Thursday, May 6, 2010
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Dan Diehl, Fire Chief
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Rebekah Hahn, Asst. Civil Engineer
Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Charlie Johnson, Construction Mgr.
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
GUESTS: James Freyholtz, MDT
OLD BUSINESS: ASI (Van E Apartments) — 420 Grandview; new senior apartments. No
response regarding the drainage. Morrison-Maierle is looking at this.
Western States Insurance — 33 Village Loop; new office building. We have received an
updated site plan. They are planning on doing landscaping in the middle parking lot island.
Sorensen is not sure if this changes their drainage. There is an existing sidewalk on the west side
of the property, but the plan shows nothing as to sidewalks on Evergreen. They need to contact
Public Works regarding the sidewalks.
PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Willow Creek PUD/subdivision: Conrad has finished the
staff report on this project and it is going to the Planning Board Meeting next week.
The June Planning Board Meeting — sending out agency referrals for the June Planning Board
meeting regarding two church expansions, Faith Free Lutheran Church on Liberty Street and
Faith Covenant Presbyterian Church on Third Avenue and Sixth Street East. Buffalo Hill
Terrace/Immanuel Lutheran Home is also doing an expansion. The last item on the agenda is
Freedom House, which we are treating as a group home, on 3rd Avenue West by Legends Field.
Conrad will be asking for comments next week on these items.
OTHER REPORTS: Best Bet on East Idaho put hay bales in their access off of Idaho. They
have 30 cars a day cutting through the parking lot. KPD suggested they put some sort of
blockage there. This is not intended to be a long term solution. There are two accesses.
Freyholtz suggested they put in a speed bump. The bales are off the right of way.
Jentz presented an amended plat for a mobile home park in the middle of the Green Acres (not
in the city, but is located in the middle of a wholly surrounded island), where the mobile home
owners could buy out their individual lots. There is a 1930's house with a garage there. They
want to create a lot, which is approximately'/4 of an acre. DEQ will require sewer, which means
that the owner would need annexation or a waiver of protest. Diehl noted there are two fire
hydrants along Haven. He suggested we annex this as there is water on Woodland.
Diehl mentioned that the Stillwater Homeowners told him that they are interested in being part
of the KFD fire district. They are close to the City's water system, and could be annexed or we
could create a fire district. Sorensen noted there is a waiver of protest to annexation for the
whole subdivision on their plat. Jentz noted that we will be annexing North Haven soon. Diehl
said the City will have to reimburse their present fire district for any bonded or secured debt
assessed against the annexed properties.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:23 a.m.