09-13-77 Zoning9-13-77 Minutes approved. Rules of Procedure General Governing Rules. C� r A meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board, Acting as the. Zoning'Commission.was held.on Tuesday, September 13, 197'7 at 7e30,p.m. in .the Flathead County Court- house East, 723.5th., Avenue East., Kalispell, Montana, Conference Room. -i,. Members Present:. _ Others Present: Dale Haarr_ 1 APO Staff. Representative Fran O-I l.end_i ke 2 Guests -.Walt G_r i-f. f i n i Dorothy Garvin W._ J . Lupton Harvey. Knebel I Ray _Lybeck _ The meeting w:as called to orde,r_by the Vice Chairman, Dale Haarr at 7:45 p.m.` Minutes ofthe August 9,..1977 meeting were reviewed and Fran 011endike moved that they be approved as mailed; seconded-byDorothyGarvin: motion carried. After each section of the proposed rules and.procedures for the:;zoning..commission:had been read by Dale Haarr and discussed by the Zoning'Commission, Walt Griffin moved that the following rules and procedures be adopted: RULES OF PROCEDURE GENERAL GOVERNING RULES The Zoni.ng_Commission is,the Planning Board of jurisdiction -as specified i,n the Flathead County.Comprehensive Zoning Regulations and shall be governed by the.provisions of all applicable state statutes, local laws, ordinances and these rules. A. OFFICERS AND.DUTIES 1—Chairman and Vice -Chairman The Chairman and Vice -Chairman of the.Planning Board, elected annually, shall serve as officers of the -Zoning Commission. The Chairman,_or in his.absence or incapacity, the Vice -Chairman, shall:decide all points.of order.or procedure. I 2.. Zoning Administrator In accordance with Section 6 of.the.Zoni.ng.Regulations, the zoning Administrator shall; keep.all records, conduct all correspondence,of the. Commission and supervise.the:clerical work -.of the Commission.,.The Zoning Administrator shall keep a minute book of the proceedings of each meeting and each hearing which shall include. the yote.on each.question; a summary of the facts on which the recommendation.is based, and the recommendation rendered, and other official actions of the Commission. -� MEETINGS. 1.. Quorum _ A quorum shall, -con si-st of a majority.of voting members of the Commission. 2.-. Time of Meet-ing _ Regular meetings shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., -in the Flathead County Cour-thouse East Community Room or at such other hour as the Chairman may designate-; The first regular meeting in January shall constitute the annual organization meeting of the Commission. Wheneverithere are no applications for zone changes, proposed amendment_s,;supplementations, or modifications of the text of the Flathead County Comprehensive Zoning Regulati-ons, or other pertinent business to be considered at a regular meeting, the Chairman may dispense with such meeting by so notifying each member at least 48 hours prior to.the time set for such meeting. 3. Order of Business. The order of business shall conform to that_ ofi the Planning -Board: a_ Roll call b. Minutes. c. Communicat,ions. d. . Public.Hearings. e. Miscellaneous Business. f. Adjournment. 4. Voting and Disqualification of Members. All matters shall be decided by roll call vote and be decided by majority vote. No member of the Commission shall vote on any matter in which he shall be.personally or financially interested.:_ PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Matters Requiring Public Hearings. A public hearing shall be required in all matters involving proposed amendments,.supplementations or modifications to the text,of thezoning regulations or ,the Official Zoning Map.: 2.. Notice of Hearings. t No action shall be taken -upon a request for a proposed amendment, supplementation or modification of the text of these regulations or the Official Zoning Map until proper notice has been given and a public hearing held in accordance with Section 6.13 of the Zoning Regulations. 3. Conduct of Public Hearings-. Any person may appear in person, by agent or attorney at any -public hearing. The order of proceedings in the hearing of each -case at a public hearing shall be as follows,: a. Reading of -the public notice for the.hearing by the Chairman. b. Reading of pertinent written.comments.or - reports concerning the request.. c. .Testimony of Applicant and/or Witnesses.in. favor of the request.' d. Testimony of Witness in opposition to.the request. 2.. Good and Welfare. Mobile Home Park in Depth Study, Prior to Approval. J.E.Mohn/ee 10-6-77 4. that the developer insure a full 601.right-of-way for all proposed roads and if the.30' easement shown on the Walters property is not incorporated within the design, that a full 60'.right-of-way be taken from the developer's portion of the subdivision plan and all roads be built to County standards and dedicated to the County. The motion was seconded by Fran 011endike: motion carried. W. J. Lupton moved that the Board adopt the policy: 1. examining proposals for mobile home parks in depth, particularly to determine .: conformity with all existing regulations and 2.. recommend the approval of a mobile home park, only when it conforms with all regulations, there is a definite need in the area so proposed, and its development is clearly in the best interests of the community as a whole. Following considerable discussion, Fran 011endike seconded the motion. There was additional discussion.. Question was called for. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 12:15 a.m. PRESIDENT SECRETARY 5• We the undersigned, members of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board, Acting as the Zoning Commission, do hereby waive notice of meeting and consent that a meeting of the Board be :held, Tuesday, September 13, 1977 at 7:30 p.m. in the Flatheadhouse East,, Meeting Room, 723 5th.Ave. E.,Kai ispel1, Mt. Dale Haarr Fran 011endike JnOAA, 6,dUUULI Walt Griffi Dorothy Gar W. J . Luptor Harvey KneL Ray Lybeck