The regular meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board was
field on Tuesday, March 8, 1977 at.7;30.pmm,.in:'the:Flathead County
Health Service Center, a.k.a. Flathead County Courthouse East,
Meeting Room,. 723, 5th. Avenue East, Kalispell.
Members present:.. Others_presen.t;
Garmen Meadows i 1 APO.Staff,Representative
Joy Shropshire 3 Guests
Dorothy Garvin..
James J. Thompson
Dale W. Haarr
Dade Williams
William J. Lupton
Charles L. Hash
The meeting was called to order by President Jim Thompson at 7430 P.M.
Minutes approved.
Ray Lybeck;moved that the Minutes be approved as mailed; seconded by
Dale Williams: Motion carried.
Jensen's Mobile
Jim Mohn read a .letter, .dated March 7, 1977, from the Board of
Home Park.
County Commissioners, Frank-Guay, Chairman, to the Kalispell'City-"
County Planning Board. regarding the Jensen.'s Mobile Home Park
expansion. Discussion was tabled till later in the meeting.
Jim Mohn then -read a 'letter, .dated March 4, 1977, from the Board
Wrecking Yard;
of -County -Commissioners to Terrence D.",Carmody, Chief of Solid Waste
Application Req.
Management Bureau, Department of Health and Environmental Sciences,
for Whitefish,
Helena, Mt., regarding new applications for a�wrecking yard in the
Whitefi.sh.area. No comments were made.
City, CouncI_1
Dal e W i 11 i ams in f o rmed :the. Board of ..the C;i'ty Counc i 1 ' s actions for
the.previous three weeks:
Gilman Addn.
1. Gilman Addition was annexed.:
No. 1 Residence
2.. A resolution of intent to amend the existing No. 1 Residence
District to remove 4, plexes.as permitted 'uses was passed, with
a hearing scheduled for April 18'.
March 14 Mtg..
3.. A preliminary meeting with Steve Petrini and'the City Council
re: Zoning 'Regs.
is set for March 14., to.disquss Chapter 6 of the proposed zoning
Buffalo Hill
4. Buffalo Hill Apts and Commercial Complex; Action on the annexation
has been delayed until the City moritor.ium is lifted.
Checklist -
5. The moritori'um should be.lifted later this month on annexations
Subdivisions &
pending approval of the Checklist on Subdivision and Annexation
Procedures for the City of Kalispell. This to be discussed later
in the, meeting.
Park View Terrace
Jim Mohn. presented the Staff Report and recommendations on the
Add. #1Lots 33-
Kalispell Addition.#81, Lots'33 - 44 Park View Terrace Addition No. 1.
Stan Pine, developer of the project, stated plans and answered
questions from the Board Members. concerning short and long range plans
for these 12 dots and the adjoining properties to the east.
Jensen'-s Mobile -Home -
Park Expansion.
Flathead County
Community Water
Subdivision and
Annexation Checklist.
Next Mtg. March 29,
-Discussi,on was givenAto.!t.he`i.nclusion of,the City.Council with
regards, to any changes -in the' proposed Covenants and the future
needs and land uses' for'the Buffalo HH1 area.
Following considerable discussion as to the Board's purposes -J
and obligations as a planning board and how those relate to this
development. Charles Hash made the following motion:
"That the Board defer action on the proposed 12 lot
annexation until the Staff can complete further study of
the area bounded by US 93, Grandview Lane and Sunnyview
Lane. The land use study to determine the relationship of
existing and potential uses of the area".
Motion seconded by Dale Haarr: Motion carried.
Further.mention was given to possible limitations' on duplexes on
Lots 41 through 44 to limit -,the heights of structures and total
densities to avoid potential property valuation conflict. Also
potential conflicts with agricultural operations on lands to the,
north was mentioned. -
'Jim Mohn reviewed the revised letter from -the County Commissioners
_dated'February 17,,1977: Di-scussion was g-iven to Item 7, which
related to:water supply systems.
The consensus of the Board was that the letter of preliminary
approval was acceptable and could be -forwarded to the Ea, sts i de,
Planning Advisory Group for -their review -and approval.
Bruce Jensen'wa's'present, so the Board reviewed the letter O
from the Board of County Commissioners dated -March 7, 1977
and indicated their wish to reaffirm their previous action
as st'i pupated at' their -January 25., 1977 meet°i ng as spec1 f i ed in
their January 26, 1977 letter to-the;Board of -County Commissioners.
The Staff was to advise the Board of County Commissioners of
their affirmation.
Jim Mohn presented the current status -of, the Flathead County
Comp'reh'en's i ve Plan a-s fol lows :'
1.. Populat.ion element is completed.
2.. Update of- Community Facili-ties and Economic elements
are in `progress.
3. Final maps for.printing are being prepared.
4. Printing of text and maps is tentatively scheduled for April.
A brief discussion was' given to possible county standards for community
water systems for subdivisions not being served by municipal
systems. 'The County ;Comm isstoners and the Staff are looking
into possible standards.
Jim Mohn handed out copies of the proposed Checklist and noted some
minor word changesjo be made and stated that a time table flow chart
and fee schedule would be attached. , He. also stated -that the fees
could be handled by -the City i•f-the- City so desired. -Also _..:
page-2 of tha-Checklis-t would be included. These refinements
wouId'be made and .copies mailed to�the.CounciI Members.this week,
The Board was 'advised' that the'next meeting 'Would be held March 29,
ins e �1a-ECh 22 as previously scheduled. Being no further business
mee in djourned.,at 10:00 pm.
We the undersigned, members of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board,
do hereby waive notice of meeting and consent that a meeting of the Board be
held.Tuesday, March 8, 1977, at 7:30 P.M. in the Flathead County Health Service
Center Meeting Room.