08-24-768-24-76 Minutes approved.: Lex Blood - Conservation District: Presentation. Gilman Annexation. Mobile Homes Special District Amendment. The meeting of the Kalispell. City -County Planning Board was held on Tuesday, Auqust .24, 1976, at 8. p.M.-kh the-. Flathead County Health. Service Center Meeting Room, 723. itb.. Avenue.-E. Members present: Others present: Dorothy Garvin 1 APO Staff Representative Dale Haarr Lex Blood, Flathead Conservation Charles Hash District Harvey Knebel 2 Guests Wit liam Lupton Dale Wi'l l rams The meeting of the KalispelI CttyrCounty Planning Board was called to order by Vice -President Dale Haarr at 8:08.p.m. Dale Williams that the minutes of the July 27th meeting be approved as mailed. Seconded by Dorothy Garvin: Motion carried. Lex Blood presented to the Planning Board an aerial photograph and soils breakdown overlay of the Kalispell jurts.dictional area. He then discussed with the Board Members, various proposals which. the Conservation District had discussed regarding the presentation of various types of agricultural lands and how they, might be placed on the soils overlay. He then asked the Board if they had any further comments regarding visual presentations on the overlay. The Board stated that they had none and that the Conservation District should proceed as suggested, Mr. Gilman presented to the Board a revised plot plan of the proposed development in the Gilman Annexation. proposal. He explained that fifty additional feet had been added to the proposed site at the north end of the development. He further stated that the development still included 3 4rplexes, that sufficient parking space had been provided for to the revised development.plan and that city officials had been contacted and a dedication of a pub lic street with a cul-de-sac with 80 foot diameter turning radius would be provided and this would enable fire crews and garbage trucks to service the apartmen-t complex. After d'iscusston by Members of the Board and various questions asked of Mr. Gilman, Wi:lltam Lupton moved that the revised Gilman Annexation request be tabled until a special meeting be held August 31, 1976-at 8 p.m. The motion was seconded by Dorothy Garvin and carried. Steve Petrini: then reviewed the Mobile Homes Special District Amendment to the Flathead County Comprehensive Zoning Regulations as adopted in the Kalispell Jurisdictional Area. The Board discussed various aspects of the proposed Amendment and questioned the ten acre minimum requirements. Also discussed were additional stipulations to be placed as part of the requirements for the Mobile Home District. No definite. conclusions or recommendations were reached and the matter was.deferred for further study. There being no further business to come before the Board, Vice -President Dale Haarr adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m. ee PRES1.DEN SECRETA Y We the underat'gned,.members., of the Kaltspel1 Ctty-County Planning r Board, do hereby waive notice of meeting and consent that a meeting of the Board be held Tuesday,, August 24-,.1976, at.8 p:m, in the Flathead -County H th Service Center Meeting Room.