Minutes approved.
Sunrise Terrace #2.
Buffalo::'Hill. -
Apartments &
Commercial Complex.
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The regular meeting of the.Kalispell City-County.PlAnning Board
was held on Tuesday, February.22,.1977.at 7;30'.p.q. in the
Flathead County. Health..Service Centex'Cafeteria, 723 5th Avenue
East, Kalispell. -
Members -present: Other present
Harvy L. Knebel 1 APO Staff Representative
James J. Thompson 4 Guests
--Dorothy-Garvin -
Fran 011endike
Ray Lybeck
Garmen Meadows
Dale-W. Haarr
William J: Lupton
Charles L. Hash
The meeting was called to. Order by President Jim Thompson at
7:40 p:m..
Dale Haarr moved that the Minutes -be approved as mailed; seconded
by Dorothy Garvin. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed a letter, dated February 18, 1977, copy
attached, from the Board of County Commissioners regarding
Sunrise Terrace #2. Attached to the letter was a proposed
preliminary approval statement for Sunrise Terrace #2.
The seven condition approval statement was submitted to the Board
for their review and subsequent -review and approval by the
Eastside County Planning Unit.
Following considerable discussion dealt with the water
system, the county's road policy and -possible commercial uses
in the development, Charles Hash made the following motion:
"'That the Kalispell City -County Planning Board return the
Commissioners' proposal to them with the following comment with
regards' to Item #2 of their -statement.- "if theproposed
alternative of private roadways is accepted bythe..developer,
specifications for the construction and surfacing of such
roadways (in addition to the width -of the.rightlof-way) shall
be imposed by the County Commissioners to insure the adequacy
and suitability of the roads to serve the residents of the
Seconded by Garmen Meadows. Motion carried..
Jim Mohn presented the Buffalo Hill Apartment and Commercial
Complex, which is proposed for Annexation to the City of
Kalispell, and the Staff's recommendations for conditions of
the annexation.
Those conditions are as follows; -
1. That all water and sewer systems be approved-by.the.City
2.., that fire.protection facilities -be installed, as directed
by.the.City Fire Chief, .
#1 Residence District..
3. that -those commercial. uses proposed for phase TT -be recon-
sidered by the developer, and that the City limit Phase T1
commercial uses to those which would serve the. -general
neighborhood and not draw from other areas,
4. that a 10'set back from the. existing R/W on Sunny View Lane
be established and restricted from any permanent structures,
to provide for future roadway expansion if necessary,
5. that the developer secure a storm drainage easement across
the property or properties to the east of this site, to
allow for average runoff demands of this proposal. Said
easement could be integrated into an overall storm drain
plan for the area in the future. The location of said ease-
ment should be approved by the City Engineer's Office, and
6. , that.. the final design allow for.a future North -South _through
street. (This could be accomplished in either of two
ways: 1, Utilize the existing private drive along the
west property line,,_ as presently, indicated, and widen to.
60' or provide for a 30' half street to be dedicated along
the east property line.
Tim Gratton, the project developer, explained his concept
and goals to the Board Members.and discussed the future
potential for subdivision of the apartment portion of the
The Board then discussed the six Staff conditions point by
point with the.following results:.
1. OK as presented.
2. Should be amended to read: !'that access and hydrant
locations be approved by:the.fire department
3. Be changed to provide for covenants to be established to
control the development.
4. OK as presented
5. OK as presented
6. Be dropped and a new Item 6 be added to state that the
Kalispell City -Council be made part and party to the .
Covenants established for,the development.
Ray Lybeck moved that the above mentioned items be adopted
as the Board's official action. Seconded by Fran 011endike.
Motion carried.
Jim Thompson stated that he had discussed the proposed
changes in the #1 Residence District with Mayor app,
and she has indicated that action on the change should
be taken in March.
Jim Thompson also mentioned that another meeting with the
Board of Adjustment is.to be Arranged..to.clari,fy the.
powers of the various boards under the proposed zoning
1 Jim Thompson asked if the Staff had sent the Mayor and
City Council the letter requesting the status of the
proposed regulations. This had not been done, but will
be done this week.
Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at
10:20 p.m.
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