- 5_-1, 0- 77 -
Minutes approved.
North Village Zoning
City Zoning Regs.
1977 Projects.
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning
Board was held on May 1-0..1977 at 7;30.p.m.,.Tuesday, in
the Flathead. County. Courthouse East Community Room
723.5th. Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana.
(Members Present:
James J. Thompson .
Walter A. Griffin Jr.
Charles L. Hash
Dorothy Garvin
Fran 011endike
Harvey Knebel
Dale W. Haarr
Ray Lybeck
Others.. Present
1 APO Staff Representative
3 Guests
The meeting was called to order by.President Jim Thompson
at 7:38 p.m.
A motion to approve the minutes, as mailed, was made by
Dorothy Garvin,. seconded by Fran.011endike and carried.
.Letters regarding preliminary approval of North Haven He
Lake Shore Hills, No. 1, Sunrise Terrace #2 and Country
Village II by the Board of County Commissioners were read..
Jane Lopp reviewed with the Board the proposed North Village
Zoning District, Duane BitneyI owner of the property was
asked by the Board if he concurredwith. the Staffs
recommendation. He responded that he was in agreement with
the Staff recommendation for R-4,.RA-1,.and RA-2.. The
Board discussed these use classification as they related
to the use capacity of the water and sewer systems.
Harvey Knebel stated that the,.proposed maximum of 3,800 .
dwe lling units would be compatible with the present municipal
line. Dale Haarr suggested that more adequate housing would
contribute to downtown reclamation. Jim Thompson stressed
the need .to revitalize the city core while Ray Lybeck
emphasized the need to relieve the pressure on farmland,
Dale Haarr: moved that the Kalispell City-
County Planning Board recommend that the North Village Zoning
District be created as petitioned with the following changes;
"That the 15.acres.south of the golf course be
zoned R-4 and the north -approximately 50 acres
be zoned RA^ 1 .' 1,
seconded.by Dorothy Garvin and carried,
The status of the City'Zoning Regulations was reviewed.
Jim Thompson reported on�_SB 401.that pertains to Building
Codes. Healso mentioned availability of 701.funds and
the futility.of applying,
The Boarddiscussedwork projects to.be.submitted to the
A.P.O. for the 1977 fiscal year.. The A.P.O. will be
requested:to.give high priority to.assisting Kalispell
rr moved that the.meeting be adjourned. Adjourned at 9:30 Pm'
en ike seconded, motion carried.
We the.undersigned, members of the.Kalispell City -County Planning Board, do hereby
waive notice of meeting and consent that a meeting of the Board be held Tuesday,
May 10, 1977, at 7;30 p.m. in the Flathead County Courthouse East, Meeting Room,
723 5th. Avenue E., Kalispell, Mt..
Nh� / 4/cYti.