Warming Center Public Comment from Dennis and Connie Gomez Aimee Brunckhorst
From: Connie Chauvel-Gomez <petspluskalispell@outlook.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 6:38 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Warming Center
Hoping you are well!
I missed weighing in on the Warming Center.
We pray you vote with compassion and understanding re: the homeless!
Having been close to being there ourselves, twenty months ago, we relate to these folks.
I do not know what has been stated; but, as a Christian, I attempt to follow what Jesus taught. We are to
have compassion for the poor!
Why does this area have plenty of money to keep building atrociously priced apartments and houses,yet
cannot budget a shelter, such as Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago?!?They feed, shelter provide
medical and dental care, rehabilitation while training individuals to gain employment/be retrained. The
Gospel is shared with them. PGM was established in the 1800's. Even Carson City Nevaa where we lived
(I sorely miss it) had FISH: Friends in Service Helping!!
To treat God's creations,just like you and I are, with disdain is SINFUL!!!
We pray you vote correctly, as God would have you vote!!
Sincerely in Him,
Dennis and Connie Gomez
There but for Grace go you and I