11-23-76C"I'll 11-23-76 Minutes approved. Communications. Public Hearing; Jensen's Mobile Home Park Expansion. Gilman Addition - Continuation. Mobile Home Special District. Review.. The regular meeting of the Kalispell -City -County Planning Board was held on Tuesday, November 23, 1976, at 8 p.m. in the Flathead County Health Service Center Cafeteria, 723 5th. Avenue E., Kalispell. Members presents Charles L. Hash Dale .Williams Garmen Meadows Fran 011endike Harvey Knebel Ray Lybeck Dorothy Garvin William J. Lupton James J. Thompson Dale TV.....Haarr Others present: (1) A.P.O. Staff Representative The meeting was called to order by President Fran 011endike at 8:10 p.m. A motion by Ray Lybeck, seconded -by Dorothy Garvin approved the minutes of October 26, 1976, as mailed. None. Jim Mohn presented the Staff Report and discussed those reasons for denial, as they related to Mobile Home Park Regulations as they concerned Jensen's Mobile Home Park Expansion. Mr. Bruce Jensen and Mr. Les Inabnit spoke in favor of the project.. After considerable discussion, Dale Williams moved that the proposal be.denied as.submitted; seconded by James Thompson; Vote. was 5 in favor with 4 abstentions. Mr. Marty. Gilman presented the .new plot plan. Jim Mohn reviewed the traffic study as developed by.Steve Petrini. Park View Terrace Landowners presented a letter and petition stating their concern. Jim Mohn left the.meeting and contacted Bob Woodland, Asst. Fire Chief, to clarify the fire department approval of the new plot plan. This was clarified. Considerable discussion followed. Ray Lybeck moved that the new proposal be approved and that it'be recommended to the City Council; Dale Haarr seconded the motion. Additional discussion followed with a .v6te.of 4 in favor, 2 opposed and 2 abstentions. Copies of the.proposed Mobile Home Special District were distributed for .review and discussion for the next Board meeting. Proposed zoning Regulations - Amendment. Subdivision Checklist. Traffic Counters. Jim Thompson mentioned the planned joint City -County and Planning Board,.meeting to discuss the proposed zoning regulations and possible amendment of existing No. 1 Residential District to eliminate 4 plexes. He asked if the Staff could prepare a chart to show the. .comparisons between existing and, proposed zoning regulations .Garmen Meadows brought up the subdivision checklist, .and stated that such a fist could'be utilized by the. j developers to insure all points of the'..development being covered prior to the Board holding the public hearing. ;Several points of view were discussed, but no official action was taken. The Staff will assess the possibilities further. Bill Lupton moved that the'Staff investigate the costs. of the..purchase of two "quality" traffic counters for use as needed by the Planning Board and .requested that President Fran 011endike be directed to discuss the possible joint .venture with the'..A.P.O. Board at its .next regular meeting: Each of the'four boards could ` possibly provide 25°. of the total cost of such a purchaser from some of their unused budgets, .Seconded by Charles Hash: Motion carried. :Being.no further business the meeting adjourned'at 10:55 p.m. PRESIDENT SECRETARY ee 11-26-76 T� We the undersigned, members of the -Kalispell City -,County Planning i Board, do hereby.,waive notice of meeting and consent that a meeting of the Board be.held Tuesday, November 23.,.1976, at 8 p,m, in the Flathead(ounty.Health.Service.Center Meeting Room,