06-08-766-8,,76. Minutes tabled;: Communtcattons: Public Hearing: Porta Villa Subs division No; 2: Addition #65 Continuation. Special Special Meeting: to be held June 15, 1976; Foy I s La Ice Restoratton Project, A meet i,nfg of the Kal is.pel I .'Ctty-County Planning Board was held on .Tuesday, .4un.e,,8, 1 -76,; at 8, p,m, n..the; I'Q': PQ : Lo . Service Center. Members present:.. Fran Letntnge.r, Ghr,. Charles HasK Dorothy Garvin Garmen.Meadows Harvey Knebel William J. Lupton e Others. present;.. l APO Staff,Representattve '26. Guests`.. The meeting of the KaltspelT City-County-P1ann trig Board was called to order by President Fran-Letntnger at 8:00..pom, No action was taken on the Minutes of May .25.,.'1976, 'Changes were to be made.wtth regard to Mtsston.Vtl.lage and County Village on the proposed agricultural related covenants. A letter, -dated June 8, 1976, from W. E, Wheeler to tCbe Members of the KaltspelI Ctty-County Planning Board was read by James-E. Mohn: In essence, the tndulgement of the larger` developer over the small developer; 'the problem of water and storm drainage; surface -water and santtary serer- factltttes;' C inadequacy of.'s.,treets all r.equtred spectal study. Ccopy attached) The Staff gave a b.rtef revtew of, the proposal, James Scharen,.project developer presented -comments- concerntng the proposal. Several tndtvtduals submttted addtttonal comments both pro and con, The Board was presented wtth a petition, stgne,d. Uy .65 landowners in the area, noting four ttems `of .concern to tfie vtctntty, of 'the proposal., Following d iscuss ton by the Board, and , to 1 tght `of the fact that only three members. present could voteon the proposal,: Harvey Knebel moved tKat action be postponed,, -and that the Chairman be authortzed to call a special meettng; ..Seconded by - Dorothy Garvin: Motion carrted wtth four to favor, Meadows and Hash obstatned. Special meeting was tentatively scheduled for'8 PM, June.15, 1976, at .a place to be'determtned, Pete Vance, Director of 20.8.Water Qua]tty Study. Program, addressed the Board concerning the Foyls'Lake Restoration Project. In order to submit an appltcatton to B;O;R; .for matcFitng federal funding, a sponsor for the project mustBe found. The duties of the sponsor would be to adm'intster the.grant and coordinate the ratstng of matchtng non-federal funds. After dtscusston.on the proposal and posstbtltttes for sponsors, other than poltttcal bodtes, Charles Hash_ moved that the 20.8. Water Qual tty body, sponsor the project -until .such- t tme as, a p r i vate., c �t �zen. - g r. oup : cqu 1 d be . found, Seconded by Carmen .Meadows,.: oMcLt kon carried e Flathead Conservation Due to'the lateness off the meeting action..on tke:Plath-ead District Prop. Guider Conservatt-on. Distrtct Proposed.Gui'delines. and .Rev lew'of n lines Subd.ivtsion Approval :Gidel Ines vas,', postponed tt11 tCie - Review of Subdivts,ion next meeting, Approval Guidelines Postponed. Being no furtLer bus•tness meeting ad;journed'at 10.:.;35.- ftESiDE~NT SEC. --TA Y': We the undersigned, members of the Kalispell City —County Planning Board, i� do hereby waive notice of meet%ng and consent Ah-at a meeting of'the Board be held Tuesday, June 8, 1976, at 8 p.m. in the P. P. & L. Service Center.