Collaboration Public Comment from Flathead Warming Center Aimee Brunckhorst
From: Flathead Warming Center FWC <>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2024 1:52 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Cc:; Lorraine Clarno; fgarner001
Subject: EXTERNAL Collaboration
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Mayor and Councifl,
Fhe cIlaiim that :���WC called c.i.i c m im u n i t icn / colHlaboirahoin with ineighboirs is lincirirct. II apollogize
for any confusion, It is liimpoirt int .to set the irecoird stiraight,
FWC, in its letter dated August 22, 2024 did not call off the meeting and remains happy to talk. This
has always been the case. Facilitator Mark Flateau and two FWC Board members discussed the goal
of the next meeting and that FWC would not be able to make commitments that the FWC could not
and should not have to fulfill. The meeting was then cancelled. Our objection is not in communication
/ collaboration with the neighbors, but in being in a position to make commitments that we are unable
to make.
::cllllowiinp the .iliir l imeehirnp, the I xirl c c of' the letter was .to set the I ircl cir expectations for the
discussion Icy making cIleair that the II:: on'l coinimil .to lhings lil ain'l do............11lilke lhire I irlix tc secuirily,
Fhe :���WC is lh to meet with irc llli h expectations happy . coati icn .that aire within .lhc ::Wcl s Icwcir,
Fhe :���WC h iright .to exist,
Fhe :���WC is pir tcixll .to the thircc .i lilllit tcir . If irk, II....cinir Hine, and Il::ir irk worked lillligein ly and
reimainedpirofessioina1l throughout lha� Hlcirnpc .
Fhe Ipirevious coininiunicalion was eclat .to the Mayor and Couincifl as cxir Mast coininiunication wilh If irlk
slates that the would Inc icirwair Bing aIHl nialeiri4ls onto the Mayor,
Tonya Horn
Executive Director
Flathead Warming Center
(406) 250-8652
WA IIR 1",01l II1 N G