Vote of city council Public Comment from Richard Hartnett Aimee Brunckhorst
From: Richard Hartnett <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 8:23 AM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Vote of city council
Good day. I've been closely following the news on the city councils meetings on the warming center.All
the negative testimony the tv showed seemed weak as evidence. It was vague and unspecific about the
loitering and littering they claimed the homeless people caused. For the four years the center has been
there tv claims local police have not issued one citation in the warming center area against a homeless
person for littering or loitering. I've been driving by the warming center every Thursdayjust before 6:00 pm
since its been there and I've never seen disorderly behavior or any litter throwing. I'm disappointed with
the council's decision. Thankyou
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