08-08-78Minutes tabled to
Zoning Commission
portion of mtg.
(Minutes appd for
6-13-78. )
Glenwood Addn. #82
Tabled to 8-22-78.
King's Loop S. D.
dated 7-20-78.
ee/ 10-11- 78
The regular,meeting of the Kalispell City -County
Planning Board, was held Tuesday, August 8, 1978
at 7:30 p.m. in the Flathead County Courthouse
East, Community Room, 723 5th. Avenue East, Kalispell,
Members present: Others present:
Walt A. Griffin Jr. 1 APO Staff Representative
Dorothy Garvin James E. Mohn
Fran 011endike 0 Guests
Ray Lybeck
W. J. Lupton
Acting President W. J. Lupton opened the meeting
for the Planning Board due to the absence of Presi-
dent Haarr.
The Minutes of the 6-13-78 Meeting were postponed
to the Zoning'Commission portion of the meeting due
to lack of quorum.
Acting President W. J. Lupton advised that since
the Board did not have a quorum that the Board
would proceed with the Zoning Commission Meeting.
The Glenwood Addition No. 92 to Kalispell Proposal
was tabled for two weeks to the August 22, 1978
A letter from the Board of County Commissioners
was read regarding the final submittal of the
King's Loop Subdivision. (copy attached)
The meeting was then turned over to the Zoning
Acting Chr. W.J.Lupton Secr.