Ray Lybeck
New Board'
M.inutez approved.;
Pot icy - PatZfi&n'd
Dedication %
Cats h-,in-L:ieu
Dorothy Garvin,
Acting S ecxetar y. ;
Zimmetcman Road
R-1 Zone
Hitt xat Et6tate6
No. 5
Thomas Pxintc:ng
Cta.im-$ R 2.0 0.
Approved. -
The meeting o4 the Ka,P U pett City -County PtanningC . Board was
head :vn :TueAday .S:e�tembue% .14.,. 1476, .ut 8 . p,m... n ,the F kead
County Hea.P.th. Seh;U<i ce. Centa Meeting Room, 723 5th. Avenue' E.
Membw piLa6it:
Fran OtZendike.
Chattel flash_
Harvey Knebet
Dorothy Gcvcvtn,
Wi,U,iam J. Lupton.
Ray LybecU_
Garmen Meadows
Othetus preys ent:
1 APO. Sta44 Repressentat%ve
9: Guests
The meeting o{j the Kat ispe.P.e City -County Ptanning Board was
eatZed to ordeA by, Phan . Ot endike at 8 :10 p: m,
Ray Lybeck was intAoduced as a new appointee, reptac ing Lois
Randatt who -Aecentky Aeskgned.
A motion by Dorothy GaAvin, 6 econded by Ray Lybeck approved
the Minutes o4 August 24 and.31, 1g76, az maned..
A commun.icat i o n %Aom Planning DiAec toA Stephen T. P etAini
regaA4ng pot icy on Pcmk Land Dedication CuAr-in-lieu Thereo jj,
was head.
The Pa&keand Dedication. P6ticy hecommended by, the . A: P: U:
was discussed, Chax,. a flash -suggested that No.,. G. Lane.. 3
be changed to tread 'deteAmined '6y re.quezt�ng an appAaisa4 by
the Ftathead County Apptcatsat 046tce upon: 4ubmis4ti.on o4 the
pAetiminaiWt pZat appt ieat,%0n. Review w<c U continue at .the
next meeting.
A unanimous ba etot was cast, . etec Ling DoAothy, Gaxv<in,
Acting SecxetoAg.
The Board reviewed tke 1Z-1 Zoning . Petition 4or Zimmetcman Road j
it related to the Compnehenstve Ptan and ex utin� .land use pattenns.
Gcvrmen Meadows: moved that the Ptanning Boated &ecommend an -R-1
Zone to the County Commuss<ionetus; Seconded by Cha&Zes lac k:
Motion carried. AZ Popp thanked the BoaAd and Sta44.
A request to wive the Bnvixonmentat Auessment 4on f{<1:R, cAez..t
Eztates No. 5 ways discussed. Pa,%k..band, drainage -and
avaitabZUty and adequacy o4 water were aAeaS o6 coneenn.
A motion to deny the request and .suggest that the request be
resubmitted with more. data was made by ffatevey Knebe2,• Seconded
by Cha ttes Hash: Motion cat ied.
A motion to approve the ctatm ,in the amount o4 $g2,00 4oA
pxinting ojj stationeAy 4ot the Board by Thom" Painting
was made by Dorothy GaAwin.: Seconded by Ganmen Meadow,&,;
Motion camied.
Meeting adjourned at g:20 p;m,
We the undersigned, members of the Kaltspell City -Count- Planni;ng
Board, do hereby- eta Ne not tce. of meet i;ng and consent tb-at a meeting of
the Board be held Tuesday, September 14, 1976, at 8 p.m. to the.Flatbead
County Health: Servtce Center Meettng Room.