Jistabo Public Comment from Jake BurtoskyAimee Brunckhorst
From: Jake Burtosky <jakeburtosky7@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2024 4:46 PM
To: Womens.Bureau@DOL.GOV; ovw.info@usdoj.gov; General Information;
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Subject: EXTERNAL Jistabo
Attachments: Asterisk (You Keep this Love).pdf, Nigger Cuntjpg; Mercury.png; Trick Hose, Trick
House, Trick Hoes (Divest)jpg; I Would Cut Joe Biden's Hand Offjpeg
[NOTICE: This message includes an attachment -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you
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#trickhouse #worldcolumbianexposition
Should the thespian Brad Pitt be investigated in relation to my affairs? Should Brad Pitt be investigated
for embezzling money from museums which he petitions the investment of in California?
#chicxulub #chustate #atenism #jujutsioux
Juxtapose the Chu state of now -China, the formation of the Chicxulub Asteroid Crater, Atenism, Daito-
Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Japanese Martial Arts & the former Takeda Samurai Clan of Japan when juxtaposed
Niccolo Machiavelli, duality, Pisa, Italy, the (W. Zodiac) Taurus ascendancy, the (Egyptian) deity Horus &
the formation of Mexican pesos when Daito-Ryu is pronounced or transposed "da-eye-toe-are-why-you,"
pa -eye -toe -are -why -you," day-sho-are-why-you" or "pay-sho-are-why-you." Juxtapose the Great
Proletarian Cultural Revolution of the People's Republic of China from nineteen -sixty-six until nineteen -
seventy -six with the Sturmabteilung during the German Third Reich, the nation of Vietnam when
juxtaposed the Catholic Church & the formation of Australia, the nation of Honduras when juxtaposed
the Catholic Church & the Mexican Revolution & my memory from an edition of Merriam Webster's
Vocabulary Word Builder other than the edition I possess today of Japanese neo-conservatism of the
United States auto industry in the nineteen eighties. Juxtapose Confucius's analects with the Mona Lisa
Del Giaconda, Niccolo Machiavelli, Catholicism & the formation of the United States. Was Moses
Pentateuch & the rest of the Bible written sine qua non Plato's Republic evident by Socrates's death by
hemlock & theoretical portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Apophis when juxtaposed Dein Bein Phu, Vietnam
when juxtaposed the enactment of the holocaust during the German Third Reich, my theoretical
portrayal as the (Egyptian) deity Set when juxtaposed the character or historical figure "Seth's" lineage
extending past that of his siblings in the Bible's genealogical tree, the Platonic Virtues implemented by
the Catholic Church & my portrayal as Lucifer in the Bible's book of Revelations when juxtaposed Plato's
writing on Atlantis? Juxtapose the People's Republic of China with Plato's Republic. Did the Aztec form to
skin & cannibalize in credulous adherence to Biblical leadership while the Mexican Revolution was
conducted in opposition to Biblical influence in Mexico evident by my memory of "Viva Zapata" by John
Steinbeck & the former President of Mexico Porfirio Diaz when juxtaposed the Poverello Homeless
Shelters in Missoula, MT, USA, the formation of the Americas, the Incan Civilization & the Can -Can & the
ceremonious skinning & cannibalism conducted by the Aztec when juxtaposed my theoretical portrayal
as the Devil, Satan or Lucifer in the Bible? Did Jujutsu Japanese Martial Arts form in apologia for
corpulent people who have been used as an excuse for warfare throughout human history; for example,
that between the Wu & Chu states of now -China which I remember to have read from "Sun Tzu's Art of
War & Other Classics on Eastern Philosophy," while warfare, evident by the Russian Military Operation in
Ukraine, the (E. Zodiac) Gou, Hu, Tu & Long signs when juxtaposed the Wu state of now -China &
transposed "the year of the Hu, the year of the Wu, year Tu, Gou Long" & the timing of my petition for the
alleviation of legislative monogamy in the now -United States, has been naturally occurring on Earth sine
qua non the fulfillment of polygamy? Do corpulent people potentially secure intimate partners while
existing as facile targets for recrimination in justification of war responsible for the formation of Jujutsu
while also often forming to live without intimate partners thus moralizing the likelihood of not securing an
intimate partner which has been the motive of war throughout history? Does my petition for China & the
Koreas to assimilate & change to the name of Taiwan or Tibet while either the Chugoku or Chubu region
of Japan changes to the name of Wugoku or Wubu feature the preservation of the Chu state as the
corpulent form to assuage the nature of polygamy which has been the source of warfare throughout
human history? Why did Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu, the Takeda Samurai Japan of the approximate years of
1100-1600 Japan, the US states of Minnesota, Kentucky, Utah, Montana & Massachusetts, the Chu state
of now -China &Atenism form?
#gou #gianforte #odipho #trickhouse #pisces #gemini #currency #decryptocurrency
Why did the US state of Alaska form: Joe Biden's Presidency evident by my theoretical portrayal as the
Devil in the Bible when juxtaposed Joe Biden's age, the psychology engendered from women & children in
response to Catholicism & Joe Biden's incorporation of Catholic themes into his Presidential
Administration? Juxtapose Lake Superior when juxtaposed the (W. Zodiac) Aquarius ascendancy with the
shaping of the US state of Montana (MT), Washington D.C., the naming of the US state of Washington
(WA), the Wales (WA) & Northern Territory (NT) regions of Australia when juxtaposed the word neuter &
the shaping of the Puget Sound & the Straits of Juan de Fuca & Georgia in the US state of Washington
when juxtaposed the (W. Zodiac) Aquarius ascendancy, the shaping of the US state of Alaska & the
writing of Niccolo Machiavelli's It Principe when It Principe is transposed "It Pinchipe" &juxtaposed my
theoretical influence on the formation of the (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendancy & the (W. Zodiac) Cancer
ascendancy, Dennis & Phyllis Washington & Butte, MT, USA when juxtaposed the L & M in Missoula, MT,
USA, the German phrase mein leben & Adolf Hitter's Mein Kampf. Juxtapose the (W. & E. Zodiac) Gemini
& Gou ascendancy & sign when juxtaposed my theoretical influence on the US state of Montana & the
Governor of Montana Greg Gianforte. Juxtapose the Governor of Montana Greg Gianforte with the former
Whig Party of the United States, the Mayor of Helena Wilmot Collins when his name is transposed Will -
Mot Call -him &juxtaposed my theoretical portrayal as the (Canaanite) deity Mot when Mot is transposed
"might -knot" &juxtaposed the knot formation on Jupiter & Dennis & Phyllis Washington, my petition for
Scarlett Johansson's investigation when juxtaposed her spouse Colin Jost's when his name is transposed
"Call -him, Joust" & my theoretical influence on the Yellowstone Caldera, the nine -one -one emergency
number of the United States & the US state of Texas when Caldera is transpose "Call -Dare -Ha," when
emergency is transposed "emerge -and -see" & when Texas is transposed "Text -as." Juxtapose the
Governor of Texas Greg Abott with the Governor of Montana Greg Gianforte & my (postmodern/dialectic
admonishment) writing "Disrepute Lebron James & Recall Greg Gianforte." Evident by Joe Biden's
theoretical influence on the formation of my brain trauma & the shaping of the US state of Alaska, should
Montana's Governor Greg Gianforte be investigated as to be recalled for colluding an illegal justification
of becoming Governor: the theoretical abetting of Dennis & Phyllis Washington's illegal enterprise or
embezzlement from Federal Congress sine qua non the premeditated election of Joe Biden as President
which I theorize was colluded concurrently with the two -thousand -sixteen election of Donald Trump as
President in order to maintain the balance of power in favor of the oligarchy responsible for the election
of the Barack Obama administration? If Montana's Governor Greg Gianforte is investigated to be recalled
on account of my application, do I demand placement into Witness Protection or Victim Assistance
Programing as the Governor is the authority often first regarded to arbitrate the utilization of an executive
order to respond to emergency scenarios such as the pain caused to the man responsible for the shaping
of the Puget Sound & Straits of Juan de Fuca on account of an unconstitutional Federal Executive
Administration? My initial motivation to petition Greg Gianforte's recall was on account of my dislike of
what I perceived as his behavior within psychology as I formed to share evidence to be responsible for
the US state of Montana & (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendancy while portrayed as the (Indian, Hindu, Deva or
Buddhist) mythological figure Maitreya Buddha: a motivation which I am proud to have satisfied as my
application continues to be ignored while Montana's Office of the Governor theoretically possess the
greatest authority which the accommodation of my life requires. Has my life been responsible for the
impeachment inquiry of the Biden Administration & if so, have I been repudiated placement into Witness
Protection Programing by the standards of legislative protocol in which Witness Protection Programming
has been appropriated? Am I a victim of the highest degree of libel, discrimination, attempted murder &
other charges, which I am uncertain of the classification of, as result of my portrayal as the Devil, Satan
Wor Lucifer in the Bible & if so, do I satisfy the prerequisite of placement into Victim Assistance or
Witness Protection Programming as law enforcement action is taken against sources of Biblical
promulgation & I am facilitated criminal Wor civic recompense? I would like to be placed into Witness
Protection or Victim Assistance Programming until the results of the investigations against a number of
people who I've accrued evidence to be colluding against me or having an adverse influence on my life
such as Dennis & Phyllis Washington, Donald Trump, Lebron James, Scarlett Johansson , Wilmot Collins
& Joe Biden is conducted with conclusive results. I would like to be placed into Witness Protection or
Victim Assistance Programming until my desire to achieve a settlement in response to what I assert as
my conclusive evidence to be portrayed as the Devil, Satan Wor Lucifer in the Bible & living with brain
damage responsible for the shaping of Alaska as result of the Biden Administration is observed as to be
ruled by a global authority on pecuniary sociology as the United States is theoretically belligerent,
dissolute & criminally biased against my person as Supreme Court Justices acting today have been
photographed taking oaths on the Bible.
#amt #mantenna #hou #shu
After being extrinsically motivated to ejaculate last evening in what I perceived as an act of persiflage
while sleeping on the ground of the homeless shelter I share evidence my life to have been responsible
for, which I attempt to resolve the acculturation of with my petition for the fulfillment of the "Merciful
Accommodations Act" (MAA) which theoretically formed sine qua non the acculturation of my residence
at the shelter & portrayal as the (Buddhist, Hindu, Indian or Deva) mythological figure Maitreya Buddha, &
after perceiving the source of my persecution experience moral compunction this morning only to renew
threats of my persecution, I would like to again express my desire for the US state of Montana to be
changed in name. I am not happy about the way I am being treated & feel as if I have been repudiated
what should have been the arrangement of a salary which would have allowed me to have enjoyed
Missoula as a bachelor & middle class citizen. Would America & the Can -Can not have formed if not for
my presence in Missoula's homeless shelters in the winter of 2023-2024? Juxtapose the Can -Can with
my (theoretically) impaired voluntary muscle initiation sine qua non my fall down twenty -five -steps of
stairs as an infant, my theoretical influence on the formation of the human species evident by the
surface of Mars & formation of the US state of Alaska, wavelength & the formation of the Chicxulub
Asteroid Crater.
#jiodd #ushabtis
As I theorize my evidence to be portrayed as God & Allah, if not recognized, will prompt another to
proclaim him or herself as God or Allah as to benefit from my handicap in my place, I would like to
petition being either formally recognized as the person portrayed as God & Allah or for mention of God &
Allah to be reformed from global religious promulgation. Have Moses & Jesus Christ attempted to
proclaim themselves as God in my place promulgating my portrayal as the Devil, Satan or Lucifer while
doing so?
#budai #burjkhalifa #artifica[intelligence #cootenai #dubai
Should my memory of Budai Chan's claims be veritable, I vehemently contest Budai Chan's claims to
portrayal or existence as the (Indian, Hindu, Buddhist or Deva) mythological figure Maitreya Buddha: a
matter I perceive while writing this post as a source of my persiflage & belligerent trespass in relation to
what I would describe as conclusive evidence of not only my portrayal as Maitreya Buddha; however, my
influence on the formation of Buddhism sine qua non my promulgation of the Ontological Distribution
Theory I petition to supersede Darwinism. I theorize Buddhism's "vague & mystic" themes will become
less prominent once the ODT formally supersedes Darwinism. Like I petition to formally recognized as
God & Allah I would like to petition formal recognition as Maitreya Buddha.
Juxtapose my theoretical influence on the (W. Zodiac) Gemini ascendancy. Can -Can & naming of the
American continents with the (W. Zodiac) Cancer ascendancy, chemotherapy, the subject of chemistry
educated in schools, newborns, morticians & the Poverello Homeless Shelters in Missoula, MT, USA. I
theorize my life, at approximately 11:00 PM -1:00 AM MDT on the date of July 14th, 2024 or July 15th,
2024, to have been responsible for the word chemistry sine qua non my theoretical influence on the (W.
Zodiac) Cancer ascendancy.
#minnesota #glycemic #diabetic #dialectic #diamond
Juxtapose my brain & cranial trauma with servility, warfare throughout history & incentive. I theorize my
life at approximately 1200 AM MDT on July 15th, 2024 to have been responsible for the Greek word for
sugar glyc evident when glyc is transposed "g-lick" or "ji-lick" &juxtaposed my theoretical influence on
the formation of the US state of Alaska & (E. Zodiac) Gou sign. (May Joe Biden be responsible for the
kidnap & torture of a child should he think the previous sentence is sufficient evidence to justify his
#ion #valence #mercury #astatine
Juxtapose valence & ionization with electron configuration, mutability, the likelihood of one element
changing to another on the Periodic Table of Elements & trigonometry.
I theorize frogs formed the evening of July 14th, 2024 at approximately 8:30 PM MDT as flies engaged in
my psychology attempted to liken me to Niccolo Machiavelli.
#potassium #kettlehouse #karamazov #karaoke
Juxtapose the word booking with my last name, Leon Trotsky, my theoretical influence on the formation
of the (PTE) element potassium sine qua non a karaoke performance at the Badlander Bar in Missoula,
MT, USA approximately two months ago & the word king.
#crooklyn #ucrwtsk
I theorize the borough of Brooklyn in New York City, NY, USA formed sine qua non the (explicit) "Shook
Ones, Part Two" by Mobb Deep & my teeth at approximately 12:27 PM MDT on July 15th, 2024.