Minutes approved:
Brd. of County
Commissioners letter
to APO, 3-30-78.
Brd. of County
Commissioners letter
to APO, 4-5-78.
Ridgewood Terrace
Mobile Home Park
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City -County
Planning Board was held Tuesday, April 25, 1978
at 7:30 p.m. in the Flathead County Courthouse
East, 723.5th. Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana.
Members Present:
Dale W. Haarr
Robert L. LeDuc
W. J. Lupton
Fran 011endike
Walter A, Griffin Jr.
Dorothy Garvin
Garmen Meadows
Ray Lybeck
Others Present:
APO Staff Representative
James E. Mohn
7 Guests
The meeting was called to order by President Dale
Haarr at 7:35 p.m.
Minutes of the March 28, 1978 meeting: Ray Lybeck
moved that the minutes be approved as mailed;
seconded by Fran 011endike: motion carried.
Jim Mohn read a letter from the Board of County
Commissioners, dated 3-30-78 with respects to
the LaSalle Industrial Center and their conditions
for preliminary approval and also a follow-up
letter dated 4-5-78 referencing the criteria of
the preliminary approval statement with respects
to.the Flood -Plain. Discussion on these two
letters centered around a determination of
whether a Flood Plain would have to be delinated
on the final plat and if the Flood Plain
delination were required, stated that elevation
of the ground floor structures within the
development would have to be 2' above the 100-Year
Flood and not limited to l' as previously
Jim Mohn presented.an evaluation and recommendation
with respects to the Staff review. B. J. Lupton
questioned the need for setbacks from the roads.
Walt Griffin indicated that the setback require-
ments should 25', since this is a public road
and not the 15' as indicated by the Staff Report.
Jim acknowledged this error.
Tom Tomkinson spoke in favor the development,
as the_developer,and stated that there was a need
for this expansion, due to the waiting list for
renters that have applied in the existing park.
Jack Barrett, Mobile Home Park owner in the
Evergreen Area, indicated that he too, could
substantiate the basis of need for the project
and stated that he has seen cases of severe
hardship.for.young families who have recently
purchased a mobile home but are unable to find
suitable areas to park the. unit.
Jim Blackwell, from Town and County Mobile Homes,
also indicated an.extreme need for additional
mobile home rental space throughout the county.
Comments from the planning board dealt with
the question of park satisfaction as required
according to Flathead County Subdivision
Regulations.and the Mobile Home Park section of
the Regulations. Both require a manditory amount
of area to be. set aside for park purposes, which
apparently had not been satisfied by the
Jim Mohn stated that the overall land use under
the ownership of Tomkinson appeared to be more
than adequate to meet the recreational demands
of the existing and proposed parks.
Walt Griffin indicated that it was his under-
standing that regardless of whether the develop-
ment was a mobile home park where the manditory
park acreage has to be incorporated of whether it
was a resubdivision where either cash or park
dedication must be made, should be satisfied in
this cash.
B. J. Lupton indicated that.as part of their
conditional approval that the Board should require
park satisfaction for the conversion of the
three platted lots and the. mobile space,
should the County Attorney deem such to be 0
Following additional discussion on related items,
B. J. Lupton moved that the Planning Board
recommend to the Board of County Commissioners
that Ridgewood Terrace Mobile Home Park Expansion
be approved with the following conditions:
1. That the Board of County Commissioners grant
a variance from the recommended street setback
distances of 25' in light of the fact that the
roadway that serves this proposed expansion
is a 60' right-of-way county road and the
existing mobile homes in the established park
are setback at or just behind the county
2. that the location of gas, power and telephone
services be examined and possibly be relocated,
3. that the water and sewer systems be approved
by the State Dept. of Health and County
Sanitarian as dictated by State licensing
requirements, and 0
4. that park satisfaction be met, should the
County Attorney deem such to be necessary.
Seconded by Dorothy Garvin: motion carried.
Walt Griffin abstained.
Pack Addition to the
City of Kalispell,
) Iwith the Property to
be Annexed as a B-5
Zone accordance with
the newly adopted
Kalispell City Zoning
I �
r 9 '
Good and Welfare -
May 2, 1978 -
Kalispell .City.-
Cty. Plan Brd.,
Act. as Zoning Com.
Hartt Hill Estates
Jim Mohn presented the Staff -evaluation of the
proposal.which recommended approval of the project
for annexation and mcommended zoning as B-4.
Additional discussion centered on actions that the
Staff felt necessary in order to preserve and
enhance the Spring Creek Drainage which bisects
the property. The Staff'srecommendation with
regards to this Drainage; were as follows:
That a drainage easement 100' wide 50'
either side of the center line of the Drainage
be shown on the plat and that encroachments
for improvements or structures within this
easement be restricted only to the point that
the effects of storm runoff and roof runoff
from the improvements be so engineered that
there would be no none -point discharge of
improved surface areas going into Spring
As an example, any paved surfaces or roof
tops would be so engineered to drain away
from Spring Creek or into dry well type
factilities incorporated into the site.
Following this explanation, Fran 011endike moved
that the Pack Addition be recommended for approval
to the City .Council as a B-4 zoning district,
and with.the 100' easement and easement limitations
as recommended by the Fish and Game and as
presented by the Staff.
The motion was seconded by Dorothy Garin;
motion carried.
Discussion over the,proposed rezoning plan for
the City of Kalispell, Dale Haarr suggested
that the next meeting for such review purposes
be scheduled for Tuesday, May 2, 1978.
Walt Griffin then noted'a lack of adequate
information be provided to Board Members with
respects to items of discussion as the various
planning board meetings. Jim Mohn indicated that
an attempt would be made to maintain an
adequate informational flow from the Staff to
the Board Members with respects to future
planning board meetings
Discussion then centered on the status of Hartt
Hill Estates in light of action that the Planning
Board had taken, which had since been nullified
due to inadequate notice to adjacent landowners
with respects to the public hearing date.
Following discussion of related actions dealing
with Hartt Hill Estates, Walt Griffin felt that
the Staff should evaluate the information
Highway Bypass.
Greenacres West #3;
Proposal.. �)11
�vt 5,✓n `� ��
submitted to the various agencies by Attorney
John Heberling with respects to his 3 page comments
outlining various sections of the State statutes
and County regulations that apparently had
been violated in the submittal' made by the
developers for Hartt Hill Estates. Jim.Mohn
acknowledged, that this might be beneficial
and would be done as soon as possible. (copy
attached;to previous meeting minutes.)
Ray Lybeck noted that in a recent meeting with
the' Evergreen Chamber of Commerce the question
of Highway .Dept. plans for a highway to bypass
the community center had been discussed and
asked what action or planning the planning board
had taken along these lines. It was noted that
this type of discussion and planning, is being
done in conjunction with the rezoning plan
for the Kalispell City Limits and very possibly
this topic would be. considered as the neXt
meeting .for Kalispell Rezoning purposes:
Jim Mohn presented a request from Dean Marquardt
on behalf of the developers of Greenacres West
Corporation requesting a waiver of -the Environ
mental Assessment requirements for a development
called-:Greenacres West #3, noting that the
preliminary plan being prepared was.in conformance
with recommended land use in the Comprehensive
Plan and felt there waa...;no need for the
Assessment to be prepared. Following discussi6,_..
of information that is provided in the
Environmental Assessment, B. J. Lupton moved
that the request for, waiver of the Assessment
not be granted; seconded by
motion carried.
There being no further business, meeting
adjourned at. 10:00 p.m.
Dale Haarr., President
Fran 0 len ike, Secr.1
We the undersigned, members of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board, do
hereby waive notice of meeting and consent that a meeting of the Board be held,
Tuesday, April 25, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. in the Flathead County Courthouse East,
Meeting Room, 723 5th. Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana.