Avenue East — Sorensen said the planning staff discussed the purpose of the parking lot and
asked if the lot was proposed to meet city parking standards for the minimum number of parking
spaces or something else and Herzog said through the PUD process they are required to have at least
13 parking spaces for the future development of the property. Sorensen said one ofthe changes that is
being proposed in the update to the zoning ordinance is a minimum number of parking spaces in the
core downtown area would not be required and this property is within the core downtown area.
Therefore the parking lot would be optional if the city council approves that amendment to the zoning
ordinance. Herzog said he would mention that to them but he added the reason they are moving
forward with this portion of the development is to accommodate the special activities planned for
Glacier National Park's Centennial this summer.
Sorensen asked if they intended to remove the property lines at some point and Herzog explained they
will eventually but are not in the position at this point in time to combine the lots.
Sorensen said the parking lot is entirely on one of the parcels with 5 foot setbacks on both sides and
when you do that it generates a one-way traffic flow and with 2 more feet there could be a 24 foot
lane and accommodate 2-way traffic off of 2nd Avenue East. Herzog said in the future the expansion
of the museum actually will come up to the edge of the parking lot and there would not be enough
room to expand the lot. Herzog explained the stormwater requirements for the property. Herzog said
they felt the one way in/out will work adequately at this point in time.
Sorensen noted that the handicap parking space on 3rd Street East will not count toward meeting the
requirement and a space on -site will be required. Herzog reviewed the plan in relation to location of
a handicap space and Sorensen said the location of the space has to be the shortest accessible route to
the entrance of the building. Sorensen added ADA standards are clear in that the public parking on
the street cannot be relied on to meet that standard. Johnson indicated the curb adjacent to the
handicap space on the street has a 2 inch jump up which does not meet the ADA standard and will
need to addressed and adjusted to meet the regulations.
Herzog mentioned the landscaping will be similar to what was put in place at the "group home" in the
swale areas and the remainder will be mostly grassy areas. Fincher said since the landscaping will be
minimal the plan is acceptable. Parks & Rec is involved in a planting project along 2nd Avenue East in
that area and he is concerned with planting trees that may be damaged or in the way of trucks
working on site. Fincher also asked to be informed on the type of trees that will be removed and
asked that the trees be either replaced in the boulevard, if there is room with the driveway, or at
another location in the city such as a park.
Johnson reviewed the following Public Works issues: The power needs to be underground; the new
manhole for stormwater and Castles added there is no requirement for the castings to be painted; of
the 2 existing curb stops and one will be used for irrigation and the 2nd will stay active. The
driveway/sidewalk has to meet city standards; a curb in the back that dead ends has to be tapered
down; the drain along the parking lot needs to be addressed; the sidewalk is ok and striping or
signage on either side of the driveway. If signage is used they have to be approved by the Parking
Commission. Castles suggested laying out the parking spaces before they are painted.
Sorensen noted if poles for parking lot lighting are installed the city will need a lighting plan.
PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Willow Creek PUD/subdivision — There was a discussion on the
southeast access road onto to Foys Lake Road from Willow Creek, and whether MDT would support
a round -about at that location. James Freyholtz noted problems with a round -about are (a) it could
hinder access to Foys Lake Road by property owners to the south and (b) the topography on the
Willow Creek site. Conrad asked if there would be a way to have a traffic signal warranted there and
Freyholtz said it would depend on traffic volumes. Freyholtz added they will require an updated
Traffic Impact Study after a certain amount of lots final platted and with the bypass going in. There
would be enough separation for a traffic signal at this location. It was noted the traffic volume may
never warrant a traffic light especially with the access road to the north and the bypass. Conrad said
he will be meeting with Public Works and WMW Engineering Monday at 1:30 pm.
Casino (formerly Quizno's) — 2nd Avenue WN and Idaho — Conrad noted the planning board is
recommending denial of the text amendment to reduce the 300 foot buffer between casinos and the
conditional use permit was tabled until April 13th. The city council meeting on the text amendment
will be held on April 5th.
OTHER REPORTS: Bob's Bail Bonds — 1147 South Main — Sorensen reported the owner of
Bob's Bail Bonds is pursuing a legal case against Coldwell Banker regarding that property. As far as
the zoning items that the city requested they are taken care of with the exception of the handicap
parking space. The Fire Department classified their requests as advisory as opposed to required and
the main issues are the Building Code/ADA requirements for the restroom, access and handicapped
ramp and the sidewalk/street profile.
Valley Ranch PUD — Freyholtz asked what the process would be if they move forward with their
plan to develop the assisted living facility and Conrad said they will have to come in with a 1 lot
subdivision that would be reviewed by staff and approved by council. Freyholtz said they are working
with MDT and MDT will approve full access for this project. Castles noted they need to know they
will have to pay a latecomer's fee to the developers of Silverbrook.
Bike Path Cross -Sections — Fincher asked if Public Works had cross -sections for construction of
bike paths on sloped areas such as proposed for Willow Creek. Public Works noted that Mark
Crowley of Public Works has an AASTO guide that would address pedestrian and bicycle
facilities. Further discussion was held.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.