Minutes approved!
Sunrise Terrace
No. 1 Residence
District Reg.
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning
Board was held on'Tuesday February 81.1977 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Flathead County Health.Servi.ce Centex Cafeteria,
723 5th. Avenue E.,.Kalispell.
Members present: Others present.-.
Charles L. Hash
James J. Thompson
Garmen Meadows
Dale W. Haarr
Harvey L. Knebel
Fran 011endike
Dorothy Garvin
Jay Shropshire
William J. Lupton
1 APO'Staff Representative
3 Guests
The meeting was called to order by President Jim Thompson
at 7:40 p.m.
Dale Haarr moved that the Minutes be approved as
mailed; seconded by Harvey Knebel. Motion carried. -
Jim Mohn read a carbon copy of a letter dated
January 26, 1977 from the East -Side Planning Unit to
R. Jukich concerning Sunrise Terrace No. 2. (attached)
Garmen Meadows wished to note that planning jurisdiction
should not overlap, i.e.- Kalispell Planning Board
jurisdiction overlapping the East -Side Planning Unit
jurisdiction (Fairmont -.Egan School District).
A discussion of zoning procedures followed.
In relation to Sunrise Terrace No. 2, Garmen noted that
if the highway expands along it's projected R/W, almost
all of Lot 11011, in Sunrise'Terrace, would be taken out.
Harvey Knebel stated that he saw no reason or need for
any commercial development east of the Flathead River.
Abe.Schwartz addressed the Board concerning the No. 1
Residence District regulations currently in force in
the City of Kalispell.
He felt that the current regulations were far to liberal
in the permitted uses, to truly protect landowners and
land values within this zoning district. He stated
that these liberal regulations did not compliment
proper planning. He made mention of the type of
situation which presently'exists. He asked the aid
and/or support of the planning board in attempting to
deal with this problem in the.existing regulations
rather than wait for the new proposed..regulation to
be adopted.
Jim Thompson advised Mr. Schwartz.of the Board's
previous actions concerning this very problem.
Subdivision and
Annexation Policy.
Meeting Suggestions
Discussion of the status of the proposed zoning and
the manner in which it would be implemented followed.
Jim Thompson advised Mr. Schwartz that the Board
would support his efforts in any way possible. He
also stated that he would contact the Mayor to
-determine a date for Council action on the proposed
regulations. It was also suggested that the Board
send a letter to the Council requesting a status
report on the Board's previous request for action to
remove the 4-plex provision from the existing
No. 1 Residence District regulations.
County Commissioner Joe DeLong was asked what zoning
policies the Commissioners may have concerning the
County portion of the Kalispell Jurisdictional Area.
Joe stated.that until.res.idents of,the area request
zoning; the Commissioners do not.intend to impose any
zoning requirements.
Jim Mohn presented a review of .the Subdivision and
Annexation flow chart showing how the two procedures
could be integrated to simplify .the overall legal and
procedural requirement for'the Planning Staff,
Planning Board'and' City Council.
The Board Members were given a rough draft of a
"Subdivision -.Annexation" procedural checklist which
could be used to help persons requesting annexation
and/or subdivisions.in the City of Kalispell. It .
was noted that some points had yet to be addressed,,
and before the preliminary draft was made up,
Members of the Board should call the A.P.O. Office
with their suggestions.
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Bill Lupton and Garmen Meadows suggested that following
the completion and implementation of the "Checklist".
a few other projects.should be considered;
1) a subdivision evaluation checklist for the
.Board Members,
2) someone be selected to handle the Board's
correspondence dir.ectly and
3) establish a format for conducting .Public :Hearings
and general meetings.,
Dale Haarr also noted that it would-be nice if the
Board Members could have "working maps" of the planning
area that they could keep with them. Jim Mohn
briefly described the type of maps used by the APO
Office and stated he would bring samples to the next
aing no, further -business the meeting adjourned at
:45. 4w� �
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