04-22-10 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, April 22, 2010 Lower Level Main Conference Room ATTENDING: Paul Burnham, Asst. City Engineer Jeff Clawson, Building Official Dan Diehl, Fire Dept. Chief Rebekah Hahn, Asst. Civil Engineer Charlie Johnson, Construction Mgr. P.J. Sorensen, Chairman GUESTS: James Freyholtz, MDT HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. 201 First Avenue East Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Roger Krauss, Police Dept. Asst. Chief Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. Charlie noted that Three Mile Views is finishing up. OLD BUSINESS: ASI (Van E Apartments): Nothing new to report. NEW BUSINESS: DNRC — New Storage/Seedling Cooler Building — 655 Timberwolf: Sorensen reported their site plan is in. We looked at the seedling cooler from a Site Review perspective last June, but they never pulled a permit. The slab is already installed. They are coming in for the remainder permit. We included a condition that we would go through the full review process for the remainder permit. It is surrounded by existing asphalt. Jentz noted that we have building permit issues because it is a piece of concrete that we don't know what's in it. Burnham stated we should probably consider it a storage building for transportation. Castles noted the lack of water access. Burnham asked if they had any detail on any drain. No drains are shown. Public Works will take a set of plans to review. Fincher is okay with this. Sorenson noted that Haas had some fire concerns about some of the things going into the storage building. Burnham will call them to verify they have no drains and get their impact fees tallied. Sorenson will discuss this with Diehl. This is approved by Site Review. West Center Street (formerly Kris' Auto) — Drive -through coffee shop: Burnham stated we have given them impact fees and Public Works has nothing else on this. Sorenson stated the one thing we were going to have them do is take the parking spaces and flip them over to the other side because of the sign and traffic visibility. No one has any other conditions and this is approved by Site Review. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Willow Creek PUD/subdivision: Conrad asked Public Works and Parks to establish any conditions they may have regarding Willow Creek. Jentz mentioned that their design along Foys Lake Road originally showed a bike trail, trees, a path, some plantings, etc. Today there is 10' bike path with gravel shoulders going down into a drainage ditch and a 1 to 1 slope with fences. The greenbelt along there now is a drainage ditch. We've lost the original intent. Burnham stated there needs to be a larger storm drain improvement that will be maintained. Public Works will put all comments down and submit them, recommending to the Planning Board that this is not a good plan and not in accord with the subdivision regulations. Charlie recommended that the Planning Board view the Foys Lake area and the subdivision off of Whalebone. OTHER REPORTS: Sorensen spoke with an architect who is looking to do a family activity center with a bowling alley, arcade, sports bar and grill. This is just a preliminary plan. The location they are looking at is in the phase where Kohl's was going to go in on Highway 93 just north of Starbucks. He's not sure if they can put the outdoor seating area underneath the BPA easement that runs through there. They know they can't put a structure there. No landscape islands are shown as required under the PUD agreement. Paul noted they will have some substantial improvements needed on the site because of things that were not finished out there. In this phase, the preliminary plat expires so they would be starting at the beginning. Jentz stated there are three fun centers circulating around Kalispell. Goldberg would not put this kind of use up by the highway. He would put that use near the motel, as they would not need highway exposure. Comments would be directed on where it would go on the site. We would require four-sided architecture. Diehl asked if we received anything from the hospital. They have an RFQ out for their new tower. They will probably be moving the Alert Center to the fire station up north temporarily. Clawson noted that Rent -a -Center is moving into the old Blockbuster building. Wants to take out some landscaping in the front to open up the front window to show their product. He told him to speak with Fincher about this. Krauss asked about any house moving coming up. KPD needs to be better informed about these. Johnson stated there will probably be some coming from the Bojangles area. Jentz stated that Applebee's has signed a lease to relocate south of Famous Dave's. Also, two restaurants with a common bar that have approved Kalispell as a good site, but haven't selected a site yet. The Four Mile Drive Assisted Living project is not moving forward now. Burnham noted that a man doing some work for Ron Terry stated they have some duplexes they want to turn into townhomes. Ron Terry is telling people that they can split their water service, put two meters in, and go with that, but each home would actually need to have their own water service. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m.