Thank you Public Comment from Jacqueline Johnson Aimee Brunckhorst
From: Jacqueline S.Johnson <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 1:01 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Thank you
To the council members who voted to revoke :
I saw that the CUP was revoked for the warming center in Kalispell.
Those people who have homes and businesses near there deserved you all to hear them . Thank you !
I live and am homeowner in downtown Kalispell.
Things definitely have changed in our city over the past couple of years -
Thanks for doing this.
Safety for driving and pedestrians is a huge concern - I just saw that MONTANA is the worst in the country
for teen driver ed -
And highest for deaths -
I still wonder why our city seems to have little to no traffic cops .
I was almost run over as a pedestrian a couple of weeks ago.
People are not paying attention .
Thanks for focusing on the things you are !
Safety and health are basics .
The homeless population/vagrants have damaged the town enough .
Maybe we can start seeing a safer library/ bike paths/ parks?
Loose dogs/off leash dogs still seem huge issue as well-
In any case -thanks !
One step in the right direction and I wanted to let you know I am paying attention and would like to use
our bike paths and parks and library again ( have not in 2 years or more)(was confronted by knife
sharpening man : he was Weilding a knife and sharpening it) on a walk by that trestle - and library visit to
use the computer by the front door- I was yelled at by a crazy woman who didn't want anyone using"Her
computer ."
Scared me and my kids so much .
Loose dogs at parks and in stores are a real problem. Those of us who have been bitten and scratched /
jumped on cannot feel safe .Why owners do t have to leash their dogs like everywhere else is so unfair to
us .And it would be about time to ban dogs from stores . Thankyou ! I was glad to see This vote though .
Rambling on about my other comments-
I hope someone is listening to us quiet taxpaying/working folks who have been made to feel
unwelcome and unsafe at these public places.
Jacqueline Johnson