08-09-77``ORIGINAL Minutes & Supplement in the Kalispell City -County Planning` Board, Book of
(First discussions
Re: Kalispell City -
County Planning Board,
Act i nas Zoninq
Minutes approved.
Eastside Zoning Districi
Resolution 266.
Procedures for Zoning
Commission Meetings.
A meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board was held
on Tuesday, August 9, 1977 at 7:30 p.m. in the Flathead County
Courthouse East Community Room, 723 5th.•Avenue East, Kalispell,Mt. "
Members Present:
Dorothy Garvin
Walter A. Griffin Jr.
Fran, 011endike
Dale W. Haarr
Wm., J. Lupton
Ray Lybeck
Garmen Meadows
Others Present:
2 APO Staff Representatives
3 Guests
Meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman, Dale Haarr,
at 7:45 p.m.
The minutes of the July 26, 1977 meeting were approved as mailed.
:Jane Lopp reviewed Resolution 266 which created the Eastside
Zoning District. There was a brief discussion by Members of the
Board. Mrs. Kathleen Jukich described which tracts she thought
had been excluded from the district.
Copies of sample zoning commission procedures and a Zoning
Amendment Petition were distributed. Jane Lopp discussed possible
methods that..would separate the functions of the Planning Board
and Zon-i-n-g---Commi ss-i-on-.--- Ga-rmen---Meadows—suggested that the Board
convene as a zoning commission, adjourn and reconvene -as a
planning board on one meeting of the month and leave one meeting
open for long range planning and other related discussions.
Fran 011endike commented about the possible number of public
hearings that may occur at anyone meeting, setting an example,
that the previous planning board public hearings lasted till two
o'clock in the morning. Garmen suggested that alternatives be
looked into speeding up the procedure by beginning review of
subdivision proposals two weeks prior to the scheduled public
hearing for subdivisions. All Board -Members joined in the
discussion of the preliminary review possibilities and as to what
information the Board felt they needed. Jim Mohn handed out
copies for upcoming subdivisions to be heard at the August 24th
meeting and the Board was given the benefit of reviewing all
material that is submitted.for subdivision review.. A discussion
of subdivision review procedures and subdivision regulations
followed. Harvey Knebel suggested that the first meeting of the,
month should be held as a zoning commission and that the second
meeting be convened as a planning board for subdivision review.
Bill Lupton commented on the professionalism that the Board
provided with regards to review and evaluation of subdivisions
and suggested that the Board meet on the first Tuesday of each
month as a zoning commission, the second Tuesday each month
for general planning pu.rposes.and the fourth Tuesday of every
month for planning board and subdivision review.
iarvey Knebel asked about conduct of zoning commission meetings
and the time requirements involved in Zoning Commission action.
Jane Lopp outl.ined.the time requirements for administration of
the Zoning Regulations and advised that the only time requirements
pertained to legal notices and notification of other persons
involved prior to the public hearing, not to action by the
Preview of Subdivisions.
Later discussion followed along the lines of both zoning
procedures and subdivision review items that the Board
felt would be necessary. Comments directed towards the
Annexation Checklist were, discussed and Walt Griffin
commented that the data outlined along with facility maps
and a small scale map of proposed subdivisions should be
adequate to provide the Board with review material for the
two weeks prediscussion period prior to public hearing.
Discussion on zoning procedures followed. It was suggested
that an item be added to conduct hearings, to include
Commission discussion. Harvey moved that the Zoning.
Commission meet the 1st meeting of:the month; seconded by
Walt Griffin: motion carried:-.
Dale Haarr suggested that in addition to these comments the
Board study the procedures and continue discussion in two
Also discussion as to procedures for the conduct of the
planning board meeting.and public hearings were discussed.
Board Members genera lly agreed that procedures and policy
should be adopted -for conduct of all meetings particularly
in the absence of presiding officers.
After` discussion of the sample zoning amendment procedure,
-i t-was-dec-i-ded- to-cont_i_nu.e=_r_evi ew_at the_ next meeting
but use the sample form during the Anterim. Dale Haarr
reminded the Board to present suggests on forms and
procedures. at the. next meeting.._..'
Jim Mohn handed out all documents submitted -to the APO Office
for subdivision application for Board Members to review.
He briefly:outlined the intent and purpose of the following
subdivisions and sited their -locations -and sizes:
.1. Bronson (two unit.mobile home park proposal)
.2.. South:Meadows"Subdivision
3. Sumi t ,Ridge ,No. 1
4. Silver Shadows Estates
Brief discussion as .to the amounts of information provided
foll.owed and the general consensus was that a brief outline,
a vicinity map, a small -subdivision map and possibly the
.covenants was determined -to be adequate information to
provide:to:the Board at themeeting conducted two weeks
prior. to the public hearing.
Following some general remarks, the meeting adjourned at
.10:50 -p.m.,
We the undersigned; members of the Kalispell!City-County Planning Board, do
hereby waive notice of meeting and consent that a meeting of the Board be held,
Tuesday, August 9, 1977, at 7:30 p.m..in the Flathead County Courthouse East,
Meeting Room, 723,,5th. Avenue East, Kalispell,.Montana.