Warming Shelter vote and meeting Public Comment from Kim ShirleyAimee Brunckhorst
From: Kim Shirley <corvidaedd@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 9:20 AM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: EXTERNAL Warming Shelter vote and meeting
Good Morning Kalispell City Council members,
My name is Kim Shirley and I both live and workvery close to the warming shelter. I just found out THIS
MORNING about yet another meeting last night about the warming shelter. I wish I would've known as I
would've attended to voice my concerns yet again.
Since I wasn't able to attend (as I didn't know about it), I'm writing here again to urge you to rescind the
permit for them. I definitely feel there should be a shelter, but not in this neighborhood. Honestly, not in
any neighborhood. The hardworking citizens of Kalispell shouldn't have to feel unsafe in their
neighborhoods .... Or have to pick up needles. Or human feces. Or garbage. Or worry about loitering in
their yards/businesses.
The many stories I could tell, my neighbors could tell, and others could tell you should be enough to
pause the breaks on the shelter and figure out a better solution.... either make them for accountable for
what they've attracted to our neighborhood and come up with an action plan on how to address the
concerns I've heard from so many in the area OR move to an area that isn't in the middle of a
I appreciate that they're a low barrier shelter giving a space for those that need it in the cold. But what
about the people they turn away??? They end up loitering at our businesses and yards. I think this is
the issue. People loiter before the shelter opens and then when they aren't let in they loiter.
Perhaps have a shelter in a spot that isn't in the middle of a neighborhood?
Maybe have a couple of shelters spread across town so when some are turned away there is another
spot they can go to? Or maybe have a mental health facility for those that clearly need it?
I wish there were more mental health facilities because there is a need. On July 1 st I heard screaming
outside while I was working (I work at 860 N Meridian.... across the street from the shelter) at 4/4:30pm
and popped my head out the door to see what was going on and I saw a man walking (and occasionally
jogging) away from the shelter towards the fairgrounds just screaming and waving his arms towards the
cars. He was clearly upset the shelter was closed. I then went to the post office to drop off some
packages and when I came out the man had made his way down the sidewalk by the fairgrounds and he
was still screaming on the top of his lungs ... at this point I couldn't understand exactly what he was saying
but every other word was'Damn' or Tu#@". It was pouring rain at that point and you could hear him
above the rain and cars driving by on wet roads. He clearly needed help. In a situation like that, who do I
call to help? The police are out because he's not committing a crime just walking and yelling at the cars
and the air. He was obviously in mental distress. I wish there was a place where individuals having a
mental health crisis could get the mental services they need. Maybe it would help the shelter and help
the neighborhood?
Anyway, I wish that I had known about the meeting. I would've attended to voice my concerns, yet
again .... even though I'm not the best public speaker. I hope that you seriously consider the voices of
those that live and work in the area that have had a direct impact from the shelter moving in.
Thanks so much and have a lovely day,